Triple Rectifier, loop adds gain, and volume when turned on?

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2007
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I am having a couple of issues:

1. I have noticed that lately the first 20 minutes of turning on my Triple Rectifier 3 channel 2004 model, notes cut out a little and sound kind of fuzzy/muddy but are at normal volume. It gets better after a little bit, do you think it is a tube problem? 2. Also there is some slight gain/fuzz and volume added when the effects loop is turned on. Is this normal or is a tube going bad? I tried with both monster and mogami cables. Mogami's where a little cleaner but still the undesired sound is there. It is slight but I am a tone freak, and think it might have to do with the first problem.

I keep my send and return mix both at 100% so I can use a volume pedal in the loop. Let me know any thoughts or suggestions. Thanks.
same me :D normal, I don't know why mesa to do like this? some my friends say the same problem.
1. not sure

2. my loop on my DR is louder too . I have a mxr eq in the loop and I cut back a touch of loop volume with it to make them even
ibanezgtr -

Do you have your SEND level at 100%?

If so, this is likely where your unwanted distortion is coming from. The send level is there to create unity gain between the send and the return and there are almost no circumstances where you would want it turned all the way up. The Fuzzy Muddy could be normal if the Send level is all the way up.

The Send Level is there to control the signal strength that comes out of the FX Send so that whatever the Send is feeding into (pedal, volume pedal etc.) is seeing the right amount of signal and puts that same signal level back to the FX return. The volme pedal's pot has a certain amount of implied resistance and you adjust the Send level accordingly. The Parallel loop is not ideal for volume pedals because 100% is not really 100% in a parallel loop. That said, it can be made to work OK but a Series Loop is much better in this situation. (One of the reasons for new Recto's and most Boogie's designed in the last 4 years or so to now have Series loops.

As for the cutting out before the amp/tubes are warmed up, this may be a Loop preamp tube which has been worked over from having its Send level cranked up for a while now...? Or that it's just time to change that tube and this would be the first place to start.

Once the loop is on, you need to consider that Front Panel Masters affect the send level as well as the send control and you have to find the good working relationship between 4 things: gain settings, the Master for the channel, the Send level and the Output level. Takes a bit of work to get it going but the features are there to allow for the multitude of devices that people try to use in the loops of their amps.

Curious if you've gotten this sorted or if this helps any... :?:
Thanks, this works!! I just got it modded to series loop at Mesa in Hollywood. I also just bought the new multi-watt Triple Rectifier.