RoadKing owners: the scoop about A+B cabinet switching

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Active member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hey, folks-

I remember there being some confusion about using the "A+B" cabinet configuration, and I called Mesa to inquire about how to do this without damaging either the power tubes or the transformer by inadvertently putting a 2 Ohm load on the amp.

The Road King manual states, on page 12:

"Note: Do not use the SPKR A+B selection when 2 8 ohm cabinets are each connected to the two 4 Ohm OUTPUTS of each Speaker Output Bank. A 2 Ohm load puts an excessive strain on the power tubes causing them to wear unusually fast"

According to Mesa Customer Service, this is saying that you do not want to hook up TWO 8 ohm loads to the "A" side 4 ohm outputs, and TWO 8 Ohm loads to the "B" side 4 ohm outputs, and then run them in "A+B" configuration.

However, according to Mesa Customer Service, it is perfectly safe to hook up ONE 8 Ohm cabinet (or speaker) to the "A" side 4 ohm output, and ONE 8 Ohm cabinet (or speaker) to the "B" side 4 ohm output, and then to use the cabinet switching in any combination, including the "A+B" setting. When just the "A" or "B" side is selected by itself, you'll have a safe mismatch: a 4 Ohm output into an 8 Ohm Speaker load, and the amp will be a little darker and spongier as a result. When you run this configuration in "A+B", you'll be running the correct match.

Apparently, the cautionary note on page 12 is to alert you not to use multiple 8 Ohm cabinets ON THE SAME SIDE (A or B) using the 4 Ohm outputs.

I hope this clears things up a bit...I had some questions about this myself, and stopped using the cabinet switching for a while as a result.
Useful info, that stuff has scared me quite a bit before with mine, especially when I brought it in for a few repairs on the speaker and tubes.
Ya, I think many on here appreciate the detailed clarification. Thanks, I was ready to call Mesa again myself.
Yeah, been there too. Called 3 different times to 3 different techs. All had the same answer. I think they plan on re-writing that section of the manual. Mine has been on order for 5 weeks now, but have been reading the manual online.
WIll probably run both sides of the 4x12 together anyway. Some here have said that it sounds best that way anyway.
Man, that sucks! The tone then HAS to suffer when using only one cab if 2 are connected? That really sounds like a design flaw! If they can switch rectifiers with tube combinations, why can't they switch ohm settings?
I take it you're SURE about this info? It just sounds strange to me......

sleepingtiger said:
Man, that sucks! The tone then HAS to suffer when using only one cab if 2 are connected? That really sounds like a design flaw! If they can switch rectifiers with tube combinations, why can't they switch ohm settings?
I take it you're SURE about this info? It just sounds strange to me......


I am 100% sure about the wording of the manual, and the directions that they gave IF you plan on running A+B together.

Even with a safe Ohm mismatch, it sounds killer...I was running this setup all night tonight. However, if you aren't too keen on that option, just go pure: run all your high-gain stuff through the 8 Ohm Output into the closed back side on A, and do all your clean stuff through the 8 Ohm Output to the open back side on B, and avoid the A+B combination altogether...
Thanks. I'm aware of what the manual says though. My concern is the mismatch when running one cab. I had planned on running A on 1 channel, B on another & possibly both on the other 2.

I thought that by plugging each 8 ohm cab into the respective 8 ohm jacks, it would automatically "switch"to 4 ohm when A+B were selected......I guess not!

No offense intended, but I'm gonna give them a call, just to hear it myself.
Thanks anyway...

sleepingtiger said:
I stand corrected. I called Mesa & got the same answer. MY APOLOGIES!
I just figured it would be best to go to the source.

None taken, and no apologies necessary. I would rather go to the manufacturer than rely on second hand information, myself. I've seen enough misinformation on some boards to make me want to verify, as well.