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  1. M

    Mark IV effects loop question

    Hate to say that I sold my mark iv, never having solved this issues. I've had about 5 boutique amps since then, and the only one with an fx loop worth a crap was my matchless.
  2. M

    For Sale: Mesa Boogie Mark IV Short Combo, Thiele 1x12 Cab

    My buddy brought it over when he moved to Atlanta so I don't know. The Celestion in the Thiele ported enclosure is the perfect compliment to the open back combo with the EV. Both of them fit in the trunk of my RX8 (barely) - try to do that with any other combo + extension cab!
  3. M

    For Sale: Mesa Boogie Mark IV Short Combo, Thiele 1x12 Cab

    I am selling my mint condition Mesa Boogie Mark IV shortbody combo amp, along with the matching 1x12 Thiele extension speaker cabinet. I am asking $1700 for both. This is the boogie board, so I won't go into too much detail on features. I will say that the combination of the 1x12 shortbody...
  4. M

    Mark IV effects loop question

    I can only run my channel masters up to 3 or 4 before I start overdriving my pedals. Good pedals too -- a TC Electronic chorus/flange and a Voodoo Labs micro vibe. I know it is overdriving because I can both hear the clip at about 5 on the channel master and I can see the clip light flash on...
  5. M

    Mark IV - Class A or Simul-Class?

    I play a strat, and initially had issues getting this amp to sound full w/ good bass response. The other guitarist in my band plays an SG into a fender blackface that has this booming low end. I souned tinny by comparison. This was especially vexing because I have the Thiele cab in addition...
  6. M

    Computer based recording with MK IV record out

    I have been considering my options for going direct into my DAW (Ableton Live). I don't want to mike my MK IV cab - too loud. I like the idea of creating the guitar tone outside the computer. Guitar Rig and Amplitube tend to inject too much latency for my taste. They are also CPU hogs...
  7. M

    looper and mark IV

    I run a loop pedal in the effects loop on my mark iv and it sounds great. Nice to be able switch tones after the first loop is laid down.
  8. M

    Playing guitar in an apartment

    I had never, ever turned my mark iv up past 5 (sucker is bruutally loud). So i put in a resistor that basically turns what was a 5 on the master vol to 10... has given me a lot more adjustability on the volume. Plays great in my bedroom now (esp in class a), and still can peel some paint...
  9. M

    Channel switching issues on MkIV w/ G-System

    I've been thinking of getting the gsystem w/ the intention of using it to replace my mk4 footpedal. If you find a solution, I'd love to hear about it.
  10. M

    Mark IV: Class A vs. Simulclass

    I've had my Mark IVa for about 6 months now. Initially, when I was first dialing in my settings, I thought class A had a little sweeter tone and have been playing it in class A ever since. Overall the amp has been great, but I have to admit that I've been a bit dissapointed with the bass...
  11. M


    I plan a Mark IV combo with a texas strat. I love my sound so much, I really don't even want to think about a new guitar. Still, I do want a backup / alternative guitar and the G&L ASAT Z-3 hollowbody looks like it may be the one. Really hard to find a used one though.
  12. M

    Mark IV Reverb going in and out

    I just re-tubed my Mark IV shortbody combo with full set of JJ 12AX7's & 6L6's. Now the reverb is shutting off after the amp warms up. Flipping the standby switch will get it back for a few minutes, but it eventually shuts off again. I tried re-seating the reverb tube, and even swapped it...
  13. M

    MK IV and Effects question

    I have a tc electronics chorus/flange (the kind with the built in power supply - no wall wart) and it's great. Really great match for the bright, shimmery high end i get out of my mark iv's clean channel. Was a bit expensive though - $200.
  14. M

    Where's my bass?

    Thanks a bunch for the advice - easy thing to fix. I am running all original tubes - probably 5-6 years old. Would it most likely be the output tubes?
  15. M

    Where's my bass?

    Bought a Mark IV off a mate of mine a few months ago, and picked up a 1x12 thiele extension cab to go with it. I love the amp, but find that the bass response is really lacking. They other guy in my band plays a fender blues deluxe, which positively booms over my boogie - even with the Thiele...
  16. M

    Hissy Mark IV

    I'm considering buying a Mark IV short chassis combo from a friend of mine. He bought it new in the UK about 3 years ago. It has the export transformer inside, and I'm using it with a 220-120v converter. The amp is a bit noisy - even without my guitar plugged in there is a fair amount of hiss...