Which Mark III?

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Nov 7, 2007
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Now I'm hunting a Mark III. Was wondering which one (by color of stripe) was well suited for old school thrash style music. Thanks
They are all pretty similar. If I were looking for one to play Thrash, I'd consider the power configuration before stripe color and go for a 100/60.
I have a blue stripe and works great for old school thrash which is my favorite to play. Its also said to have the most aggressive preamp gain of all the stripes but some will argue the green stripe is just as aggressive.
Any of the stripes man. If you have yourself a good set of tubes in there, any stripe will be a superb fit for thrash. More importantly, just make sure it has GEQ + Simul-Class (can accept EL34s & 6L6..or all 6L6). The EL34 with 6L6 give them a nice top end that bites really nice. It's killer for that style to a 'T'.
Facelift said:
I have a blue stripe and works great for old school thrash which is my favorite to play. Its also said to have the most aggressive preamp gain of all the stripes but some will argue the green stripe is just as aggressive.

I've had both the Blue and Green striped Mark IIIs, and to my ears the Blue is waaaaay more aggressive than the Green.
Facelift said:
I have a blue stripe and works great for old school thrash which is my favorite to play. Its also said to have the most aggressive preamp gain of all the stripes but some will argue the green stripe is just as aggressive.

I've had both the Blue and Green striped Mark IIIs, and to my ears the Blue is waaaaay more aggressive than the Green.

well that makes me feel alot better about my choice. i wanted the most aggressive and i believe i have it.
They will all suit! However, it seems that the redstripe is most like the Mark IIC+ which Metallica used!
I thought the green stripe was the same thing as the blue stripe except that it is wired in pentode as opposed to triode. If that's the case I would think the green would be at least as aggressive, and also more tight and punchy. The only reason I can think of of why a blue might be more aggressive is if it doesn't have simul class, since all green stripes are simul class, which I hear smooths out the sound.
blackthunder said:
Now I'm hunting a Mark III. Was wondering which one (by color of stripe) was well suited for old school thrash style music. Thanks

The stripes were more about hunting a good Rhythm 2 sound than anything else. If old school thrash is your thing, you probably won't even need a footswitch. Any of the stripes will do the job. I would suggest a 60/100 or Coliseum power section, though. :D
I have a red stripe coli and love it!...I have played a blue and green str. mk III and noticed some, but not much difference...Like others said, I think you need to be sure you get that power section workin hard...Turn it up if you can....
I've got red and i have play with a black (or dot) this weekend and i tell you, the lead sounds are very very similar ! the diference is the Rhythm 2, it's better on the Red .