kt77s + Roadster = yummy

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2007
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Middletown, NJ
so i picked up a quad of JJ kt77s from recto robbie (awesome guy to do business with) and just plugged them in a few hours ago.... the kt77s sound amazing in the roadster.... the cleans are super clean (no real difference between the 6l6s) and the distortion is tight, crunchy and articulate..... i'm amazed at how tight it makes channel 3 and 4.... infact they beg for more gain on each channel and never get muddy..... its almost like a hybrid of a el34 and a 6l6.... they definitely worth trying for those looking for something with the balls of el34s and the cleans of a 6l6.... the tone i'm getting on channel 4 sounds more like a mark than and recto

now if i could only decide what to do with my cabinets.... anyone wnat to trade a halfback for a road king 2x12?
thanks for the review, homie
i got a quad of kt77 coming in
for my rackmount dual recto

" infact they beg for more gain on each channel and never get muddy"

we'll see how they do with a lundgren m7
in a cheap ibanez seven
and cheap peavey 4x12

StoneOfFire said:
thanks for the review, homie
i got a quad of kt77 coming in
for my rackmount dual recto

" infact they beg for more gain on each channel and never get muddy"

we'll see how they do with a lundgren m7
in a cheap ibanez seven
and cheap peavey 4x12


yeah i'm really astounded how tight channels 3 and 4 on my roadster stay even with the gains at 2:30 and 2 respectively.... i used to keep the gains at about 12 with the 6l6s because anymore than 1 they would get muddy.... the kt77s feel like they need more gain yet they stay tight which i love.... my only gripe right now (and wouldnt be if i had somewhere to blast the roadster) is that the halfback needs to really be pushed to get some great tone.... with my basson 2x12 i didn't need to turn up that loud to get the tone i wanted.... i think another 2x12 with the basson might do the trick
I have a road king 2 that needs new tubes soon, what did these kt-77s replace in your roadster? I'm confused at what type they are and whether you have to change a bias or if its even safe for me to do in a road king.
Hey jdurso,,, glad to hear you like them,, they were my favorites in my Deuce over a bunch of other kinds. I also had a different pair of kt77's
a while back that I used in my ROV,,, again they were my favorites.
Enjoy and take care.
they are direct drop ins for EL34's so set the bias switch to EL34 and drop them in.
I use them in my JSX head and it a HUGE improvement.
Exactly like jdurso states, "like a hybrid cross of an EL34 and a 6L6.
Does using the KT77s void the mesa warranty? I thought it says that Mesa or Groove tubes rated 4-6 must be used, and I do not see mesa KT-77s.
dmcguitar said:
Does using the KT77s void the mesa warranty? I thought it says that Mesa or Groove tubes rated 4-6 must be used, and I do not see mesa KT-77s.

well going by the mesa warranty you aren't left with much variety as far as tube types (kt66, kt77, kt88, 6550, etc).... the ones recto robbie sold me were JJs from eurotubes specifically to be used with mesa's that have the el34 bias which the roadster/road king does as does any of the recto line.... i think mesa is right in restricting the tubes you can use to be under warranty because if you get someone that knows nothing about tubes and drops some kt88s in the amp without checking the bias on the tube and having the wrong tube setting and ends up killing the transformer, then should mesa be responsible? no..... but eurotubes is a reputable dealer and they make sure they are supplying you tubes that wont kill your amp
btw... channel 4 on modern using the 50 watt setting, gain at 2 oclock, volume at 12, treble at 1, mid at 10, bass at 12, and presence at 12:30 and a little verb... awesome for adam jones type rhythm stuff

and i'm still astounded at how clean the cleans are.... i cant wait to man up and get a nice eventide unit
junior said:
So... All I have to do is set the switch to EL34 and the KT77's will work :?:

