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  1. S

    which cabs to try for METAL ONLY? (no "bluesmin",

    burn churches? something tells me youve heard of black metal before hahaha i like to play the songs from "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" if it werent for Emperor, i wouldnt even know how to play the...
  2. S

    Can i run just 2 Kt77's in a Dual Recto?

    less speakers? i thought more speakers would have more resistance and would sound lower compared to the same watts into less speakers (less speakers to soak up power?) i dont really know what im talking about.. i use a shitty peavey 4x12 75w sheffields at 16ohms say, i have to resolder...
  3. S

    which cabs to try for METAL ONLY? (no "bluesmin",

    forgot to mention, not typical american type metal, but black metal, the new speed metal. (this time the drums are fast too) so i use dissonant chords often, the tritone is always in and out and some consonant chords like 1-min3-min7, 1-maj3-maj7 so unlike most "chugga chugga" metal...
  4. S

    which cabs to try for METAL ONLY? (no "bluesmin",

    i dont care about clean. AT ALL!!! im using an Ibanez RG-7(321) with a Lundgren M7 in the bridge to a Maxon OD808 before the 2ch dual recto with KT77s, all into a crappy Peavey 16ohm 4x12 with 75w Sheffield's. =( im still not satisfied with this sound before i get a couple parametrics an...
  5. S

    Upgrade Recto's transformer to Mercury or DeYoung?

    ****. now i want this mod. and i still havent even gotten a good cab yet.. stupid peavey 4x12 with sheffields..
  6. S

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    i have a quad of kt77s serving black metal theyre okay. sounds like i should get rid of my jj high gain front end? lots of people here like dougs it seems maybe get a couple 6v6s? i might try an integrated quad, too..
  7. S

    Can i run just 2 Kt77's in a Dual Recto?

    i too have ran with two 6L6 valves i too want to try two kt77 valves i have tried four but this amp is really really loud i have a metal drummer and i cant get my master to noon (that is around where all of you think this amp is doing its best?) however i am going to try two rectifier...
  8. S

    Here's a recording with my Studio Preamp

    i think you forgot to turn your guitars volume up all the way
  9. S

    which dual 31 band eq for racktifier?

    i fucked up. so impatient. well i called the sam ash stores around here and the guitar centers no one had a dbx 131 in stock except for this one that was like an hour away id rather drive an hour out than order near home and wait two weeks (this recto is sloppy overrated crap and...
  10. S

    which dual 31 band eq for racktifier?

    well at first we thought it would be a good idea to get a dual to have one channel set for strings only volume and the other channel set for with drums volume after reading some interesting posts over here, we decided to try to run one before the pre and the other after the pre it was...
  11. S

    which dual 31 band eq for racktifier?

    my pal has a rackmount dbx 321 dual 31 band eq it sounds awesome right after his pre so we went through one before the pre and one after and it was really really noisy. a soundman at work said not to get the $200 overseas one, and to get the $500 US elite model this is all i know help!
  12. S

    picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

    thanks guys, thanks. i havent really gone too crazy. all i got lately was the amp, a round of tubes, and a Lundgren M7 for the bridge pickup. yes, the metal zone sucks for distortion but i thought it was "too metal" when i was in high school, so i got it and loved it for a long time. i...
  13. S

    picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

    i did, haha! when i was using a peavey transfex pro and just couldnt get it to sound good even with four eqs one after another (dont even talk about that) i got sick of how shitty guitar sounds and bought an Alesis QS6.2 it sounded MUCH MUCH better the piano and strings were great, the...
  14. S

    picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

    you cant be serious. obviously you are not trying to be constructive, what kind of a response are you looking to get from me? why would you *think* that *I think* "adding pedals and changing tubes is somehow going to make the amp sound magically better"? do you think i dont know the amp...
  15. S

    help me!! odd noise's coming from my 3ch dual recto

    Platypus, thank you for not being a f*cking as*hole and answering with a helpful response. i guess not everyone on this thread is a f*cking jerk, just the people in my thread. i will replace my new preamp tubes with my old preamp tubes, one by one until i find out whats going down...
  16. S

    picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

    well i got the KT77s monday ..sounded terrible enough got the M7 tuesday sounds much much better. there are two problems now= there is static and popping when ON and ON on any guitar, volume up or down sounds like i am using a radio and am in between stations and cant find one for...
  17. S

    Rackmount Dual Rec/Eurotubes Help

    i already ordered pre, power and rect from eurotubes another bad purchase? im reading they are not the place to get a pre section from =\ some time when i have nothing else to do i may goto doug for a different pre section. why am i the only one on this board without a tung-sol in V1? i...
  18. S

    kt77s + Roadster = yummy

    thanks for the review, homie i got a quad of kt77 coming in for my rackmount dual recto " infact they beg for more gain on each channel and never get muddy" FOCK YEAH!!!! we'll see how they do with a lundgren m7 in a cheap ibanez seven and cheap peavey 4x12 ?=)
  19. S

    Rackmount Dual Rec/Eurotubes Help

    well after reading all that ****, i decided i wanted two kt88s with two kt66s well the rackto will not fit either tube, its a diameter thing, not height. its just not going to happen. i was just going to get 6L6s since they are stock, and then maybe E34L with or after but my final...
  20. S

    picked up Dual Rectifier.. what a heap of crap!

    why would you have broccoli in your socks? i keep mine in the freezer i have though, had smashed apples in my sock. i used it as a teabag to get more fructose into the bag of orange juice, sugar, jam/jelly and bread. back to THE SOUND, bros, i just ordered the Lundgren M7 bridge from...