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  1. M

    MESA 4x12 Mystery Help Please

    Nice looking score! Have fun with it!
  2. M

    Am I imagining things? - Odd Mesa 4x12

    There's pics on the Mesa site. Here's one link. Good luck!!
  3. M

    Xotic BB or BB+ for Express 5:50?

    Before you make a concrete decision, you should check out the Ethos Overdrive from Custom Tones Inc. I have not tried it, but it looks awesome and I have heard great things about it. Kind of pricey though. Good luck!!!
  4. M

    Happy 4th of July folks!!!!!

    Happy 4th!!! God bless the USA and all you guys on the Boogie Board!
  5. M

    V30s or C90s for RKII?

    I've ran through different combinations with all channels and I guess it all boils down to a matter of taste. Me personally, I like the combination of the two the best. I think they compliment each other well.
  6. M

    Entered the Mark IV club

    Congrats man! Nice setup you have there!
  7. M

    Which Amps Am I Overlooking?

    Wow, I haven't even heard of half of those amp companies. Makes me want to go shopping! :D
  8. M

    New Mesa amp rumor!!

    My sentiments exactly. :D
  9. M

    Well, I guess the MKV is indeed a reality...

    I can not for the life of me believe that Mesa won't come out with a Mark V. Way too many Mark fans out there. New as well as old.
  10. M

    back to Mesa

    Did you get another DR? Congrats on whatever you're getting!
  11. M

    back to Mesa

    Welcome home! We missed ya! :D
  12. M

    is the roadking II gonig to be obsolete???

    The Mark V "will be" the latest and greatest thing. :D
  13. M

    what cables is everyone using??

    I really like my Core X2 cables. I have a Monster cable that's alright, but the Core X2 just seem very tough and reliable. Reasonably priced too. Never had a problem with one yet. I use the instrument and speaker Core X2's. They do have kits too. Never tried the kits though.
  14. M

    Mark IV SUCKS!!!

    How long have they been making the Mark IV??? Can't be all that bad now, can it?
  15. M

    RoadKing owners: the scoop about A+B cabinet switching

    Ya, I think many on here appreciate the detailed clarification. Thanks, I was ready to call Mesa again myself.
  16. M

    Custom finishes

    I personally like the black handle, corners, and piping with the wine taurus. Here's mine: Tan is cool too though. My dealer liked the color combination on mine so much, he was going to order another cab like this.