Would I REALLY benefit from a Maxon OD808 in front?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2006
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OK- Some of you may know but after a long battle I finally got my rig all set up. SR with 2x12 Rexto cab and a 2x12 Orange Cab. Hush Pro, Peterson Strobe tuner, Monster power, Moded Vox847, whammy II, boss DD-6, Digitech hardwire Chorus...SOUNDS KILLLER!

HOWEVER, I'm curious from all the talk on her about the Maxon OD808. If I added in the Maxon OD808 in the front, would it tighten up the bottom just a touch more? Is it really worth the $100+ or so? I know this is hard to judge as I don't have a sound clip to hear...I will soon..I promise!!
I guess I'm just saying that I have killer tone that I am very happy with...it's just at times I could use a little more help in the harmonic area if you know what I mean. They just don't jump off the string quit as easly as I'd like them too...I thought maybe it was the hush but it's not. I took the Hush out of the eqaution all together and it's the same. So break it down for me!
Tighten the bottom end a bit more? YES
Worth the $100+? YES

And if you don't like it Guitar Center always has the 30 day return policy :twisted:
I know exactly what you mean about harmonic difficulties. After I got my Maxon od808 I had no more troubles
So how do I set this sucker up if I get one? I read somethign about turning the 2 knobs all the way down?
Balance Knob I usually have maxed, some people have it a little less but sounds best jacked.

Tone Knob I adjust per what i am feeling.

OverDrive Knob I keep at zero or if you prefer off.

Basicaly you just want to make the signal hotter, you do this by having the balance (level) knob maxed, same concept with all overdrives.

DirtyNoise said:
So how do I set this sucker up if I get one? I read somethign about turning the 2 knobs all the way down?
Has anyone tried a Keeley mod? I ask cuz I ended up getting the TS9 and i'm not pleased with it at all. I was wondering if the Keeley mod would help.

It's about 50 bucks
I wouldn't play my Roadster, or any Rectifier for that matter, without my Maxon OD808...best pedal I've ever had, and the only one that has stayed with me since I got it (other than my Korg Pitchblack tuner :p)
gotta say, i took my recto into guitar center to try out the Maxon Od808 and was extremely dissapointed after all the raving about one here. I didn't notice anything other than a lil extra gain. Tried a bunch of settings and didn't get better harmonics, or the tight thick low end i was looking for. Also tried the tube screamer, and the BBE maximizer. Nothing to write home about on any of them.

I didn't notice any better tone with any of these, WTF?

The best i heard was actually from a Boss Metal Zone with the Keeley mod. It added a really tight distortion, similar to Disturbed, deftones, etc. Only prob. is it's super noisey and i have to crank up the Noise suppressor.

I picked up a Maxon808 a few weeks ago and I'm a believer, its not leaving my board. Tightens up the bottom, and the harmonics just jump out now. It leaves the sound of the my guitars and amps intact but takes it to 11. Outstanding pedal!

Now I used a Boss sd-1 before, and for the money its a very nice OD pedal. I just felt it cut too much bottom end and colored my sound abit. I find it's a more aggressive sounding OD than the 808.
Yes. I wouldn't recommend using a modded OD though. Most modders bump up the low end response, and it defeats part of the reason I like to use one (the high pass filters). The OD808 is my favorite pedal with the Recto.

Here's a clip of a Recto with an OD808 in front. Sorry about the poor quality of the vid (it's a camera mic and it clips). Much better in the room, but you get the idea:

colemaneuclid said:
If you're feeling a little nutty feel free to turn the gain knob up a hair :twisted:

...and if you're feeling nutty AND want super duper kill tone, use a Fulltone OCD out front set like that. Absolutely sick.
undrcroft said:
gotta say, i took my recto into guitar center to try out the Maxon Od808 and was extremely dissapointed after all the raving about one here. I didn't notice anything other than a lil extra gain. Tried a bunch of settings and didn't get better harmonics, or the tight thick low end i was looking for. Also tried the tube screamer, and the BBE maximizer. Nothing to write home about on any of them.

I didn't notice any better tone with any of these, WTF?

The best i heard was actually from a Boss Metal Zone with the Keeley mod. It added a really tight distortion, similar to Disturbed, deftones, etc. Only prob. is it's super noisey and i have to crank up the Noise suppressor.

That's impossible. My TS9 sucks but I can still feel a big difference.

Anyways, so, no one has a keeley modded TS9? =( **** it should i just get rid of the TS9 all together?
what's this LP/HP mode crap i'm seeing on the fulltone?

And **** the fulltone is 160 bucks!!
I had an OD808 and all it did was give me a better low end. Thats it. So I got rid of it. But I suspect the extremely high output of my Blackouts essentially do the same thing as a boost pedal. To each his own.
i never tried the od808, i use the maxon TOD-9 with the tiny tube in it, and that s**t will make you wanna smack ya' mamma. over the top sly stallone style with the hat flipped backwards. used in conjunction with blackouts, and an ISP decimator. i like it at least.
Thanks for all the info guys...now I'm not sure what I'm going to try. I deally I would swtich my pups inboth guitars to the blackouts as I have had them before and really like them a lot...BUT they are no Alnico either when it comes to dynamics of the tone that I like playing with mostely. They are awesome but a one trick pony.
I almost ordered a OCD last night but then thought I should look at one of my local sjhops to see what used stuff they have. I may get lucky on a Maxon or Fulltone.

By chance if anyone is interested I have a bunch of stuff for sale in the Classifieds...if there is something you like and you have a OD808 or a OCD you want to trade just let me know.

Another reason I really want to try one of these out on my rig is that I have cheap Ibanez that I set up with the ZW GHS Boomers.."13's"...We now can cover all of the Chevelle tunes my band hasd been wanting to do..but I'm affraid that it will be way too lose on the bottom...we'll see.
Elixir said:
what's this LP/HP mode crap i'm seeing on the fulltone?

And **** the fulltone is 160 bucks!!

HP has more mids and is more in your face.... it also effects the tone of the amp more, but not in a bad way. Its definitely the hotter of the two modes. For leads this is where its at IMO.

LP is very transparent and doesnt effect any eq wise. Since its transparent you dont loose as much bottom as opposed to the HP modes which is very mid heavy. You do however get the tightening of the bass due to the additional tube compressor because your sending in a hotter signal to the amp. I prefer this mode for rhythm work.

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