Wide body Theile.

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definately two schools of thought on this. i believe in taking the coloration out of a cab. some use coloration to get their sound. to each his own, no method is truly better. however i think people who play ev's are more of the first school as that driver lends itself to that application pretty well. having a colored speaker cab imo limits the cabs versatillity, but it might be someone else's holy grail of tone. like i said different strokes.

when it comes to computer modeling, if you think it is perfect, then maby you should get a line 6 (jk. i know that was a cheap shot) anyway, my point is although the "recto" model on a line 6 might be modeled identically to a mesa amp in computerland, it is my humble opinion that they don't sound exactly the same. you can do computer models all day but nothing will beat real world testing. (not dissin' computers, they are great tools sometimes the realworld vs. computerland throws you a loop)
Boogafunk said:
as far as cabinet depth affecting the sound, from a strictly scientific standpoint, the cab dimensions make no difference. (nor port placement or size) however when the rubber meets the road all sorts of things can happen with standing waves and phase cancellation. this is a big reason to use damping material inside the cab. it will go a long way towards eleminating these sonic anomales, and make the internal dimensions less of a factor. lets face it, most of us stack stuff on top of our cabs. making a cab with no parallel walls would make for a very impracticle stage rig. and properly damped you would probably need a computer to hear the differenc between the two. again i could be wrong as i have never built a cab in such a configuration, and that would be the only true test. (computer modeling can only get you so far.) i have no inclanation to build such a cab however since it would be useful only as a basis for comparison.

Hey BF, I wouldn't mind trying some dampening mat. Is there a meathod to installing it in a theile. I would like to try the cabinet without first and then with. I would like to make it temporary until I deceide which I like the best. Can I use something as cheap as pillow stuffing found in a craft store or do I really need to use some high end stuff to get a desired effect. Thanks.
I never said they were computers were perfect you always have to build your cab and try it. Computer just help get you in the ball park. I don't care for line6's tone either, i like the idea and the convinces not the implementations. I had a flextone 2 when i was younger, no amount of tweaking ever helped. I think of speaker cabs kind of like I do guitar amps. I have different ones for different things. Not that I have a lot of guitar amps. It would be nice if you could just have one cab that did it all.
you can use most anything, but i would suggest going down to your local fabric store. buy some 2" dacron and cut it into squares slightly oversized so they will stay in place. place them against the back and sides minus the port side. if you like it get some sray adhesive and stick it to the sides. if you hate it take them out. might cost you 10 bucks or so. if you use something else jsut make sure that it isn't loose fill type stuff cause it will eventually come out of the cab, an dit needs to stick to the sides to be effective. eggcrate foam will also work if you have some around, but it will be more trouble to get it to stand up unattatched, and it's ugly. don't block the port and don't worry about the baffle, just the other 4 sides.
Boogafunk said:
i think you mean poly-fill.
I used poly-fill in my DIY cabs and while it is loose stuff, once you pack the cab, it tends to stay in place.
I finally got the EV today and installed it. Yes it was along time. there was some mis communication. Anyway, it sounds hugh. I tried the cab empty first. Then I tried dampening material made out of poly in the cab and stuffed into the chamber. To be honest I didn't hear much of a difference between the 2. Maybe it's just my ear.

I played through the Thiele only, for like half an hour and realized I still have another speaker to try. So I pluged both in and I couldn't believe how big it sounded. Just like a 4-12 in my opinion.

I am in between recorders right now, I sold my old boss BR8 and I am thinking about getting the new zoom HD16CD. I have not heard from anyone who has tried it yet and I am curious. It looks awsome, lots stuff. I am going to pull the trigger on something new soon. So, I will make some clips and post them. W/dampening mat. and W/O. all 3 channels. I will let the masses decide.

I hear no resonance issues with the dummy wall at all so I think that is a none factor. I will keep you updated. Thanks for all of the advice.
maby i just have "golden ears". i'm glad the new spin on an old design worked out for you. you obviously did your homework and it has paid off. i too feel that a thiele or two would easily replace most any speaker configuration out there. (except maby those openbacked celestion guys) for me they're perfect. i would strongly encourage (in spite of the fact that i sell them) anyone to take a lesson from rick and go out and build your own. rick, what style music do you typically play?
Boogafunk said:
maby i just have "golden ears". i'm glad the new spin on an old design worked out for you. you obviously did your homework and it has paid off. i too feel that a thiele or two would easily replace most any speaker configuration out there. (except maby those openbacked celestion guys) for me they're perfect. i would strongly encourage (in spite of the fact that i sell them) anyone to take a lesson from rick and go out and build your own. rick, what style music do you typically play?

Thanks BF. I dig nearly everything. Mostly clasic rock/metal/progressive.
I am not too much into todays hardcore metal, but I respect it for what it is. Most of my friends look at my cd collection and think I have opened up a time capsule. I still listen to old King Crimson and old Genesis ( With Gabriel ) but I think Dream Theater is probably one of my favorite bands right now along with Vai and my mp3 player still has at least a gig worth of Zappa in it. I spend more time on C3 than I do on R1.

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