What style do you use your Rectifier for?

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I am curious to hear if anyone uses their Rectifier for something other than really distorted, high gain stuff. I played around with my Triple and got an awesome AC/DC tone, to the point where I'd take my Triple in a heartbeat over some Marshall that is meant for the style.

Anyone else?
Mainly use it for classic rock, crunchy AC/DC tone. Not too compressed and saturated with gain, you can still make out the individual notes in a chord.

Like to have the modern channel set up for the odd song... good to see peoples jaws dropping!! :twisted:
yeah you can get real nice ac/dc tones out of the mesas,

otherwise I onlý play death metal with my roadster and 2 chan recto
I use my roadster for funk, jazz, Foo Fighters/QUOTSA style rock, stoner doom rock, and novice metal. I spend most of my time in channel 3, I can pull nice cleans to doom with just the volume on my guitar.
Well I mainly use mine for straight out death metal but every now and then it's nice to dial back the gain and play some Skynyrd and let out my inner redneck.
I have been using mine for everything. That is not a figure of speech either. I jam with a Death/Hardcore outfit, fill in on some Alt/Country gigs, my band which leans toward Latin Funk. I used to use it in My Top 40 Wedding Band,(URGH!) and almost every Sunday at Church. Good amp, I have been looking @ a Soldano and Rivera just to change things up, but after our gig last night I still kind of wonder if I'm just trading apples for oranges. One thing that sounds killer is when I use the slave out into my F30's effects return. To me that would be the perfect setup.
I use it for overly compressed, overly saturated Stoner Rock.

On my Road King, I have Ch1 as Clean, Ch2 as a Kyuss style of distortion (i've found pushing a clean channel hard sounds better for that than pushing a dirty channel), Ch3 is for Big Muff-esque fuzz, and Ch 4 is for AC/DC crunch.

Naturally, I use my Orange and my Dual Recto for those particular tones when I'm recording because those amps sound fucking fantastic, but the Road King does it all in one unit.
Channel 1 - I try to get sqeeky clean, fenderish cleans for clean picking and with a slight clean boost i get a very tweedish type vibe for more strumming type stuff.

Channel 2 - More or less use it for my classic rock channel, with a boost it serves as mid-gain lead tone (think Opeth) and without a boost more of a Led Zeppelin rhythm type tone.

Channel 3 - I use for ACDC/Coheed & Cambria type crunch stuff and with a boost its a sweet Slash/Billy howerdel high gain lead stuff (i dont solo so its more of a super fat creamy lead).

Channel 4 - This is where the beast awakens from a Metallica type rhythm without a boost, to a Petrucci lead tone with a clean boost to ballz to the wall type KSE rhytm tone with an OD.

So as you can see I cover quite some ground with the amp and a couple pedals. Throw in the Axe-fx for fx and the possibilities are endless. :D

Also you can tell who my tonal influences are (Metallica, Tool, APC, GnR, ACDC, Zeppelin, Opeth)
Alt rock/metal, whatever you want to call it. Sevendust, Chevelle-ish type stuff mostly.

But I play about everything on it. I've used it for metal gigs, blues gigs, and rock gigs.
I use it mainly for heavier 90's type stuff...

Old Incubus, 311, Deftones, Primus, etc.

I use a lot of effects and since my fx loop sucks, they are all up front...(thank you Boss for the wonderful line selector) and the amp takes them all very well!

If you listen to the heavier albums of the mid to late 90's, you will hear Mesa all over the place.
The band I use my 3ch recto with is all over the place, but for the most part we mainly settle on stoner/doom and 70's-ish power trio psychedelic kinda stuff.

ch 1 - pushed cleans for ambient breakdowns, moody wankery and the psych moments. (picture the melodic parts of Tool and Isis)

ch 2 - used mainly for the verses and reserved parts of the heavy tunes. also, the psych freakout stuff

ch 3 - for choruses and ultra heavy breakdowns
I mostly use for classic rock to hard rock sounds. I use el34 tubes for more crunch sounds

Channel-1 - Clean
Channel-2 Vintage - adjust gain for different songs.
Channel-3 Modern - alt/metal tones

Right now I don't have an OD so using guitar volume and pick-ups to switch from rhythm to leads.
Pretty simple with my new band...Channel 4 on the Roadster to all out metal :twisted:

I get great tones on the other channels for the different parts in the songs, as you'd expect, but the main use is balls to the wall metal! :D
I use my Triple for Metal/Hardcore style stuff (Parkway Drive/A Plea For Purging/Bury Your Dead/August Burns Red style stuff). Vintage mode on channels 2 and 3, clean on channel 1. Boosted it with a Maxon OD808, Gain on zero, Tone around 9:00, Balance around 12:30. I'm now running EL-34's in it and it sounds BRUTAL. I love my Mesa's tone!


I play mostly post-hardcore chaotic screamo stuff, like The Devil Wears Prada or Underoath. I do tend to tune a few steps down and play some metal every now and then though, like Black Dahlia Murder or As Blood Runs Black. I use JJ KT-77's and high-gain 12AX7's with GZ-34 rectifier tubes from Eurotubes. I keep my amp settings mostly the same for everything I play. My rig is in my signature
Well, it may suprise people to hear that I use my dual rec for creating a tone somewhere in-between Brian May, Keith Urban and David Gilmore sound...that warm shimmering sound with plenty of sustain. I use a Fender Stratocaster by the way.

I use it with my band live, in the studio and also for session work in all styles. I found my playing style suits Dual Rectifiers more than any other amps, i.e. dynamic touch (very light -heavy), letting the amp do allot of the work . I find that with marshals you really have to hit the guitar hard and have it up very loud. The rectifier seems to break up into overdrive at a fairly low volume.

Just thought I would jump in and break the traditional Dual rectifier only works with metal stereotype.
exitman said:
Well, it may suprise people to hear that I use my dual rec for creating a tone somewhere in-between Brian May, Keith Urban and David Gilmore sound...that warm shimmering sound with plenty of sustain. I use a Fender Stratocaster by the way.

I use it with my band live, in the studio and also for session work in all styles. I found my playing style suits Dual Rectifiers more than any other amps, i.e. dynamic touch (very light -heavy), letting the amp do allot of the work . I find that with marshals you really have to hit the guitar hard and have it up very loud. The rectifier seems to break up into overdrive at a fairly low volume.

Just thought I would jump in and break the traditional Dual rectifier only works with metal stereotype.
That's actually what I was wondering; if there was someone else who loved the way it sounds with lighter distortion. I agree with you, the dynamics are excellent! Do you have an older 2 channel?
TheMagicEight said:
That's actually what I was wondering; if there was someone else who loved the way it sounds with lighter distortion. I agree with you, the dynamics are excellent! Do you have an older 2 channel?

I actually have a fairly recent 3 channel version (got it mid 2007). I simply back off the gain a bit, I got what I wanted with channel two on modern mode with the gain somewhere around the 12- 3o' clock position. But I also have the option of cranking up the gain to get that real high gain sound if I want. If you want to check out my bands myspace to hear what I mean by a lighter overdriven sound goto http://www.myspace.com/exitonline (sorry for the plug but its to illustrate a point :D ), Its a pop/rock, melodic rock idea but it shows something different than the usual metal applications. I have also done session work with the amp playing everything from chicken' pickin' country, blues to metal and everything in-between.

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