Who is TINA?

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Oct 12, 2005
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Hey everybody,

I just opened up my mark iii to give it a clean and found the word TINA written inside the chassis. It is written in two places: by the heat sink and the transformer. There is also a KDW written behind the input jack socket. What does it all mean???!!?!? Was there a mod done to the amp? Any info would be appreciated!
KD and Tina worked at Mesa stuffing boards etc. This was quite some time ago. I have no idea if either of them are still there. It was (is) common practice for the people who work on an amp to put there initials on it.
Thank you. wow, that is some obscure knowledge. I am throughly impressed!
Kaydee move to wiring in the late 80's and early 1990's. Betweem KD and TN, they are usually found inside a ton of old boogies. You may see SDS and RCS. Randall Smith actually built one of my filter cap boards and teched out another.