which cabs to try for METAL ONLY? (no "bluesmin",

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2008
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i dont care about clean. AT ALL!!!

im using an Ibanez RG-7(321) with a Lundgren M7 in the bridge to a Maxon OD808 before the 2ch dual recto with KT77s, all into a crappy Peavey 16ohm 4x12 with 75w Sheffield's. =(

im still not satisfied with this sound
before i get a couple parametrics
an attenuator
and a new output transformer

which cabs should i try out?

my pals oversize recto cab is nice
i want to try out the VHT fatbottom
ive heard about vader,

too bad a good cab costs almost as much as an amp..

SO, which cabs for METAL?
StoneOfFire said:
i dont care about clean. AT ALL!!!

im using an Ibanez RG-7(321) with a Lundgren M7 in the bridge to a Maxon OD808 before the 2ch dual recto with KT77s, all into a crappy Peavey 16ohm 4x12 with 75w Sheffield's. =(

im still not satisfied with this sound
before i get a couple parametrics
an attenuator
and a new output transformer

which cabs should i try out?

my pals oversize recto cab is nice
i want to try out the VHT fatbottom
ive heard about vader,

too bad a good cab costs almost as much as an amp..

SO, which cabs for METAL?

vht makes killer cabs... the fatbottom is slightly tighter, where as the deliverence cabs are a little more airy. i mean if your going for the tight grind, i would say basson is a great cab for a great value. also if you can find a used engl cab your in for a treat.
forgot to mention,
not typical american type metal,

but black metal,
the new speed metal.
(this time the drums are fast too)

so i use dissonant chords often, the tritone is always in and out
and some consonant chords like 1-min3-min7, 1-maj3-maj7
so unlike most "chugga chugga" metal,
i actually use mids to hear the intervals within the quickly strummed chords (six notes per beat at around 120bpm)

but dont get me wrong,
i still use the low registers of the seven string for 1-5 as well as 3rds, 9ths..
Not very known, but if you can try looking into Diamond cabs.

I saw Five Finger Death Punch, and one of the guitarist had Diamond amps and cabs and his sound was MASSIVE.
All are great recomendations. But Basson cabs will melt your face off. Oh and shed flesh. And burn churches or whatever you are looking for.
Ask around and listen for youself.
The company of cab isn't as important as the speakers inside.

Anything with Celestion V30's would be good. They are a versatile speaker but they have a good amount of mids so they really cut.

I've read a lot and agree that the Celestion G12T75's are great for metal.

You could go to Avatar speakers and they will make you a good 4x12 with an speaker configuration you would really want and I think their cabs are good quality and they aren't as expensive as some others.
I use a Road King 4x12 with a Diezel Herbert and it slays every cab I've owed (I still have a 412 and 212 recto as well). Other suggestion would be Bogner Uberkab and VHT Fatbottom. I haven't owned either of them, but everytime I play through one of them, I want to own them. Of them all, the Uberkab is my favorite, I just don't want to drop $1100 on a new one and haven't found a good deal on a used one yet.
honestly, after owning a LOT of gear, playing a lot of shows, and having done a fair amount of recording...the mesa recto cabs are just awesome. i've tried other stuff, but i always just come back to mesa. if you're playing a lot of tight, fast stuff...don't get an oversized cab. look into a mesa traditional 4x12 (now called the stiletto cab). the oversized cabs have more low end, but get a little flubby. i've got an oversized cab that i've had for years and love, but if someone offered to swap mine for the smaller traditional cab i'd do it in a heartbeat. they're tighter...and easier to carry. :D
twinky5959 said:
All are great recomendations. But Basson cabs will melt your face off. Oh and shed flesh. And burn churches or whatever you are looking for.
Ask around and listen for youself.

burn churches?
something tells me youve heard of black metal before

i like to play the songs from "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk"


if it werent for Emperor,
i wouldnt even know how to play the guitar!

This is the end all in my mind. I played the avatar, owned the MESA, and this is it. The 2x12 is the best out there and the 4x12 straight fucking KILLS the RECTO straight.

I a/b'd them real time and that is what I got.
StoneOfFire said:
burn churches?
something tells me youve heard of black metal before

i like to play the songs from "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk"


if it werent for Emperor,
i wouldnt even know how to play the guitar!

Emperor= Great #%&*ing band. Too bad they aren't together anymore. Ihsahn is awesome.

If you want to stay with Mesa and want tight metal riffage you will want a Stiletto cab. Better yet try and find on of those old 80's Mesa halfback cabs with EV's... those are insane.
MetalMatt said:
I wanted to ask. What don't you like about your sound?

when i am with the drummer and other guitarist,
i like my bite and volume

but his sounds better eq'd..
mine has soo much mids
and his gain is much less fizzy and mushy.

he's using a Peavey Transfex Pro 130w Stereo Amp

well im adding the Maxon OD808 in front this weekend,
hopefully that will help this mush issue.

$1100.. ****.
almost as much as the amp..

im afraid i might have made a mistake in pickups, too.
i got this stupid Lundgren M7 pickup because an old friend of mine says Meshugga uses them and they are supposed to be better than EMG. everyone on forums seem to think so also.. but i dont know. i know i was satisfied with the 81.. im thinking i should have just got the 81-7.

i dont even know who the hell Meshugga is..
An OD up front will help the mush. If that isn't focused enough some kind of external EQ (parametric or graphic) in the loop would help alot. I would still look for a new cab. If that still doesn't help... you got the wrong amp.
StoneOfFire said:
im afraid i might have made a mistake in pickups, too.
i got this stupid Lundgren M7 pickup because an old friend of mine says Meshugga uses them and they are supposed to be better than EMG. everyone on forums seem to think so also.. but i dont know. i know i was satisfied with the 81.. im thinking i should have just got the 81-7.

I love my 81-7. Nothing beats it for metal.

As for cabs, I've got a Basson 4x12. It's a great cab, and I'd definitely recommend it to you, but I haven't tried too many others for comparison. What I can say with confidence is that a parametric EQ in the loop will easily do you as much good as getting a better cab, maybe more. If you're on a budget and only want to try out a simple parametric before getting a really good one, I'd say go for the Presonus EQ3B. I have one of these and for $100 (maybe less if you get it used off eBay...), they're awesome units.
TheMagicEight said:
I love my 81-7. Nothing beats it for metal.

As for cabs, I've got a Basson 4x12. It's a great cab, and I'd definitely recommend it to you, but I haven't tried too many others for comparison. What I can say with confidence is that a parametric EQ in the loop will easily do you as much good as getting a better cab, maybe more. If you're on a budget and only want to try out a simple parametric before getting a really good one, I'd say go for the Presonus EQ3B. I have one of these and for $100 (maybe less if you get it used off eBay...), they're awesome units.

yeah, ill try the Basson before buying my next cab
i saw it last page, and on other forums

my pal boosts 80-100hz and cuts 200-250hz on his graphic eq and his sound is.. WOW
if i got the presonus i dont think i would be able to manage two bass frequencies that way?

does anyone know about the Alto Q 5-band?
how can i tell if it is okay to use it in the effects loop of a dual recto?
i dont know about balanced unbalanced this and that.

im thinking i might give it a try..
the Nady got bad reviews, as did Behringer.

i might get both the parametric and the 81-7 before the next cab
i could sell the M7..
and then eat peanut butter and jelly for a good while to save for a real good cab =(