Tube help please :S

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2005
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Hey every people, i was playing my T-verb combo the other night, it was dark and i was standing behind my amp for a short moment when i noticed, when i stuck a note, that one of the 6l6's flashed blue, its twin pair, also did it, but no where near as noticable, you had to really look for it on the matching tube, these two have been replaced, as the inner two are genuin boogie tubes, so yes theres to different brands, im not sure, what type the replaced tubes are they have red writing on them and are facign into the amp mabe sovtec, i dunno im just guessing now. I lacked the money at the time to completely retube the amp when i bought it, i only replaced the "needed" pre amp tubes, the amp tech said that the 4 6l6's where fine. I asked why the Mesa Valves glowed brighter and he said that they were inferier compared to the other two.

So my problem is, these two tubes are flashing blue through the trube, like a cig lighter thats running out, and u can see like a blues gas flame, its like that inside the tube, can ne one help me?

Thanks Michael
Dude, I don't know if what your seeing is normal or not, but for our peace of mind, why don't you just do a complete re-tube! Call Eurotubes, they'll hook you up with a matched set of tubes and we'll all be happy! :)
Thanks both of you, im was really consufed and a re-tube was looking to be an option, however the funds don't permit appresent. However you say thats blues normal, so i'll take both your points onboard, i think i might just keep and eye on it for a month or two, untill i have enough $$$ for a retube.

Thanks Guys
I was wondering about the blue myself, thanks for setting my mind at ease.
It is not only normal but REALLY COOL TO LOOK AT hehehehe 8)
t0aj15 said:
The blue is normal, don't sweat it.

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