Which MArk IV to get?

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Northern, New Jersey
I've got a Solo 50 head and have been hearing a lot about the IV and I think it's time to check it out! Currently my set up is...

Solo 50
2X12 Cab

KH-602 w/ EMG 60a neck 85 bridge...great sound!!
ZW-LP w/ EMG 60 neck 81 bridge...nice!!
2000 American Strat ... very bluesy!!

I like to play all kinds of tunes, classic rock to blues, but tend to like more of a heavy crunch! I like the scooped sound but also dig the 80's (glam) sound sometimes.

My main question is...would a IV combo be suffice....I've seen this one on Ebay....http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7367340910&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT&rd=1

Or would it be better off to get the head...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7366373148&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT&rd=1

I've got a spare room now, but my wife is pregnant and I'm gonna be needing the room for the kid...a combo would be great, but I'd like to get something that will be around for the little one to jam out on in the future.

Should I trade in the head and cab and go for the used combo and not spend any cash or keep the cab, trade in the head and pay out maybe $400-500 for a used head?


I converted my combo to a head.

The combo sounded fine, but with only the one speaker, I think I could have killed a small child at 50 yards with that singular beam of sound.

Now that I have it in the head form, running through a 4x12, life is good.

Mine is the short head. I think it looks funny sitting on top of my cab though.

But not so funny that I'd be willing to buy a long version... anal-retentiveness be damned.
Koprofag said:
but short heads are the ideal size! i just wish they made the rectos that way. and maybe didn't have the "preamp" upside down so i could convert it if i wanted to. but i hear having the tubes upside down can make the amp overheat, so neener neener. :p
I like the shortheads because they fit on 1-12" cabs as well as 4-10" cabs (which I presently use), and they also fit in my rack (on a shelf) with no modification needed. BTW the shortheads do not overheat, they're fan cooled.

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