which dual 31 band eq for racktifier?

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
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my pal has a rackmount dbx 321 dual 31 band eq
it sounds awesome right after his pre

so we went through one before the pre
and one after
and it was really really noisy.

a soundman at work said not to get the $200 overseas one,
and to get the $500 US elite model

this is all i know

I can tell you I've used an Alesis DEQ-230. Not everyone is a fan of digital equipment in your analog signal loop, but I loved the ability to program different eq settings and call them up via the ground control.
You don't need a dual (stereo) model if you're running in in the loop. You only need mono, so there's no point in paying for extra bands that you won't use.
While that principle is true, there are advantages of the DEQ-230. You don't use the second channel for stereo (although you could, depending on what other rack pieces you were using, you could use a stereo delay, eq the signals differently and send them out of different amp/cab rigs). With the DEQ-230 you can A/B programs and wet vs. dry signals as well as some other convenient things. And ultimately, I may not have looked long enough, but most midi controllable, rack mountable eq's were dual channel. :D
While that is true in principle, there are advantages of the DEQ-230. You don't use the second channel for stereo (although you could, depending on what other rack pieces you were using, you could use a stereo delay, eq the signals differently and send them out of different amp/cab rigs). With the DEQ-230 you can A/B programs and wet vs. dry signals as well as some other convenient things. And ultimately, I may not have looked long enough, but most midi controllable, rack mountable eq's were dual channel. :D
The DEQ-230 is an ENTIRELY different beast than a DBX 231. The DEQ is a very cool unit, and MIDI control makes it EXTREMELY flexible, but the OP seemed to be looking for a "set and forget" type of solution.

And really, there's no point in getting a DBX 231 for use in a mono FX loop when you can buy the 131 and not waste the money on a channel that you'll never use.
True true. If you don't care for midi controllable, the extra cash would be a waste.

(sorry for the double post above)
well at first we thought it would be a good idea to get a dual to have one channel set for strings only volume and the other channel set for with drums volume

after reading some interesting posts over here, we decided to try to run one before the pre and the other after the pre
it was horrible. way too much noise.
recently i read you cant run both stereo channels of an eq in series

so i think i am going to get just a 31 band rack eq since i need one in between the pre and post ASAP

maybe later i can get another to run one before the pre and try to use it to take the place of what people are doing with the OD pedals.. i really dont want to use pedals with this rack thing im trying out
Isn't 31 band EQ's way outside of the scope for a guitar system? I was under the impression there is only about 10 bands that affect the guitar signal.... If you are not wanting MIDI then the MRX 10 Band EQ is a good choice. I run this in the Triaxis effects loop using the GCX to bypass when I want it out of the signal path. Am I missing something and would benefit for a 31 band EQ? If so please explain.
ttosh said:
Isn't 31 band EQ's way outside of the scope for a guitar system? I was under the impression there is only about 10 bands that affect the guitar signal.... If you are not wanting MIDI then the MRX 10 Band EQ is a good choice. I run this in the Triaxis effects loop using the GCX to bypass when I want it out of the signal path. Am I missing something and would benefit for a 31 band EQ? If so please explain.
No your not missing anything, IMO a 31 band GEQ is overkill to say the least. I use the MXR M-108 ten band GEQ with both my TriAxis and my Mark IV and it works great. Not only are the ten bands sufficient for the guitar but the gain and volume controls are also VERY usefull.
BTW it's built like a tank, and the fact that it's a pedal makes it even more useful, since it can be used either in front of the amp or in the loop.
i fucked up.
so impatient.

well i called the sam ash stores around here
and the guitar centers
no one had a dbx 131 in stock

except for this one that was like an hour away
id rather drive an hour out than order near home and wait two weeks
(this recto is sloppy overrated crap and needs help ASAP)

so i went all the way to RANCHO CUCAMONGA to pick up this 131 they were holding for me and when i got there the salesman was telling me everything i didnt need to know about the sonic maximizer, and was telling me thats what i needed, not the eq, since the BBE does what the eq does but so much faster and easier and 31 bands for guitar is "too much"

but the bass the maximizer added was boomy
for sure it wasnt dropping 200hz and adding 100hz
and the treble was okay, but i wanted fine detailed control of the MIDS which the BBE did not do.

so what if i dont use the last four or five bands left of 80hz
i WILL use the mids in detail
some mids sound good scooped
and some mids sound good with a little emphasis
(like that 808 pedal you guys like)

FINALLY this turd goes to get the eq
and instead of going straight for it
i see him looking around everywhere
son of a *****
i just DIDNT fall for one of the oldest tricks

so he says he cant find the eq,
and he can give me a really good deal on this used Alesis M-EQ 230
one of the corners where you screw it in the rack is broken off

im so angry i cant leave with nothing and not hate the world
so i just buy the **** alesis, well i have an alesis keyboard and the piano and strings sound excellent (trying to talk myself into being happy with this ****). besides, the alesis is much more pretty than the dbx.

then ******* cant find the power supply.
"they'll have one at frys for sure, bro"

well no radio shack has it and fry's doesnt either.

im going to return it today.

ill have to do some more research and buy something that i know will make me happy.

besides, ive been reading that the M-EQ 230 colors the sound too much, even when OFF and or when all sliders are neutral. WHAT THE HELL?!!


thought id let out some steam before i start the day pissed off.