Who else is waiting for their RK Series 2?

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2006
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I ordered my custom Road King combo in August, and am waiting on the Series 2, since I was lucky enough to order when they'd be on backorder of parts. Serendipity. Who else has one on the way, and how long have you been waiting?
July homie.....

Ordered mine in July....... 22nd.................... to be exact.....

Yeah man, I'm here with ya......

What pisses me off is that MB knew about their "supplier issue" back in/around April and didn't say anything about it....

Now, I'm excited that I will be getting a Series II but, in all honesty, had I known there was an issue with them making the amp and it would be **** near a year before I even thought about getting it, yeah, I would have waited to make the order...

I ordered in July, shoulda been in around October. It wasn't, I called and found out about the issues and then they said end of December, first week of January. Nothing comes in, I call and find out now it's the second week of February.... I was actually quoted an estimated ship date of the 13th. I call that week and end up finding out that I'm looking at anywhere from 45 to 60 more days..... Hopefully, after that time lapses I won't hear, "um, yeah, sorry 60 more days..". That has been the only thing consistant in my dealings with Mesa Boogie so far...... I hope the amp is worth the wait.

So during all of this they say nothing anywhere about the production situation with the RK.... But when the NAMM stuff hit BAM! there was stuff posted up on the site..... They could have and SHOULD HAVE put information on the Road King page as soon as they knew there were issues... back in fuckin' April.

As I am told now, from my last communication, there was some kind of hum in the models they tested before shipping. The way I understand it it was the same hum in every model that they tested so they had/have to go back and disassemble and check every amp that's been completed to date. That is after they confirm the problem which I would guess by now they have...

I've never owned a Boogie..... I'm excited about this amp but I'm also very discouraged with the company's lax and somewhat arrogant approach to the situation. Fortunately I have seen and heard nothing but great remarks made about the Road King and Mesa Boogie in general. Everyone I know that has a Boogie says, man, it'll totally be worth the wait... So, I'll wait.. Of course I'll wait.... I just want my amp.. My really really great amp...
I understand that MB sells a product that is pretty much in a class by themselves and I will say that each of the few times I have talked with Michael Wolf he has been very polite, attentive as far as listening to concerns and as informative as he can be with the information that he has available to him. I do however feel that it is somewhat arrogant for a company to knowingly leave this information out of the picture for consumers.... It didn't take long to upload nifty flash adds for the Stilleto and the Roadster immediately after NAMM. The least they should have done is put some information of the problems on the Road King page once they knew about them. Which I might add was quickly updated with the new RK II specs and yet still no mention of the delay..

Crap!... I wrote alot.......... :shock:

I just want my Road King......... :( that's all... Just my Road King.... Series II
I was going to order one but ended up buying a Stiletto Trident for $899 new and sealed. I'll wait till I can play one in the store before I order.
Hi, i'm new to this board and i'm a proud new owner of my firs Mesa Amp. Well if i can recieve it one day :(
I ordered my RoadKing head + Roadking Cab last September 2005 and i'm still waiting for it without news. At first i didn't tough it could be so long and surely didn't know there were going to be a series 2.

And what is worst is that since i live in Montreal, Canada, i have to wait 3 months for the shipping :(

But hey i don't have any choice but to wait like all of you!
kingster911 said:
I ordered my custom Road King combo in August, and am waiting on the Series 2, since I was lucky enough to order when they'd be on backorder of parts. Serendipity. Who else has one on the way, and how long have you been waiting?

I ordered a Roadster head/cab on 02/06/06 and at that time the ETA was April. I found out yesterday it's been pushed back to late June. I don't know if I have the patience to wait that long for an amp I've never even heard. I may need to bail on it and maybe look again next year when they are really out...
Hi All

Yes I waiting myself,
I placed my order on August 1st, 2005 from a place called Zone Music (its only 10 minutes away from Mesa H.Q.) and been waiting very patiently. I'm sorry for you that have been waiting longer.

My little story
8/2/05 The next day I head over to Zone to attend "Tone Summit" (a little trade show) Went directly to the Mesa Tent. I was talking to a nice guy by the name of Rich and asked him if he knew shipping dates. He asked what amp did I purchase I said the Road King, and he got this huge smile on his face, said congratulations, shook my hand and gave me a thank you. He told me not till October and gave me a handful of: Mesa Picks, a few stickers, a Lanyard, and his card. He told me If I don't receive it by then send me an email......

October comes, and goes. No I don't want to bother him

November. Screw it! I send him an email asking my order status. He replies with. I'm sorry were having problems with that amp hopefully you will see it before Christmas.

December comes and goes. Get a phone call "Matt your order has arrived", YES! Its here! Driving 40 Miles in the rain, in traffic, telling all the S L O W people to move faster cause I'm the only important person in the world. OH! but when I get there what do I see? only ONE box. I Told them there is a mistake! there should be 2 boxes 1 head + 1 Cabinet = 2 BOXES! Yeah... it was only the Road King 2x12 cab. :cry:

January. I call up Mesa asking status on Road King amps and a very nice lady on the phone tells me there having supplier problems. I email my Mesa friend asking him if this is true and when I would receive it. He confirmed it was and I wont see it until February - April :shock: (WOW! that is a LARGE gap!) but I will be getting the Series II Road King and whenever I want come by the factory and he will give me a tour :D

So here I am sitting, gazing at my phone waiting for it to ring, all the poor telemarketers that I blamed for My amplifier misfortune. Haven't showered in months. A 2x12 Cabinet sitting besides me, Oh yea it sounds great! with it just sitting THERE! might as well be a $600 paper weight!

