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Great looking amp. Did you contract out Air Force One and the Secret Service to have it delivered? :lol: . I imagine that you will be very happy with this amp played thru your cabs as opposed to the 1x12 combo format. You've been through HELL the last week or so, I hope everything works out this time.
I thought I'd post the fallen Mark IVA :(






Notice missing pins and middle sections on the center... plastic gone and glass exposed




*pours one out*
Mesa uses those inflatable bags a lot in their shipping along with foam and double boxing. I was just thinking about shipments I have received from them.

I was thinking that maybe you could have your amp shrink wrapped them submerged into that crack sealing self expanding foam inside of one of those foam cryo style ice chests for shipping of cold stuff. Then have that double boxed with standard foam shipping panels in the outer box. Then have the thing crated and sent by train or plane. You could pick it up at the train station or airport yourself. Screw the shipping carriers. Then all you would have to worry about is a derailment or terrorists. In fact, I know Greyhound now offers package transfer services where they do just like I was talking about doing with the train or plane. You would still have to do your own packing but it is an alternative.
How did you get two left hands?.... :shock:

Ummmm, forget it. I figured it out :roll: :wink: :lol:
In the 4th pic (side of head) it looks like a preamp tube is pressing on the inside of the tolex.
Pic 6... now how does that happen? A broken tube that is in the socket...
It is clear that the amp wasn't double boxed. Plus the loose little soft foam had to have been moving around in there. Not a good packing job at all.
That is some amazing damage . If you tried to destroy an amp like that it seems you would have to drop it off a building or put it in a cement mixer for an hour or two .
Have fun with your new boog . Its a beauty .
Russ said:
I was thinking that maybe you could have your amp shrink wrapped them submerged into that crack sealing self expanding foam inside of one of those foam cryo style ice chests for shipping of cold stuff. Then have that double boxed with standard foam shipping panels in the outer box. Then have the thing crated and sent by train or plane. You could pick it up at the train station or airport yourself. Screw the shipping carriers. Then all you would have to worry about is a derailment or terrorists. In fact, I know Greyhound now offers package transfer services where they do just like I was talking about doing with the train or plane. You would still have to do your own packing but it is an alternative.

i did exactly that a couple years ago when i moved across the country with my JCM900 half stack.. i was 17 and knew nothing about tubes, so i didnt even think to remove them and wrap them separately.. i took it to a shipping company, had the head and cab individually wrapped in plastic and embedded in that spray foam stuff (they actually made two halves that fit together top and bottom in case i wanted to keep them for future packaging) then i shipped them Southwest Cargo. all in all it was something like $150 to ship the head and cab and it arrived in pristine condition.

alas, that was pre-911 and its a real pain to use airline cargo services now, you have to establish a business account with them, have them come to the shipping destination to inspect it and make sure its legit, then when you ship it they make you take everything out of the boxes in front of them and repackage it. maybe train or greyhound is less of a hassle

oh, and by the way, beautiful amp Platypus :lol:
rabies said:
Once again, for your viewing displeasure, here's the damage that occurred to the Barney amp as Russ calls it:


:lol: That is funny. I didn't expect you to start calling it Barney too... I was only ribbing you man. I guess we can say it is officially the Barney amp now? :wink:
Platypus said:

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

'B' will be in my hands Thursday!
This guy is just awesome, I feel like I deserve someone like him after all the utter bullshit I've been through. This thing is an '05 too according to Mesa!!

This guy spent 10 minutes with me on the phone just describing how he packed it and another 10 just shooting the sh!t about the amp and our shipping experiences. The 'A' was a blessing in disguise, this 'B' is gonna be legendary.

Looks so &*$*% good with my Ace too!!!!

NICEEE! :D That's some sexy lookin head..
I love you, you love me, UPS will disagree !!!!

Congats man. Mesa shipped me two RK II heads and they both arrived perfect. They also shipped my RK 1 a while back and it came in unscathed. They use pre-molded foam that matches the amps cab perfectly. It's so simple it's stupid. That A was improperly packed. Period.

Is this the longest thread on this forum ever ?

LOL, nice barney pic.

I think this is the longest thread I've seen lol.. the saga is over soon hopefully.

The saddest part was that the shipper thought he packed that well.. he kept saying 'how could this happen?'

I then explained how loose rubber foam is like putting a 50lb weight inside a rubber band ball because it just bounces the head all over and every which way. He was confident.. I just hope he gets his insurance claim for it, I don't know how good of a chance he has at this point.

So I ended up with a B after all Boogiebabies :D
MUCH more excited for this one.
That Amp is beautiful. Did you get a good deal on it? I think I'm at the point where I'm going to just order a new one. Did you find that on Craigs list? I don't recall seeing that one on E-bay.
Very very nice though..
electrickn said:
That Amp is beautiful. Did you get a good deal on it? I think I'm at the point where I'm going to just order a new one. Did you find that on Craigs list? I don't recall seeing that one on E-bay.
Very very nice though..

Yes I did all things considered. It was on CL but I found the ad on another guitar site. Thanks! :)

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