Voodooman. Disappeared?

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
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Anybody order from Voodooman lately? I ordered directly from his website 2 weeks ago (4-button switch) and haven't heard ANYTHING! I've emailed him several times from my e-mail and through the site.

I sure hope he's okay!
Probably just busy. I havent dealt with him before but I been wanting a 4 button for my Mark III.
Same scenario with me. I ordered the exact same item as you. Via email Voodooman stated shipment would be Friday 2/22. Nothing has arrived yet. I just want my money back at this point.
I wouldnt condem him just yet. He could have something going on. Give him the chance to get back to you. If you havent heard something in a week or two then I would get worrie.

I just sent him an email asking what would be the ETA on a pedal. I will let you guys know if and when he responds.
Oh no. Didn't mean to condemn at all. Just wondering if anyone knew anything. It's been a couple of weeks and I'm just anxious. Thought you all might know if he's on holiday or something.
Well this was interesting.

I sent an email through his site and got a respose back that said subject "undefined" and "undefined" in the message. Dont know what that means.
I bought a TOV pedal from him from Ebay and he never answered any of my emails and it took 3 weeks.

Great product. Horrible customer service.

Several emails. Hope it never needs service. He sucks.
I can make pedals for Boogies. And I'm alot more reliable!

Not blowing my own trumpet here... but the Voodooman stuff looks a bit mickey mouse on the outside, does anyone have any pics from the insides?
jvk said:
I can make pedals for Boogies. And I'm alot more reliable!

Not blowing my own trumpet here... but the Voodooman stuff looks a bit mickey mouse on the outside, does anyone have any pics from the insides?

Well show us some of the stuff you've done. I might be interested. I would like the 4 button Vesion. I would prefer it go Clean/ Lead button, Reverb, Rythem 2, Graphic EQ LED's on all of em like he does. Simply because most of the time I go from clean to lead and hit the reverb at the same time. I dont like reverb during soloing.
Hey JVK where did you go? Should I send you a PM?

I might even just need a 3 button - Lead, Reverb, R2. I never use the GEQ and if I did it would be with the Lead Channel in Auto (I think). I cant see where I could use it any other way but maybe I should do some experimenting some more before I decide. I havent had this baby very long.

I sent Voodoomam another email but so far no reply.
@ gts, George thanks for the kind words :wink:

I build all sorts of things, from custom power supplies, to channel switcing pedals, loop switchers, distortion pedals, to IIC+/MarkIV/Recto mods.

Here's what I'm building for someone at the moment, pics to come as it'll be ready next week.

Cool thanx for the reply. My Amp is in the shop or I would just do this and aswer my question my self.

Here is a question I have if I got a 4 button footswitch and decide to keep the EQ off does the front switch still turn the EQ off if the cable is plugged into the footswitch jack?

If the manual switch will turn the EQ off even with the jack plugged in then it would maybe cover more options for me to just get a 4 way switch wether I plan on using the GEQ or not.

Im just thinking out loud here so bare with me.

Since you build custom stuff what I would really like is a pedal that would switch off the Reverb and into the Lead Channel at the same time. There by elliminating the need to hit two switches at once. Or have the Reverb Switch close enuff to the Lead switch so I could hit them at the same time.

Dont know how that could be done though and where would that leave R2?

Let me state how I play. I use Reverb when playing Clean only and do not use it at all for Crunch or Lead.

What would be really insanely cool is a pedal with 3 buttons, one button for Clean with Reverb, one for R2 no Reverb, and one for Lead no Reverb. Alllowing me to go from any one channel to the other. Say from R2 to Lead then to Clean only by stepping on which Channel Button I wanted and automaticly turning the Reverb on and off as I want.

That last deal I stated would to me be the ultimate Mark III controller.

Maybe even have a flip switch for each channel button that lets the user decide wether he wants Reverb or not on which channel (now that is getting complicated) and one could allways throw in a switch for the GEQ or even have a flip switch for it to set what channel you want EQ in.

OK can I name it?

The Mark III Tone Blender.
Nomad said:
Here is a question I have if I got a 4 button footswitch and decide to keep the EQ off does the front switch still turn the EQ off if the cable is plugged into the footswitch jack?
So you're asking if changing channels using a f/s plugged into the channel jack will disengage/engage the EQ, even without a GEQ footswitch plugged in? If the GEQ switch is in the "auto" position, ie in the middle, then it's only engaged with the lead channel and turns off in rhythm mode. If set to "out", it's off in both channels but the f/s can switch it at anytime regardless of channel. GEQ "in" means always engaged and external pedal is ignored.

Nomad said:
Since you build custom stuff what I would really like is a pedal that would switch off the Reverb and into the Lead Channel at the same time. There by elliminating the need to hit two switches at once. Or have the Reverb Switch close enuff to the Lead switch so I could hit them at the same time.

Maybe even have a flip switch for each channel button that lets the user decide wether he wants Reverb or not on which channel (now that is getting complicated) and one could allways throw in a switch for the GEQ or even have a flip switch for it to set what channel you want EQ in.

Like this?

 (0)     (0)   (0)         (O)    (O)
Lead     R1     R2       Reverb   GEQ
And then a switch for each channel with:

GEQ: on / off
Reverb: on / off

And reverb / EQ can be switched regardless of the switches.

Single ethernet cable runs from pedal which splits into jacks at the amp.

9-24Vdc supply.

The Mark III Tone Blender.

JVK TB-2, for the MarkIII or IV. JVK TB-1 for the MarkII (without R2) Let it be christened so :D
I will get back shortly going with the Wifey Poo and Family to eat out. I am stoked.
OK Im back.

Could the GEQ and Reverb be made auto asignable? And my main concern would be Reverb since the GEQ is auto asignable now with the amp.

What Im saying is some sort of flip switch for the Reverb above each channel switch where if its flipped one way (on) when you choose that channel the Reverb comes on but if its flipped the other way (off) and you choose that channel you have no Reverb.

It could even be an auto on/off/ manual so you could still have foot pushbuttons if you wanted and when in the manual mode the foot push button worked.

What is up top would work though I would want the Reverb Button Closer to the Lead button so when engaging I could turn off the Reverb.

Oh you said it would need power. Could the wires for the power supply come in through the cable? That way I could just plug a power supply into the extra AC plug on the back of the amp and there would only be one cable coming out to the pedal.
Hi Nomad,


                (O)     (O)

Effects:       Reverb   GEQ

             (O)     (O)    (O)
Channel:     Lead     R1     R2

and at the back 6 switches:

              Lead              R1               R2
Reverb:   (on/auto/off)    (on/auto/off)   (on/auto/off)

GEQ:      (on/auto/off)    (on/auto/off)   (on/auto/off)

on = turns on effect with the channel selected, can be turned off using the effect footswitches

auto = doesn't change what has already been selected, if effect was on before switching to this channel, it'll stay that way

off = turns effect off when channel is selected, can be turned on anytime

So the GEQ and Reverb footswitches work regardless of what the switches are set to.

About running the power inside the cable from the amp, it should be possible :) it can take anything from 9VDC to 25VDC.

I think thats close.

Is there actually a difference between Auto and On?

Im not sure if I'm following you following me. :lol:

Here is a question to go along with it.

Can the flip switch just be on/off instead of being 3 position but the foot switch overide if you hit it regardless of how the flip is set?

If thats possable it would be slightly simpler and crazy multi functional.

Anyway we are pretty much there. This pedal would allow for any combination of a fully loaded Mark III.

I like it sign me up!

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