Wide body Theile.

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Hmmmm.... good idea , except you might run into a problem with the speaker being behind blinders. your looking at about 4-5 inches recession, i think that might start to make the speaker directional. youd have to look at some dispersion patterns. how about this, hard styro foam! its super light and all it has to do is take up volume. a piece would literally weigh prolly less than two ounces. use that to take up your space instead of a baffle board. kinda like the brick in the toilet saves water! until the government got involved and started regulating toilet tank sizes, oh hell , surely the government wont come after our thieles!
yes i second the foam. (naturally) i cannot predict how the dispersion would be affected by insetting the front baffle that far. as for a bottom slot port that might make the dimension problem worse as you are going for added width and the bottom port would add to the hieght. further reducing the depth of the cab or adding to the amount of filler needed.

another reason i wouldn't reduce the depth much is the rear clearance of the driver. with 2-3 inches of damping on the back wall. the rear vent of the driver would be getting dangerously close to being impeaded. this will make the driver run hotter under power. not a good thing. heat kills drivers in the long term and makes them run into power compression in the short run. power compression is when the driver builds up so much heat that it actually drives its efficiency down. the result is a speaker that is taking 200 watts (for example) stops getting louder after 100. this is the simplified view of course, but bottom line is, damping the inside of a thiele makes a huge improvement in the sound imo, but make sure that the back of the driver has some air flow around it. this is essintial for the performance and logevity of the driver.
Well, I have just about finished it. All it needs is the handle and the driver. I keep getting out bid for an evm12l, but I am still waiting. I have a question about another soeaker, but thats for another thread.

I made the grill out of a mordern weave of wicker cane, I just spray painted it black it has the same feel as the jute, but a different look. I am not sure if I like it yet, I am waiting to see if it grows on me. I can always change it. Anyway, feedback is always welcome. I wish I could say how it sounds at this point but I will just have to wait.

Also, I hope the pictures are linked OK, I used photo bucket. If you have to copy the links into a browser....sorry. I'll figure it out one day. Thanks.
Are you going to keep your cab on the desk? If so you'll be losing a lot of low end response won't you? BTW I have a GT-6 too. I don't care what anybody says, its effects sound decent and 99.98% wouldn't know the difference between that and a G-System.
devilrob1979 said:
Are you going to keep your cab on the desk? If so you'll be losing a lot of low end response won't you? BTW I have a GT-6 too. I don't care what anybody says, its effects sound decent and 99.98% wouldn't know the difference between that and a G-System.
No, the desk is going. The new cab is there to keep my 4 year old away from it until I can arrange everything the way I want it.
I finally scored an evm12L for the Theile. $99 BIN on ebay. Thats a good price, for the last week or 2 they have been going between $100 and $140. I got lucky. I hope. I will post comments when it's in and I get a chance to check it out. Thanks everyone for your kind words, advice and support.
making the cab shallower will really effect the tone. It's not a sub cab, and sub cabs usually have the back slanted to reduce internal standing waves. With a guitar cab, the difference in depth will change which frequencies are attenuated and which ones are amplified by the enclosure. Sound wave especially low ones are very long. Even moving the speaker to a different spot on the front baffle will change the sound of the amp.

what's the difference between the EV theile cab and the mesa one, and where do i get the dimensions to experiment with building my own.
Ev uses a cleat system for both assembly strength as well as volume structure. Mesa does not use the cleat system but does use dado and rabbit joingts instead for strength. Both plans have a volume of 1.3 Cf. I just chose to try a widebody cabinet with the same depth and height as a standard but using a dummy wall to keep the internal volume consistant with the 1.3cf. I am expecting an evm12l anyday now to try this new construction and see if the sound structure remains consitant with a standard theile. I will post observations when I get the speaker.

Also I must appologize for spelling and grammer, I am pretty buzzed right now, just got back from a golf tourney. We sucked, but i bet we drank more than anyone else. I am going to try and finish figuring out " The dark eternal night" on the banjo now. Later.
as far as cabinet depth affecting the sound, from a strictly scientific standpoint, the cab dimensions make no difference. (nor port placement or size) however when the rubber meets the road all sorts of things can happen with standing waves and phase cancellation. this is a big reason to use damping material inside the cab. it will go a long way towards eleminating these sonic anomales, and make the internal dimensions less of a factor. lets face it, most of us stack stuff on top of our cabs. making a cab with no parallel walls would make for a very impracticle stage rig. and properly damped you would probably need a computer to hear the differenc between the two. again i could be wrong as i have never built a cab in such a configuration, and that would be the only true test. (computer modeling can only get you so far.) i have no inclanation to build such a cab however since it would be useful only as a basis for comparison.
I think you are wrong, maybe he computer program you use isn't that in-depth. The standing waves are part of the science. On AX84.com they designed 1x12 to sound like an old marshall 4x12. Then went further to find which size ports would be good for different genera's. The program they used which i don't know what it was, calculated standing waves and other useful information. I think it even told them the resonate frequency of the cab with different speakers using the small/theile parameters. Using dampening material for a guitar cab defeats what your building because guitar amps and cabs are not supposed to be hi-fi. Even a tube amp can sound sterile for a guitar if it's designed as a hifi amp. Good tube amp sound is generated by pushing the tubes to their limits. Good tone or bad tone for that matter are generated from imperfections. So in designing a cab, you use the standing waves in the cab kind of like an eq.

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