will someone please report on how the rk2 sound

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mesa jedd

Apr 5, 2006
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Mesa jed here,can someone,any one please tell me how the rk2 sound s,
cleans,brittsand recto :(
Gosh if no one volunteer to answer, then I'll answer it myself.

After purchasing one on Far East E-Bay where the seller swears its a Road King II, I finally received it.

Boy struggled to come with the money too, to supplement my regular job salary, I had to plead with my son Cody to take his morning newspaper route, same with my daughter Nicole's Mac Donald's swing shift position. Hope my wife doesn't mind pawned off her wedding ring. ...

So you asks me how this Musician Friend's Rogue amp .... opps I mean Road King II sounds like:
uh, it rivals many modeling amps that's for sure...

Come'on Road King II owners!!! Give us some clips, some comments!!!, Some Critiques!!! Anything
I don't get it? Have you tried a LSC? Theres your cleans and reverb! The rest is the same!
Hey guys, i'm going to be playing mine tomorrow i really have not had the chance to open it up yet and tomorrow is the day. I'll try to let you guys know either tomorrow night or sometime on sunday.

As far as open it up i mean really crank it.

Hey guys just got back,

This head is absolutely amazing. The clean sounds are awesome. I had everything from a sparkly crystal clean, to a fat round sound. Tweed mode was great, i don't really know how to describe it.

I didn't play with the brit sound too much, but is sounded good.

Everything else was great, i had no amp hum from high gain on channels 3 or 4. I think this is the best amp I have ever purchased. If you guys get the chance to try one out, I suggest you do.

I don't know how the first (series I) road king sounded so I can't compare the two of them.

I wasn't able to record any clips I was over a friends house, and he is waiting for his recorder to come in.

I hope I was able to help you guys with my descriptions. Sound is a very hard thing to describe.

`Thanks razor, thats what we all like to here,im so glad you dig yours cause i cant wait to get mine.
I will prob end up getting a 412 trad cab with mine,cause i dig the tight sound.
Any way if you end up spending some time on britts,let us all know.
cheers jedd in oz
I don't mean to be a prick but that's hardly a review. I need more objectivity than "it sounded great" or "it's the best amp I ever purchased". I suspect most folks who plunk down $2600 for a head, are going to be trying to convince themselves, they spent wisely.

When I get mine, you can bet I'll be honest and objective.
thing is, tone is subjective...you can read all you want, but you will know when you hear it
Ok let me try! Go easy on me! Now remember tone is subjective!

This is my first tube amp. I came from the world of Solid state gain that was so saturated that there was no notes to be heard and to me that sounded...good! :oops: I didn't get to play test a Road King because of that Mesa fire sale. SO I bit the bullet and ordered one.

First impressions:
Ok! to be honest when I first hooked it up and started "playing" if that what you want to call it, I though I wasted my money! It didn't sound that great. I found out I was using some stock pickups on my guitar and it just sounded awful. So I bought some EMG's. a 81 and a 89. Well that made a difference!
I thought the gain on this head was lacking, sure the pickups made a difference, but it was not that saturated gain I was used to. After playing around with the settings a lot! it slowly started to get better and better. The more I drive the pre and power tubes more gain comes out. I can hear notes! that was strange to me at first but I really like it! :shock: Now about with Mesa/Boogie controls, even a little turn will effect the sound, thats new to me. The clean channel was always good to my ears. The reverb? Not to much and not too little. Its like baby bear, juuuust right.

FX Loops:
I have noticed that you get more gain with higher settings in the FX loops. Again I'm new to tube amps but I'm guessing its because its going through another pre amp tube. None the less its very quiet and dose its job. I have a Delay and Chorus going through the FX loops, both sound great.

Yea its not there, but the little black plate is! The switch is in the Manual and on the web site but not on the amp? I called boogie and asked about this matter. A rep told me they didn't need it because they re voiced Channel 1 and 2 so no need for it. I asked if I can get one installed? he told me...it wouldn't make a difference. My guess? Channel 1 would be like Pentode and Channel 2 would be Triode or the other way around. Who knows?

The Tubes:
Its like my own little army! 6 Pre amp tubes 8 power tubes = 14 tubes! that is a lot of money on tubes! But I knew this buying this thing so I wont complain. My favorite tube combos would be: 2 EL34 + 2 6L6 on channel 3; 4 6L6 on channel 4; 2 EL34 on channel 2 and 2 6L6 on channel 1.

The Channels:
Its funny how true the owners manual explains these channels.

Channels 1 and 2
I have noticed... That the gain knob plays a very important role, I didn't mess with it in the beginning because I thought it would add... well gain! but its kind of like another presence control very effective tool.

Clean - Wow! Best clean I have ever heard! can get close to fendery with proper EQ if you like the kind of thing.

Fat - Its like the clean mode but it sounds "rounder" and has more bottom end. I really like the sound of this mode!

Tweed - Haven't used it sorry!

Brit - This is a very cool mode! I can get very bluesy when I back of the volume on my guitar and add some reverb very nice. I was playing a Opeth cover "Ending Credits" in this mode, my friends mother was listening (big Opeth fan) and complemented me on the sound many, many, many times over.

Channels 3 and 4
I have noticed... Channel 3 is Softer and has more highs or thinner?. Channel 4 is more aggressive and has more bottom end. Maybe its just me?

