Who was it that exclaimed the C+ the "Holy Grail"?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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Was there somebody famous and/or accomplished that endorsed the C+ as the "endeared one"?

I ask because it seems the only way I could believe this is to rely on folks that play guitar and listen to amps all the time. Guys that record alot, play live alot strive to achieve the richest tone they can...

I've been listening to alot of amps lately and it seems so subjective to say that the C+ is the Holy Grail. I just listened to the Mark V C+ mode and then a true C+ back to back and there was a difference. I describe the C+ as "organic", more "french fried" than the Mark V's version. However I liked the Mark V's C+ mode as well as the other channels as well.

There was a bit more noise in the circuit of the true C+ as well presumably due to it's aged circuitry - this of course when the player wasn't playing. Noise was not an issue when the guitar was playing. I found that in listening to the two amps that the player made each amp sound incredible in it's own right.

So is the C+ just great because it is "vintage"? Or does it produce a tone so singular and unique that it can last for the ages?
The Legions of Metallica faithful had some sway on public opinion.

This seems like a cut and paste of an old thread. The title is almost word for word. :shock:
+1 on the association and rise of Metallica, their tone and connection with the IIC+.

Also, I would suggest that you read the Mark V manual. In it, Doug West writes an entire "column" inside the manual about the IIC+, his collection of 8 of them, the ONE he relies on as his tone reference, etc... I know Doug, and I know he has been the 'ears' with Randy Smith on the Marks since the beginning. So, part of the mystique of the IIC+ probably ties to Mesa and Doug considering that model as their reference standard for Boogie tone, plus its connection to Metallica and its timing and use in the industry at the time.
I would also say that in a comparison with a mark V its important what exact C+ the comparison was made with.

There are different versions , but only one mark V version.

But all great stuff OFC :)
Yeh I agree Cremona - there are so many variables on a C+. Which Power Transformer it has, which version - 60 watt, 60/100, simulclass, converted models - little things like which tubes and speakers one uses. Also the infamous effect that the graphic EQ has on the tone. Also what guitar a player uses, what pickups... It goes on and on...
Having heard all the marks over the years I'm actually of the rare opinion that the sounds got better through the III, with the IV being somewhat of a radical step forward. To this day though the best Mesa I've heard was a friends mark IV that was dialed. This was one that 2 different engineers on different coasts both told me at different times was a perfect sounding amp... One that required no eq or tweaking.

It's funny because I'm really not that huge of a fan of metallica's tone on master of puppets and later albums. The tone on ride the lighting is my favorite, followed by kill em all, neither of which are mesas. So it's subjective.

That being said I think the rarity of the IIC+ makes it the figurehead for all of these wonderful amps.
The only thing that is surthen is the all sound different, there is no right or wrong or best ,only variation of style and taste.(hey that rimed :D )

The comparison i did with a mark 4 my friend and band mate own , left no doubt in me or my band mate why the c+ is so sourght after.

BTW i greatly prefered the mark 2 channel over the mark 3 channel in the Quad preamp i had.

But a couple of marshall entusiast i know have no Love for the c+ sound at all.
Boatright-- it appears we are on the same boat! :lol: :wink:

All the Best,
Well here's my 1984 C+. Orig owner.

I did the pin 1-8 change. Then put 5751 in V1 and a CV4024 in V5.

Those were mods rec by various board members here. Great site to have by the way. Tons of knowledge here.

I think I like the change in sound. Not sure yet tho..Gotta play more..! :)


Xqz & Lester,

Well I have to admit I just can't seem to manage my time well enough to take advantage of the amp. I really need to get my priorities inline and get back to it. I bght some Marshall's ard xmas 2008 and just messing ard with them. Trying to get back into electric. I mostly do acoustic and banjo.

I do love the amp tho. :)

Oh, I will clean the dust off tho.... :oops:

Hey Lester I see your in N Al. I'm from Ga and my brother is in B'ham plus have a friend in Gunterville. Where are you located?

Keep on pickin'.. :wink:
Hey Xqz,

If that's true, send the cutest chick you know over to my place this weekend in ANC.

I'll put on some logs, ply her with wine and sing some beautiful love songs and see what come up. HA!.

RocketRick said:
Xqz & Lester,

Well I have to admit I just can't seem to manage my time well enough to take advantage of the amp. I really need to get my priorities inline and get back to it. I bght some Marshall's ard xmas 2008 and just messing ard with them. Trying to get back into electric. I mostly do acoustic and banjo.

I do love the amp tho. :)

Oh, I will clean the dust off tho.... :oops:

Hey Lester I see your in N Al. I'm from Ga and my brother is in B'ham plus have a friend in Gunterville. Where are you located?

Keep on pickin'.. :wink:

sweet...Athens/Huntsville area...(the home base of NAMM is Decatur,Al).....I am in Bham a lot..we have fellow bro "Phyrexia", who works at a cool music store in the 'ham..and G'ville is a beautiful city..I have gigged there quite a few times back in the day on THE river...welcome to the board, and feel free to come see us!!!

I do have to get back to see my 87 yr old pop in Ga. I'll visit my bro in b''ham. Were are you guys at really?

I'd like to jam with acoustics and maybe electric. I'm still learning electric tho. I played in a band The blue Notes n the late 60's & early 70's but got into bluegrass and acoustic after that.

Had an orig 1964 Firebird but it got stolen in ATL. Sad for that.


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