Voodooman. Disappeared?

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Ok here's the deal. "on" just turns on the effect when that channel is selected. But the "auto" option lets you configure a channel not to change the last GEQ/Reverb choice made. If you decide to use the effects like stomp boxes, ie turn on and forget, then using this feature means changing channels won't change the effects choices. And the effect footswitches override the switches at any time, of course. You get even more flexibilty.

Another way to do this is, instead of an "auto" position you could have the GEQ + reverb on/off flip switches for each channel, and a single switch which controls the overall behaviour of the pedal:

Effect selection: (auto/manual)

auto = on/off switches determines GEQ/reverb selection
manual = stompbox style effects selection, on/off switches are disabled. The state of reverb/GEQ is selected via the footswitches, and is preserved when changing channels.

Hope it makes sense now. Or am I only making sense to myself? :)
That would be great! That would be the supremE Mark III controller for sure.

So when can you get started?

How much?


BTW after sending 3 Emails to Mr Vooddooman he never got in touch with me. Must be on sabaticle. I looked at some of his feedback on ebay and some of the customers werent very happy at all with how long it took to get the stuff they purchased. Many were happy but I was concerned about the ones that werent.
I've been waiting almost a month for a pedal from Voodooman. Paid via PayPal on Feb. 15th. Nothing yet. What can I do to get my money back through PayPal?
I believe you can file a claim through Paypal. Never had to do it before but I'm sure someone here can elaborate.
i have noticed several auctions going on constantly for the various voodooman switches. if i was going to buy another switch from him, i would probably go through the EBay process as it seems to be his preferred method of selling.

he has several BIN and others on open auction.
Nomad said:
That would be great! That would be the supremE Mark III controller for sure.

maybe something like this is what you're looking for? :?:


Regarding the Voodooman switch, does anyone know if its possible to reverse the LED's such that it would light up opposite of when they light now? For example, I'd like the light to go ON when I switch from Clean TO the R2 on my MKIII. Also would like the LED to go On when I go TO the Lead Channel. Possible? Thanks!!

jvk nice loop switcher do you do midi controllable loops/amp controllers? I can't seem to find enough DIY yet for midi.
That is a nice pedal. A little more options/footswitches than what I had in mind.

What I wanted was one switch for R1, R2, Lead, Graphic, and Reverb with an auto asignable option on the GEQ and Reverb to allow them to be automaticly engaged on the channel I want it.

Please see this tthread link.

i moved my purchase and filed a claim today since i haven't received any response in almost 3 weeks.
Greetings to all here I apologize for the lack of communication and shipping to those of you who have ordered my product. My 11 year old boy has been in and out of the hospital now for the last 4 weeks with a serious illness that the doctors can't come up with a diagnoses for and I have had to travel 250 miles up to Seattle many times in that period. I arrived home late last Sunday afternoon and am trying to get all my items shipped. Needless to say I have fallen way behind. I forgot to cancel my automatically scheduled listings so they went on eBay and forgot to close my store for the time period as well. As a result I am buried with items to ship. I know I have some your orders that I printed shipping labels for that need to go out the door and it's possible some of yours are there also. I always ship my items right away but the last month + has been very hectic and a bit tense. I am sending this email to all who have won on ebay and ordered through my website so everyone knows what is going on so if you have not received this information personally from me yet it will be sent to you. He is scheduled for an operation next Thursday and I will be traveling back to Seattle on Wednesday. All will be shipped by then. I hope you understand my situation and I will get your item to you as soon as possible. If you are inclined to do so please pray for my son!

James "Voodooman" Britt
Hey James,

Wow. So sorry to hear of your son's health issues. FWIW, you had responded to my email (re a question of an existing product of yours, not a new purchase) a couple of weeks ago, and I thank you for that. But certainly far more importantly, my best wishes to your family and your son. Rest assured that your family will be in my prayers. And if you are inclined to do so, please update me on his progress & condition in the coming time. My best to you.

Well, that sure puts things in perspective. Obviously, none of this stuff matters compared to your boy's health. Hang in there, James.
VoodooManSwitches said:
Greetings to all here I apologize for the lack of communication and shipping to those of you who have ordered my product. My 11 year old boy has been in and out of the hospital now for the last 4 weeks with a serious illness that the doctors can't come up with a diagnoses for and I have had to travel 250 miles up to Seattle many times in that period. I arrived home late last Sunday afternoon and am trying to get all my items shipped. Needless to say I have fallen way behind. I forgot to cancel my automatically scheduled listings so they went on eBay and forgot to close my store for the time period as well. As a result I am buried with items to ship. I know I have some your orders that I printed shipping labels for that need to go out the door and it's possible some of yours are there also. I always ship my items right away but the last month + has been very hectic and a bit tense. I am sending this email to all who have won on ebay and ordered through my website so everyone knows what is going on so if you have not received this information personally from me yet it will be sent to you. He is scheduled for an operation next Thursday and I will be traveling back to Seattle on Wednesday. All will be shipped by then. I hope you understand my situation and I will get your item to you as soon as possible. If you are inclined to do so please pray for my son!

James "Voodooman" Britt

James I am so sorry to hear of this. What is your Son's name? We will be praying for him and you too.

I had said way back in the begining maybe something happened but no one ever heard from you. Makes perfect sense now. Go do what you need to do and dont worry about a bunch of us gear nuts.
All the best of wishes for your family to pull through. Like those said above me, put the business on the backburner when you can.

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