What OD pedal to run with the Mark V? (OCD?)

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Well-known member
May 11, 2008
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Western KY
Ok so Im looking for a boost like an OCD or something. Whats everybody using to get screaming pinch harmonics for solos?

But dont want an overdrive thats gonna sound thin and shrilly and take away all the low-end like most of them I have heard.
I don't know about screaming pinch harmonics but I have an OCD and it sounds pretty good with the Mark V especially in channel 1 clean and fat modes. The other OD/distortion pedals that work well that I have are a Catalinbread Dirty Little Secret and an MI Audio Crunchbox. The one OD pedal I have that I don't think sounds that great with the Mark V is a Tim although I haven't had this very long and haven't had a chance to tweak it too much. I'm thinking about picking up a Catalinbread Formula 5 if I find one on sale. Would be interested if anyone has tried on of these with Mark V.
I'll second that! The Mark IV is the only amp I can get killer squeals from at...wait for it...2 am volumes!
lerxst88 said:
I'll second that! The Mark IV is the only amp I can get killer squeals from at...wait for it...2 am volumes!

Just thought I should clarify that he wasn't referring to the Mark IV amplifier, but the Mark IV mode in channel 3 of the Mark V.
Yea, the OCD sounds like a good choice cause I want to be able to get some boost on the clean channel too. Yea the Mark IV mode you CAN get some huge screaming harmonics but I use extreme mode for that channel and theres no way to switch from that to Mark IV mode. So Im thinking maybe an OCD would give me that tone in extreme mode. and also boost channel 1 a little.
I have an OCD and really like it on channel 2, Crunch mode. It really does a good job of giving that channel that extra bit of cut and sustain in a mix (not that the Mark V lacks in that area) if your just looking for a bit of frequency change as apposed to a sheer volume boost. I set mine with the volume maxed, drive around 7 to 7:30 o'clock, and Tone to taste... but I like to set it around 11 to 12 o'clock. With the switch set to LP. Also, it sounds best ran at 18 volts. The Maxon OD9 is also a nice pedal to if your looking for a Tube Screamer type result.
I use a Suhr Koko Boost, simply amazing boost pedal. It is a little pricey but worth the $$. It's great on the clean channel, as well as Ch. 2 & 3, it adds that extra hair/sustain that I've been looking for. Haggerty's did an awesome demo of the Koko with the MKV.

I also have a HBE Power Screamer for the tube screamer type tone. An outstanding OD pedal with plenty of tonal options. It has a 2nd button for added boost. The one I have also has a 'fat boost' mod.
I like a Tubescreamer (TS7) on channel 3 and an Xotic BB MB on channel 2 best. I had an OCD, but I don't like how it worked with the V. Too harsh for me. I don't really need overdrives with the amp (unless I want to make crunch mode on channel 2 really heavy), but I like using them.
I rarely use an OD for a lead boost, but I use my Paul Cochrane Timmy as a fourth channel. It works well as a boost too, but I just don't need a boost with the Mark V.
None - I bought the Mark V so that I don't need anything in front of the amp. Ch3 on Mark IV for me.
None right now. Solo boost works great for me. I have an OCD and used it quite a bit on my Marshall, but since getting the MV, I don't have a need for it. If I was gigging, I could probably see using it in some situations since you don't have time to reset everything up for a mode change on the MV.
Yeah, can't imagine needing any additional boost with the V, but I happened to have an 808-inspired pedal (Toadworks Texas Flood) lying around so one day I tried it with the amp and it's now become an indispensable part of my rig. I mainly use it as a gain boost. But that's to boost Ch1 on Tweed. Ch3 can get as gainy as you want with no boost.
The guy is asking about a boost as in boosting the front end. Why do you guys keep saying to use the SOLO???

The Suhr Koko is awesome. Or you could get a Tube Screamer type. There are a few different options as far as Tube Screamers. The Maxon is great as are the boutique options (Keeley ect...). The OCD is a good choice if you like that flavor.
For clean pinches I use a compressor...For some I use the amps gain and solo switch.... for others I use Tube Screamer....on chan. 1. All sound differant...and depends on where I am in the signal chain when I need a pinch of this or that....Get a great chickin pickin sound on chan 2...on crunch mode...But if you want the ultimate pinch, chan. use 2 on edge mode....WOW....( ps they used to call that the Woman tone....) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Im thinking I'm either gonna get a OCD or the Maxon. I'm going to Guitar Center to try out a few tomorrow. Wish I could bring the V to demo cause they ain't got any. And yea the solo function on the amp wont cut it with overdriving the front end of the amp. I don't play with alot on gain for rhythm parts so that's why I want an OD pedal for screaming sustainy solos.
So I demoed a few pedals and the winning result for ME was the OCD. Sounds amazing on the clean channel too. But for the lead tone on Ch 3 it gives me more tight crunch for rhythm and great dynamics and harmonics for solos. It also does make ch 2 sound way better and cut more too. I absolutely love the OCD.