Raw - Haven't really used it. But playing around with it, Ratt "Your in Love" kind of sound came to mind. This seems like where Brit left off.

Vintage - Ahhhhh! I love this channel, now I can't solo if it could save my life, but I can imagine rippin' solos coming out of this channel. Nice rhythm sounds find its way out but it kind of lacks bass IMO on channel 3. I can get some Fight "Nailed to the gun" sounds out of this.

Modern - Another great channel. lots of gain can get that Metallica type sound "Master of Puppets" comes to mind. I can get some tr00 Black/Death metal sounds out of this Ala Immortal it can do a pretty good Opeth too, and your Deam Theater.

Likes: Almost everything! Very little hum from channels 3 and 4 and that is with the gain at about 3 o'clock, at a high volume. When switching channels, Reverb, FX Loops there is NO popping.

Dislikes: I can't seem to get any harmonics out of this thing!!! like those Zakk harmonics, I guess more fiddling to do. I ordered my Road King on August 1st 2005 I received my Road King Series II on March 31st of 2006. It took a long time! a day short of 8 months a lot of us were told October then December then January then February...month after month push back, oh well I forgive you Mesa, I have it now.

Ok Ok!... The best amplifier I have ever played EVER! Happy? I am! Well it is! I'm not going back to solid state ever! M a y b e for a bedroom amp, but after all the overtime and penny pinching to get this thing I got what I wanted! A great sounding amp that can do a lot of things. I have played it at bedroom levels, I don't like the sounds at bedroom level BUT! once you get those tubes cooking there is no stopping this tone chef!... This is the only time when I get to say mine is bigger. :lol:

Do yourself and your ears a favor go play one!

Any questions? Fire away I'll try my best to answer them.
Please excuse any typos and jumping around:p

Razor7, MetalMatt, many thanks for this feedback. Let me congratulate you on your acquisitions :D !!!. Enjoy and rock on !!!
Nice story Metal Matt.I wish more guitarists could get a grip on the tone discovery thing. With amps, tubes and pickups, many many guys equate gain with high end or some form of excessive crunch.

Gain is all about saturation and signal strength.Plus, many amps feel different form one another when you play them.A guitarist has reached enlightenment once he can play two amps and explain the differences between them in a way that makes other people understand what he means. Or something like that. :eek:

Many thanks in helping us to discover the new beast !

I'm new on this forum (Hi all ! :wink: ) using a RK series 1 for almost two years and I share your point of view : This is a great amp! One of the most versatile, with an infinity of great tones. Just be patient ... it takes time because it's a quite complex amp and you will find your best sound(s) ever !

To answer your question regarding the lack of Zakk killer's harmonics I can tell you I had exactly the same problem two years ago ... :( in my case it was related to the send knob level on the rear panel (that strangely reamains active even if the loop is set to off) I didn't noticed that ...and it took a long time tweaking and tweaking again to discover it. Try this magic knob and maybe you will become the king of the world 8) (hope it will help !)

Another test you can do is to switch out the global LOOP BYPASS position in the rear panel :
The Output & Solo controls + Loops will become inactive and you will discover another side of the beast. You will control each chanel output with their respective Master : The sound should be awesome and more direct (hope it's the same config in the RKII !) If your harmonic are not there ... the problem should be somewhere else ... good luck and be patient !

Regarding the Triode / Pentode debate my feeling is that the Triode gives a more vintage and creamier tone compared to the Pentode that is more straight and powerful but less musical from a pure EL34 point of view ... Anyway I hope the chanel improvements (especially for the Brit mode -chanel 2) will correct the disparition of this magic switch thanks to the Re-voicing of the first two chanels !

Madison, hello and welcome!

Thank you for your post. I will try your suggestions hopefully in the next few days. I never really messed with the send knob just kept it at normal, I thought that was...normal. I will fool around with this knob some more.

I have disengaged the loops and unplugged the foot controller before but not with a lot of tweaking, got impatient :oops:. The sound does change when you do this!

...more knob turning to do...

Thanks again!
I've ordered my RK II last week. Some one suggested a 3/4 sized Bgoner with 2x12 V30's. I liked the sound (in a 7' x 15' listening both).

What are you guys using? I will continue to use my Marshall 4x12 for the big venues (I need to switch out two speakers to V30s). For smaller clubs like Buddy Guys or at churches I want a 2 x 12 but I'm not sure I want lug Bogner's 3/4 size 2X12 around Chicago.

Most of my performance is in what's become a karaoke style band. We set three mikes for the guest to sing along. We are a trio with the drummer doubling on boards with a drum sequencer. Its getting to the point that I need four distinct sounds to go from Sweet Home Chicago to Cheap Trick to Van Halen to Smash Mouth to Creed to Hang On Sloopy...

BTW, Tweed channel is unbelievable. The strat can chime like church bells and the ES-347 will crunch a little bit with a hard attach or hmmm with a soft attach. It will be the channel of choice for blues, R&B, and jazz tunes. Brit will be used for 60's british rock. Channels 3 and 4 for all the 80's to modern rock stuff. Channel 3 light on the gain with Strat has some great blues OD sounds. I love that the solo works on all channels. I'm coming from a F-30.

Test drove the amp for about 2 1/2 hours without pedals. I bet Tweed with a little chorus will fill out the room wonderfully.

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