What cabinets do you use with your Mesa heads?

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Jan 20, 2006
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Hey everyone,

Recently purchased a series 1 Stiletto from GC and am in need of a 4x12 cab. What do you all use? Other brands? Better to stick with Mesa cabs for Mesa heads? I like the way the Marshall 1960A cab sounds, but have only heard it with a Marshall TSL100. Anyone got any info on mixing heads and cabs from different manufacturers? I saw for 2006 that Mesa will be offering "Stiletto Cabinets". Anyone know anything about these? What is the difference between these and rectifier cabs? Thanks!
I only use 2x12 cabs with my heads. Right now I own a CAA 2X12 loaded with 2 vin30s and a Z-best 2x12 loaded with the vin30+g12h30. They are my top two 2x12 cabs.
For 2x12 cabs, personally I'm pretty into Suhr's CAA 2x12 loaded with 2x vin30s. It sounds warmer, fuller and smoother to compare with my other pre-owned 2x12 cabs. The Recto 2x12 sounds harsh, stiff and lacks bottom to me, so I sold it.
For 4x12 cabs, CAA and Bogner are my top two.
The new Stiletto cabs are the same as the traditional recto cab, they have just changed the name. It´s smaller than the standard recto cab and has a tighter low end and a more focused sound overall. It´s a great cab and of course I own one.

I´m not a fan of the standard Marshall 1960 cab, but I like the ones that have the vintage 30 or the greenback speakers. But I think that the Mesa cabs just sound a bit more solid which I prefer.
I use an Avatar G410 cab with my Mark IV. Love the punch and tone of these new Celestion G10 Vintage speakers. I like the tone so much I bought a second cab just like it to use with my other amps.
I've got a Marshall 1960AV cab (the one with V30s) for my Dual Recto. It sounds pretty **** good to me but when i get the money I'll probably get a recto cab.
I am thinking of waiting to get the stiletto cab(cool tolex) but I wouldnt mind trying out the standard recto cab. Should we save our money and get the 1960A or are the V30 worth it with the Stiletto?
I had a Marshall 1960A and a/b'd it against a mesa standard 4x12, instantly I knew there was NO CONTEST, the Mesa sounded immeasurably better...no brittle thin tone, just thick chunky grinding massive tone from the Mesa.
I will never go back to the 1960A, no way. :D
I tried out the mesa, marshall and peavey 5150 cabs all side by side. I ended up with the Peavey cab. The marshall was too thin and had no balls, the mesa was too "muddy" and lacked presence. The peavey did it for me. Nice and clear but with a nice bottom end.
I have an unusual set up...I play a LSS, and in reality it doesnt have enough headroom for me. I find if I really crank it, it gets a little sloppy sounding...so I slave out to a fender Tonemaster and cut the LSS volume down and turn up the Tonemaster volume...The Tonemaster reproduces the sound made by the LSS and can blow your eardrums out doing it(100 watts)...its a lot of stuff to haul around but the sound is great!!!
Out of all fairness, the 75 watt Celestions in the Marshall 1960 A or B cabs are thin and mushy sounding to begin with. A better comparison would be the Vintage cabs, which come stock with V-30's. I haven't compared the Vintage cabs directly to a Mesa cab, but I have compared them to cabs loaded with the stock 75's, and the difference is quite dramatic.

redmax61 said:
Out of all fairness, the 75 watt Celestions in the Marshall 1960 A or B cabs are thin and mushy sounding to begin with. A better comparison would be the Vintage cabs, which come stock with V-30's. I haven't compared the Vintage cabs directly to a Mesa cab, but I have compared them to cabs loaded with the stock 75's, and the difference is quite dramatic.
I use the Recto Std cab with my Dual Rec. If I had a Stiletto, I'd get the Recto Trad cab! No questions about it! I would'nt put a set of Yugo wheels under my Ferrari! :roll:
jbird said:
I use the Recto Std cab with my Dual Rec. If I had a Stiletto, I'd get the Recto Trad cab! No questions about it! I would'nt put a set of Yugo wheels under my Ferrari! :roll:

That would just mean that you could afford a Farrari and you wanted to be retarded and put silly wheels under a beautiful car. I think the point is, is thaV30's sound great, and they are going to sound great in an Avatar cab, a B52 cab or a Mesa cab. Just depends on how deep your pockets go:)

I just bought the Standard Slant for my Duece so I guess that means that I drive a Ferrari with extra big Ferrari wheels under it!
Bluesman said:
jbird said:
I use the Recto Std cab with my Dual Rec. If I had a Stiletto, I'd get the Recto Trad cab! No questions about it! I would'nt put a set of Yugo wheels under my Ferrari! :roll:

That would just mean that you could afford a Farrari and you wanted to be retarded and put silly wheels under a beautiful car. I think the point is, is thaV30's sound great, and they are going to sound great in an Avatar cab, a B52 cab or a Mesa cab. Just depends on how deep your pockets go:)

I just bought the Standard Slant for my Duece so I guess that means that I drive a Ferrari with extra big Ferrari wheels under it!

You understood the first part, but I can't agree with the rest! There are alot of differences in cabinet engineering, design, and materials used that would affect the efficiency of a given speaker! And the point is not about how deep one's pockets are, it's about matching the right components together to achieve a certain tone! Alas, putting bigger wheels under your car does'nt make it better if the wheels don't fit! :idea:
I run a 1960a usually with my Recto.

Sometimes I break it down to a 2x12 and run it with my F100 2x12 combo for a nice ballanced sound.

Im far too much of a precussive player and all mesa cabs are way to flubby and farty for my style.