yup..... its really that easy.... this may sound stupid but make sure your amp is totally off when you change the tubes and make sure the switch is pointing to el34s before you turn the amp on... it may even be worth it to totally unplug the amp while your changing the tubes just to be safe
I'm going to be picking up a rectoverb head this week and I'll be definitely trying out the KT-77's in there :D
Yeah, unplug the amp completely and make sure it's at room temp, basically you haven't used the amp so the tubes aren't hot. Get some electrical contact cleaner/lube, you'll need to spray the pins on the tubes. Just pull out the existing tubes (from the base, not the tube) by very slightly rocking the tubes from side to side and make sure you put your other hand above the tube so you don’t smash it against the inside of your head. Spray the pins of the tube and insert it and pull it out a couple of times. Do this with all the sockets. Replace with the KT77's which are a direct replacement for the EL34's and EL34L's. Take your time and make sue you switch the bias to EL34 before you plug anything in. Also, try changing your pre-amp set up, it makes quite a difference. You can clean up your clean channel further with an ECC803S (Gold Pin) and push your gain channels a little further with an ECC83S High Gain into V3. Check out Eurotubes, send them an email, top guys over there. I use KT77's in my MTR and they work a treat, less mushy, more punchy at the bottom and cleaner. Another good tube is to go for the EL34L's. A little tighter than the KT77's but slightly more aggressive.
acidguitar said:
Yeah, unplug the amp completely and make sure it's at room temp, basically you haven't used the amp so the tubes aren't hot. Get some electrical contact cleaner/lube, you'll need to spray the pins on the tubes. Just pull out the existing tubes (from the base, not the tube) by very slightly rocking the tubes from side to side and make sure you put your other hand above the tube so you don’t smash it against the inside of your head. Spray the pins of the tube and insert it and pull it out a couple of times. Do this with all the sockets. Replace with the KT77's which are a direct replacement for the EL34's and EL34L's. Take your time and make sue you switch the bias to EL34 before you plug anything in. Also, try changing your pre-amp set up, it makes quite a difference. You can clean up your clean channel further with an ECC803S (Gold Pin) and push your gain channels a little further with an ECC83S High Gain into V3. Check out Eurotubes, send them an email, top guys over there. I use KT77's in my MTR and they work a treat, less mushy, more punchy at the bottom and cleaner. Another good tube is to go for the EL34L's. A little tighter than the KT77's but slightly more aggressive.

have you ever experimented with the kt88/6v6 power section they mention on eurotubes? sounds delicious from the description
got my KT-77's in yesterday and they are in the Rectoverb and sounding good :D
My cleans are a bit smoother and fuller sounding than with the EL34's
but my Modern mode on channel 2 is really kicking now.
It's nice and tight but fuller sounding than the El34's.
I love these tubes , they're a great combination of what's good
from the El34 and the 6l6 married into one tube.
kmanick said:
got my KT-77's in yesterday and they are in the Rectoverb and sounding good :D
My cleans are a bit smoother and fuller sounding than with the EL34's
but my Modern mode on channel 2 is really kicking now.
It's nice and tight but fuller sounding than the El34's.
I love these tubes , they're a great combination of what's good
from the El34 and the 6l6 married into one tube.

yup they kick ***..... i changed back to 6l6s for a bit but am looking to throw the kt77s in there soon again..... i also want to try the kt66 and 6v6s just for shits and giggles.... glad you enjoy the kt77s
I've had them in my JSX for quite a while now and they've really made that amp sound much, much better.
I've got fresh pairs of EL34', 6L6's and now KT-77's.(all JJ's)
so I have the opportunity to see which one's I like the best now.
So far the KT-77's are edging out the El34's , this weekend I'll be able to
crank them up so I'll have a better idea.
I think I may do the loop mod this weekend as well.
Hey guys, I have a 2 channel DR and play metal. The tunes I write are typically in B, and are played on a Schecter C-7 BlackJack. I've always had trouble with my tone turning to mush at higher gain levels (7+) especially on the low-B string, and recently took the advise of forum members and got a Maxon OD808 (which I can't say enough about, btw).

The question I have now is, what tubes would be best for a tone like Lamb of God - Ashes of the Wake? I'm currently using TAD 6L6s, and EH preamp tubes. I'm currently using the silicon diode setting, but tend to switch back to the recto tubes from time to time. I've never tried anything other than 6L6s, but this thread is making me think that kt77s or el34s may be a better choice for the music I play. Any suggestions or opinions would be appreciated.

FYI I also use a BBE Sonic Maximizer and a Genz Benz 2x12 cab.

I think they are a little tighter sounding than the 6L6's.
I paly a lot of Nevermore/Dream threater with my 7 and the note definition seems to be sharper sounding (to me anyway) with the El34/KT-77's in there.
I use a modded SD-1 up front to boost as well, and I am going to be throwing an MXR 10 band EQ into the loop too.
I had one in there for a bit but I use it with my JSX and the settings are completely different so I just went ahead and ordered another one for the Recto. The EQ really tightened up the amp a lot. I had a real good
"Dead Heart in a Dead World" sound going when I had the EQ in the loop.
Interesting. Well, IMHO even a 'slight' difference in tightness at this point is reason enough to give 'em a try. The Maxon OD808 helped a ton - night and day actually - and an EQ may be worth trying. What is your approach WRT the EQ?