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  1. M

    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    The problem seems to be solved ! Based on Charlie's experiences, I took out the brand new Tung-Sol from V3 and put it my old MB 12AX7 that used to be in V1 before I bought new tubes and BAM ! LOUD and CLEAR !. Now it remains to be seen if it will stay that way. So to summarize and to possibly...
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    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    Wow ! I have brand new Tung-Sol tubes in V1 V2 and V3 . I will have do more swapping and testing ! Thanks charlie.
  3. M

    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    Thanks charlie. I lose a LOT of volume and the sound eventually starts getting distorted like a torn speaker . The notes have a buzz/fuzz layer on top of the clean sound. The master and the channel volume at noon (half way) produce just enough sound to practice at 10 pm in my basement...
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    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    Well I have had a break through of sorts. I tried swapping out and moving rectifier tubes from (rectifier) socket to other (rectifier) socket and swapping rectifier tubes and it had no change. (I am in 50 watt mode -- two power tubes/one rectifier) Then for fun I tried BOLD instead of SPONGY...
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    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    I just finished some more experimentation and am waiting for the tubes to cool down before my next experiment so I thought i'd update you. The tubes were all new from Doug's tubes so I know they have been tested and shipped properly but I guess I can;t rule anything out. The guitar throgh the...
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    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    That thought did occur to me but to rule that out, I switched it to the solid state rectifier instead of the tubes and have been using that setting for all my tests so far. Are the tubes somehow still in the circuit even if I'm using the silicon diodes setting ?
  7. M

    help diagnosing T-Verb cut out problem

    Hi , I am asking for your experienced help in diagnosing my T-verb issue. It all started about six months ago when during a jam the sound started farting out and losing power big time. It cut in and out and eventually cut out to a very low volume. At all times I could hear sound but very...
  8. M

    Strange T-Verb Tube Bias Readings with Bias-Rite

    I am trying to determine if my numbers are within spec or is my Bias-Rite malfunctioning. 13 ma at 420 Volt is commonly considered in "crossover distortion" territory according to some of my research on this forum. I should see my lowest number not less than 17-20 right ?
  9. M

    Strange T-Verb Tube Bias Readings with Bias-Rite

    Hi, I just got a Weber Bias-Rite for setting the Bias on my other non Mesa amps. For kicks I measured the Voltage and Cathode Current on my T-Verb DR. Something looks very strange to me. On Spongy and tube Rectifier: 350 plate Volts and 9 ma cathode current. On Bold and Tube Rectifier: 420...
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    my new tubes

    Guitarzan, did you comapre the GT 12AX-M with the Tungsol in V1 ? How'd they sound ?
  11. M

    my new tubes

    Looking forward to your review. I am am about to do the same thing.
  12. M

    What Plate current rating to look for when buying tubes ?

    Its a very cool article that discusses lots of options but I don't think I spotted where it says what Plate Current rating the tube should have when purchasing it. For example, the TAD tubes come with a rating printed right on them. I want to know which range I should ask for when walking into...
  13. M

    Need a good Chorus Pedal

    Regarding the Digitech , I don't understand what manufacturers are thinking. they come up with these modelling pedals that can emulate many different sounds (like the Chorus Factory) BUT THEY DON'T ALLOW FOR PRESETS !! :x At least the Boss CE-20 has 4 presets. I am considering that one but I...
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    Need a good Chorus Pedal

    I just listened to the samples of the Dunlop u-vibe at the MF site and to me it sounds more like a phaser with a "wobble" in it but not like a traditional chorus. Sounds great though. If I didn't already have a phaser , I would consider it for sure. Is it true bypass ?
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    What Plate current rating to look for when buying tubes ?

    I should have been more specific. I am using 6L6s in my T-Verb. Thanks
  16. M

    What Plate current rating to look for when buying tubes ?

    Does anybody know the Plate Current (PC) range that is needed for Mesa amps ? I read about a lot of tube sellers that say "just tell us your amp" and we will give you the right tubes. How do they know ? I would like to know for my own education what exactly is the right values for Mesa amps...
  17. M

    Need a good Chorus Pedal

    Anybody try a Boss CE-20 ? From what I read you can get just about any Chorus sound you want out of it and can also adjust the tone of it (bass treble ambience etc) . Don't know how it works with Mesa amps though
  18. M

    I'm Getting My FX Loop Mod

    Is there no way to do the mod with a switch ? i.e. add a series/parallel switch that you can toggle depending on your needs on a given day ? I have a T-Verb with a parallel loop and its causing me grief with digital effects.
  19. M

    Podxt on Recto Pre

    I tried using it in the PARALLEL loop of my Tremoverb and could not get it to sound right. Note that its a parallel loop and it think that is the problem. The PODXT has some inherent lag or latency to its signal so if you have a parallel loop you can get a sort of permanent "flange" sound...
  20. M

    Boss DD-20 OK in T-Verb/DR parallel loop ?

    Interesting that you mention the level issue with the DD-20 because it is supposed to have a line and instrument level input selector switch that should make it work well in the loop. The levels were always wrong with my PODXT. I cold never get them right and when I turned it up too high it...