I'm going to take him up on the offer of the tour, since I only live 30 minutes away.
All I want is my amp! :roll:

-The New Guy-
I placed my order on 7/7/05 and was told the same thing as everyone else.

Although Peace, you seem to know more about whats going on, then with any of the sales men that i've spoken with. They always have to talk to the mesa rep and then he says a date, and then that date comes and goes.

I don't want to sound like i'm complaning coz i know i'm getting a great amp, but it's just a little frustraiting.

Good Luck with the rest of you on the waiting list as well. I guess let's try to keep each other updated if we hear anything or if anyone gets a call that there amp is in.
I had called the second-to-last week in April: they said in the next month. Better be.
Razor's in the lead with the 7/7 order date.

I'm running a close second with 7/22...

I've called Mesa a few times about this (obviously :roll: ) and got good information... Albeit information I didn't particularly want to hear but pretty much the same across the board.

I think this would have been received a little differently from many, maybe not all, but many people had MEsa been up front from the start about the problems... They had many many months of opportunities to put just a little bit of information on their website but, instead, opted to take the "screw 'em" approach. I was upset about the lack of information from the start but after they hustled info to the website after the NAMM show about their new products and the "New in 2006 RK Series II" but still no mention of the issues and delays with that amp I was very angry.
It's not a chore to put up a small note about aspects of the situations. "Due to backorders and testing of new modles thr RK II will not be shipping until April." or whatever.. They could have done, and should have done something in that regard to inform people of the situation. I think it's in bad taste and somewhat distrustful to be so unwilling to come right out with that kind of information. That is good info for consumers when you're looking to plunk down that kind of cash on ANY product..

I just want my amp.. Fortunately, it's a Mesa, they have a respectable history and a good reputation so I should be looking at a quality product. If I have one problem with the amp I hope they'll be more responsive than they are now with the RK II delays. I will be on livid angry boligerant mother fucker if I get this amp and start having volume drops or channel problems or the new LS reverb in the RK II starts squalling on me.. I will be highly displeased if I have a single problem and I'll sure let them know about it. I don't and CAN'T make purchases like this everyday.. I hope this lives up to the expectation..

I'll say one more thing and then I'll get off of my soapbox :oops: .

I like some of what I saw in MetalMatt's post
.... and gave me a handful of: Mesa Picks, a few stickers, a Lanyard, and his card.

You know, it would be a really nice redeeming gesture on Mesa's part if they could maybe incorporate some of this carnival trinket type stuff to those of us who've been waiting patiently through all setbacks since last year for this flagship amp.... You know, I don't expect the world. Not alot.. just a nice little package in addition to my amp that I'm paying a hefty fee for that says, "hey, sorry we floundered this whole deal and it turned into somewhat of a fiasco-slash-debachle.. Please allow us to show you a bit a gratitude for your patience and patronage with a small package of mesa related items."
maybe a T-shirt of hat. some picks, stickers a lanyard.... you know.... It's not a far fetched request....

Maybe us RK II hangers-on can get together somewhat collectively and ring Mesa's bell and mention something like this.....

Think its outlandish?

Just a thought............

*Sigh*... I just want my Road King.....

I ordered mine way back in june of 05. Still waiting for the head, got my RK 4x12 in october which is heavy as hell.

Do you have to ask for a series 2 or are they just making them instead of the series 1?
moosick11 said:
Do you have to ask for a series 2 or are they just making them instead of the series 1?

You should be getting the Series II.
You don't have to ask for it. The Series I is gone. Unless it's a used one of course. All of our old orders will be filled with the Series II.
hang in there guys. (I'm still in awe of the old ones. :shock: )
Called the salesman yesterday to see if they heard anything on the Roadkings. He said he's been trying to get in touch with the boogie rep for the area. So hopefully they will get a hold of him and find something out. I have not heard back from them yet, but hopefully soon.

Anyone else heard anything?

Also phoenix, Nice looking amp ya got there.
I called yesterday and spoke with Michael Wolf.

In a nutshell 30 more days before they're moving out the door.
Your salesman, much like mine, isn't plunking down a bunch of cash on this type of purchase..... So, like he really gives a crap ya know..... :roll: ?

I mean, the guy I deal with is a good guy but it's not like this bothers him too much. Certainly not like it bothers me.... But....

I wish we all had better news....

I only hope that the next time I dig for info I don't hear "30 more days" which has been all I've really heard for a while now.

United We Stand!!!!!!!!!! 8) RKII or Die!!!!!!! :lol:

:| ..just want my Road King..

Hang in there brutha!
Great news, i just got the call Monday 4/10/06 that my beautiful "gold grilled" road king series 2 head is finally in after waiting since june of 05.
Hope you guys got the news too or will soon about yours.

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