Will the G major 2 switch relay damage a mark iv?

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Jan 20, 2010
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So i've been reading about the different types of relays. Supposedly the mark iv uses latching and the gmajor uses ...something, still reading. But ive read in a few places that using the y splitter on a stereo jack to switch the mark iv can damage it. Any truth to that? I just bought a gmajor 2 and would really like to clarify this before i go plugging in the relay. And yes I have used the search function...alot, and google. thanks for any input!
I've been searching on the web for the same issue since I'm also looking for an original G-Major to go with my Mark IV head. I'm curious about your situation... how many channels are you going to switch using the G-Major ? (all three I assume...) I know the original G-Major has only 1 switch output (excluding the midi out)

In my opinion, the most easy and safe solution is to use an additionnal amp controller in the external channel switching inputs.

yeah ultimatley i want to get a voodoo lab ground control and switcher. I ve been studying the web about it and really cant find too much. I did find somewhere where a guy put the jacks in rhy1 and rhy 2 and set the selector to footswitch mode because he claimes the mark iv defaults to lead. If you leave the loop and eq on or control with the footswitch then I can see how to control 3 channels otherwise I just really cant figure out how it would work. My concern is not the # of channels but rather will it damage my iv to use the g major 2 relay.
I don't know if you can use the footswitch AND other switching device at the same time. I need to take a look in the user manual. As for the effects loop, if you keep it activated all the time just make sure to have effects hooked all the time. I had severe volume drops and SHHHHHH sounds coming from the amp when I forgot to desactivate it and had no effects in the loop.
Hmmmm you may be right about the switch functions, and maybe that guy didnt use the FSwitch at all. But it seems like as long as you have the selector set to foot switch and are carefull not to activate more than one channel it might work...IDK though. Im not sure im willing to risk it. Thats probably a costly repair. :shock: And yeah I never activate the loop without something there. Same reason I never turn on the amp on without a speaker connected, all that flow has to have somewhere to go. Im still looking about the damage the relay may cause though.