Which One Would You Get First?

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shredtheater said:
why would you want a tuner in a rack system??

It has flashing lights!

How about the obvious answer--skip the house, and buy EVERYTHING!
eltrain858 said:
18&Life said:
What is better than it,foot tap dancing on the stage ?
so what, you work the midi controller with your tongue? if you're changing effects, whats the difference between foot tap dancing on a pedalboard vs a midi controller?

I'm using an Ultrafoot for midi switching--the two expression pedals are very nice. I choose my effects before the song, but they preset with 0% effected signal. When I need them, I fade them in with the expression pedals and back out again. No program switching during the song, just fade in what I need. Then, when I'm playing I can think about playing and not about programs.
I'm still livin' in the 80's with an BOSS ME-5! It's never let me down, it's quite and I don't need OD's or Distortion; the MKIV has more than enough of that for me...
MKIII said:
I'm still livin' in the 80's with an BOSS ME-5! It's never let me down, it's quite and I don't need OD's or Distortion; the MKIV has more than enough of that for me...

I miss the 80's. This decade sucks.
for upgrades, before i bought any pedals i would buy some nice NOS tubes and a higher end cable(s) to run from guitar to pedals and amp. these are some underrated ways to get a better tone.
good point. i bought george l's patch cables last week. still researching on upgrading tubes.
eltrain858 said:
18&Life said:
What is better than it,foot tap dancing on the stage ?
so what, you work the midi controller with your tongue? if you're changing effects, whats the difference between foot tap dancing on a pedalboard vs a midi controller?

Sorry but that was so stupid. :shock:
When I press 1 button of my midi controler I change all my effects ( no matter how many they are ).
With your feet you could only press 2 pedals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HipKitty wrote:
Keep the Boss tuner, even though it has input and output buffers, it is a much more durable tuner when compared to the Peterson. Your Boss tuner will outlast the Peterson....

Are you sure about this?

David, yes, absolutely yes. What makes the Peterson even more problematic is their tendency to be microphonic.

Regarding durability, I have seen several last less than a week under touring conditions. I have yet to see a Boss unit experience the same...in fact, I have seen a Boss unit that was torn apart by Customs on the Canadian side and the unit still worked. Boss has been building durable pedals far longer than Peterson. I would imagine that Peterson is just "finding their way" at this point.

Now, they owned the world or stand-alone and rack tuners for the longest time, but then came the Korg's that quickly filled that spot....
pjrake said:
since i'm on a strict allowance (my wife and i are buying a home), i have enough money to upgrade my pedalboard, but of the following, which one would you upgrade first to improve overall tone:

a) upgrade BOSS TU-2 tuner to a Peterson Strobo tuner cause it'll give me true-bypass

b) upgrade Maxon C101 compressor to keeley compressor (my comp is on all the time)

c) purchase analogman chorus pedal (don't have any chorus at the moment and would like to add one for my stock clean sound)

it might sound funny but i'm seriously considering buying the tuner first, not for it's ability to tune but to give me true bypass. i feel that my tuner sucks tone. i was thinking of getting a pedalboard junction cause it makes my tuner true-bypass and it's cheaper but that's another pedal on my already tight board and more cables.

please help!!!

here's a quick update on what i did based on the advice and suggestions of this thread.

1. i purchased the pedalboard junction so i can have my BOSS tuner out of the pedal chain. i was about to buy the peterson tuner but this board helped me to decide against it. plus, it was cheaper too!

2. i purchased a 4U rack space with a rack drawer and housed all my pedals axess stuff (except tuner) in the rack along with a furman conditioner.

because i did this, now i'm considering of getting a G Major instead of the analogman chorus pedal. and the last thing i'll do is get the keeley compressor and just use it on my clean channel.

on a side note, had a gig last night and was complemented on my tone, so i really do not want to make any major modifications on it. i could upgrade my clean sound, which is why i'm considering getting the G Major. my dirty channel i'll leave it the way it is, probably upgrade my TS9 to a BB preamp, but that's later down the road.

i'll post pics up this week of my current setup. thank you all for your advice. this board rocks!
joe, i must be having an off day cause i still don't understand your comment, or how it helps this thread.

btw: i don't own a lawnmower... not too many houses in the Bronx.
pjrake said:
joe, i must be having an off day cause i still don't understand your comment, or how it helps this thread.

btw: i don't own a lawnmower... not too many houses in the Bronx.
OK, never mind.

I'm just saying... I bought my first home in April, and all my gear-buying plans have gone to absolute crap. Lawn upkeep, appliance repair and replacement, decorating crap for the wife... it all adds up to no new amp for Joe until Xmas!

I wasn't prying, I was just curious if you were going to be as overwhelmed as I have been. :?
JoeEllison said:
pjrake said:
joe, i must be having an off day cause i still don't understand your comment, or how it helps this thread.

btw: i don't own a lawnmower... not too many houses in the Bronx.
OK, never mind.

I'm just saying... I bought my first home in April, and all my gear-buying plans have gone to absolute crap. Lawn upkeep, appliance repair and replacement, decorating crap for the wife... it all adds up to no new amp for Joe until Xmas!

I wasn't prying, I was just curious if you were going to be as overwhelmed as I have been. :?

sorry about that. for a second i thought you were saying i need to concentrate on other things. i just heard my wife speaking when i read your post! hahahahahahahaha

nah, but my wife and i have an understanding and part of our overall income goes to my music.

but i hear ya, with wife and kids, it's not easy.
pjrake said:
sorry about that. for a second i thought you were saying i need to concentrate on other things. i just heard my wife speaking when i read your post! hahahahahahahaha

nah, but my wife and i have an understanding and part of our overall income goes to my music.

but i hear ya, with wife and kids, it's not easy.
Well, we had the same understanding, until we went from renting to owning, and I had to start mowing my own lawn, and fixing my own crap. Home Depot can base its quarterly profits on my purchases alone!

As far as effects... instead of upgrading your TS9 and buying a compressor, I'd buy a Visual Sound Route 66, which is based on the TS808 Tubescreamer and has built-in compression as well. Nice clean boost and compression, serious tone-shaping ability, and a silky-smooth overdrive, all in one pedal.