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DirtyNoise said:Thanks for all the info guys...now I'm not sure what I'm going to try. I deally I would swtich my pups inboth guitars to the blackouts as I have had them before and really like them a lot...BUT they are no Alnico either when it comes to dynamics of the tone that I like playing with mostely. They are awesome but a one trick pony.
I almost ordered a OCD last night but then thought I should look at one of my local sjhops to see what used stuff they have. I may get lucky on a Maxon or Fulltone.
By chance if anyone is interested I have a bunch of stuff for sale in the Classifieds...if there is something you like and you have a OD808 or a OCD you want to trade just let me know.
Another reason I really want to try one of these out on my rig is that I have cheap Ibanez that I set up with the ZW GHS Boomers.."13's"...We now can cover all of the Chevelle tunes my band hasd been wanting to do..but I'm affraid that it will be way too lose on the bottom...we'll see.
In my experience there is more ebnefits to using a low to medium output passive pickup that the super hot active pickups or even the super hot passive pickups. Chris McKinely will be the first to tell you, the benefits from the medium to low output pickups is there is a lot more character there and i have found that to be true. The pickup no being overly compressed gives you more breathing room in terms of your tone... and to compensate for the lower output when compared to actives or higher output passives, you can use a boost or OD. By doing it that way you keep the character and dynamics of the pickup while getting the signal strength you need to push the preamp tubes into amore compressed state. In the end you get the same signal strength but with the character and dynamics of your pickups.
Now I myself have relatively hot pups in my PRS (Suhr Aldrich) but i still find them to have tons of character. By boosting my signal with the OCD or other clean boosts, I get some of the best tones I have ever achieved. This is something my ESP with EMGs can't touch even though with the ESP i really dont need the boost (especially sicne the EMGs are mid heavy).
So while an active pup can duplicate this effect of signal boosting, I find you get more variety out of your favorite passives with the right boost. In terms of finding the right boost, what i did was tried basically all the ones i could find and i settled on the OCD... BUT the OD808 was a close enough second that i may eventually buy it to use alongw ith the OCD some day... that or the Xotic BB Preamp.
BTW thicker strings should yield a tighter bottom end as long as the tuning isn't too low.