So far so good gentlemen. The dreaded Boss GT8 is no more, replaced with a TC Electronics Flashback x4 that I haven't quite learned how to use yet. I experienced an epiphany last week while tweaking my
Tone. I copied the sounds/settings from several YouTube videos, and I really thought I was close the tone I wanted to hear in my head. It sounded fuller, with more bottom end. The I realized I had it on the Xtreme channel. I immediacy switched back to the mark IV, but I thought it sounded thin. Then I remembered something I read on one of these boards: trust your ears, not your eyes. With that I put it back in Xteme mode. Here are the settings I'm currently using:
Tone. I copied the sounds/settings from several YouTube videos, and I really thought I was close the tone I wanted to hear in my head. It sounded fuller, with more bottom end. The I realized I had it on the Xtreme channel. I immediacy switched back to the mark IV, but I thought it sounded thin. Then I remembered something I read on one of these boards: trust your ears, not your eyes. With that I put it back in Xteme mode. Here are the settings I'm currently using: