Tube Hunt for my LSC

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May 3, 2010
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My current setup: Epiphone Sheraton (Korean made) to my LSC V2 (typically run at 50w) to a 2x12 JDesign open back cab w/ 2 12" Tone Tubby ceramics wired to an 8 ohm load.

I'm interested in getting a glassier tone out of the Pig, a little more bright and Fender-y, and adding some crunch to the drive channel. It's a very smooth drive (as we all know), and I'd like to add some crunch.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!

Try the SED "winged" C. A bit more expensive for a matched pair of 6L6s, but well worth the $$$. They open the amp up a lot.
Currently using Mesa tubes across the board. I emailed the guys at Eurotubes and they recommended JJ 6L6GC's in the power section, a JJ ECC803S in V1, high gain ECC83S in V2, two standard ECC83S's in V3 and V4, and a balanced ECC83S in V5.


Thanks for the info. I'll definintely look into the SED "winged" C's.
I've tried many combination's, Winged C's JJ's NOS etc and for whatever reason I always go back to the stock Mesa tubes. They seem to offer good sounds whether I'm playing jazz or rock. Maybe different combination's would be good for a specific sound but for all around playing, I prefer the Mesa's
mattsmith87 said:
I'm interested in getting a glassier tone out of the Pig, a little more bright and Fender-y, and adding some crunch to the drive channel. It's a very smooth drive (as we all know), and I'd like to add some crunch.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!


Interesting I had a similar thought a few weeks ago and popped Sovtek 12 AX7 EH's into V1 and V2 (EL34's under the hood). I used them to enrich crunch tones in my Marshall VM and Stiletto Deuce when I owned them

The crunch in CH2 is now exactly where I like it - responsive soft clip in 3D to harder crunch, maxed out depending on amp settings and guitar vol control, which I ride a lot

Ch1 cleans still sound excellent

Inexpensive option to get a great, balanced tone across both LSC channels, and worth a shot to find what you are looking for

Good luck
Have you considered playing a different guitar/pickups through your amp. I feel that even a cheap fender strat will give you glassy clean tones. Lonestars are known for their glassy clean tones stock.

Also, you might find that with a different guitar (HSS strat, for example) may be able to achieve better crunch tones out of channel 2. Just a thought.
I have played a lot with tubes and in my search for what I want, I've noticed a few things. Keep in mind that these are my observations and I'm in no way trying to come across as a know it all.

One thing I feel is that with modern amps, the preamp tubes seem to have a greater affect on tone than power tubes. With that said, power tubes do make a difference. I agree that as far as modern tubes, the SED Winged C tubes have a more clear voice than any I've tried. They will provide a more glassy character imo. For modern preamp tubes, I seem to hear more clarity with the Tung-Sol's. They are a good sounding tube imo. The reguler JJ ECC83/12AX7 tubes sound good as well, but are darker than the TS's. Keep in mind, most tubes have various ranges of gain. For clean tones, most tube sellers can offer tubes with slower breakup and vice versa. I don't seem to notice much difference in that regard, all things being equal (same type of tube).

Now comes the hard decision imo. Do you want to spend the extra cash to experiment with NOS or ANOS tubes? IMO, there are some I tried that make a noticeable difference and some that don't. I would recommend talking with Mike @ He has been very helpful to me. ANOS tubes have been very reliable for me and can be had at considerably lower costs than NOS. I'm out of space, but if you pm me, I will tell you a tube I think works well in an Electra Dyne and Supersonic.
lespauljoe1 said:
I have played a lot with tubes and in my search for what I want, I've noticed a few things. Keep in mind that these are my observations and I'm in no way trying to come across as a know it all.

One thing I feel is that with modern amps, the preamp tubes seem to have a greater affect on tone than power tubes. With that said, power tubes do make a difference. I agree that as far as modern tubes, the SED Winged C tubes have a more clear voice than any I've tried. They will provide a more glassy character imo. For modern preamp tubes, I seem to hear more clarity with the Tung-Sol's. They are a good sounding tube imo. The reguler JJ ECC83/12AX7 tubes sound good as well, but are darker than the TS's. Keep in mind, most tubes have various ranges of gain. For clean tones, most tube sellers can offer tubes with slower breakup and vice versa. I don't seem to notice much difference in that regard, all things being equal (same type of tube).

Now comes the hard decision imo. Do you want to spend the extra cash to experiment with NOS or ANOS tubes? IMO, there are some I tried that make a noticeable difference and some that don't. I would recommend talking with Mike @ He has been very helpful to me. ANOS tubes have been very reliable for me and can be had at considerably lower costs than NOS. I'm out of space, but if you pm me, I will tell you a tube I think works well in an Electra Dyne and Supersonic.
What...are you a daytime TV drama writer :roll: Leaving us wanting for more , ie: Cliff hanger. :shock: Forget the PM's!! Give us the goods right here! :lol:
plan-x said:
lespauljoe1 said:
I have played a lot with tubes and in my search for what I want, I've noticed a few things. Keep in mind that these are my observations and I'm in no way trying to come across as a know it all.

One thing I feel is that with modern amps, the preamp tubes seem to have a greater affect on tone than power tubes. With that said, power tubes do make a difference. I agree that as far as modern tubes, the SED Winged C tubes have a more clear voice than any I've tried. They will provide a more glassy character imo. For modern preamp tubes, I seem to hear more clarity with the Tung-Sol's. They are a good sounding tube imo. The reguler JJ ECC83/12AX7 tubes sound good as well, but are darker than the TS's. Keep in mind, most tubes have various ranges of gain. For clean tones, most tube sellers can offer tubes with slower breakup and vice versa. I don't seem to notice much difference in that regard, all things being equal (same type of tube).

Now comes the hard decision imo. Do you want to spend the extra cash to experiment with NOS or ANOS tubes? IMO, there are some I tried that make a noticeable difference and some that don't. I would recommend talking with Mike @ He has been very helpful to me. ANOS tubes have been very reliable for me and can be had at considerably lower costs than NOS. I'm out of space, but if you pm me, I will tell you a tube I think works well in an Electra Dyne and Supersonic.
What...are you a daytime TV drama writer :roll: Leaving us wanting for more , ie: Cliff hanger. :shock: Forget the PM's!! Give us the goods right here! :lol:


An NOS tube that has really worked well for me is the RFT 12AX7. It is described @ KCA as being a little darker than some. I really didn't find this to be true in my amps. Maybe because it improved the clarity. But whatever the reason, I've noticed a definite improvement in tone.

One thing I forgot to mention is that, the most noticeable difference I've noticed in trying various preamp tubes in my amps is the V1 position. The first stage for clean and gain/drive is also affected with changes, but I don't hear as much difference as with V1.

A couple of other preamp tubes I'd like to mention are RCA black plate 12AX7's, RCA 12AX7A's and 5751 tubes. Both RCA tubes added warmth to my amps. They didn't really darken the tone, they just added a nice musical warmth. That is great for an amp that is thin sounding, but the ED and SS have plenty of warmth and bottom, so I've stuck with the RFT's and 5751's. I really like 5751's overall. Personally, I use them in clean stages, but if you want to create a slower breakup, they are good in the V1 position too. Maybe less gain is a better description. They are supposed to have roughly 70% of the gain created by a typical 12AX7.

Finally, Mike (@ KCA) offered the suggestion to replace 1 tube in 1 position at a time, play for awhile and see what the results are before going to the next tube/location. This takes patience, but it is great advice. If you try 3 new tubes at once, for example, you really won't know what is affecting what.
plan-x said:
Thanks! I see the the RFT go for $60. Whew!

Yeah. NOS tubes can be costly. Some hars to find tubes can cost close to $200.00 or more. I stay away from those :D

I haven't seen any ANOS RFT's. If old tubes are used slightly, but still test very good or new, they cost less. Sometimes significantly.

1 NOS/ANOS tube can have a good enough affect in the right location, to satisfy many people. I buy 1 at a time normally, so it doesn't upset the budget too much.

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