Triaxis - Help with Gain needed! (+ Review)

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ak47 said:
Great idea to play with a band and feel the difference. Always an important deciding characteristic for me... but try it a few times so you can fine tune things. !

Yeah. I play with drums and bass via MIDI to get a sense of how settings will sound with a band.
Last week I made a recording using 2.90 on 12 o'clock.
Believe it or not after a few minutes, knob fell down from the door :lol:
I know you don't want my opinion but I'm a good soul :wink:
Half drive completely changes the tones.
If you hear the same tone with and without half you will notice it.
To my ears half completely sucks tones.
Half power is not what they make it out to be. Half power just distorts the preamp tubes in the 290.

If you turn off the modes on the 290 you hear a less processed tone.

A little sample to help people about triaxis gain.
Pro tools eq just to take out some bass frequencies.Nothing more.
Last Triaxis test
Yes it lowers the volume but so does the volume knob. Does lowering the volume knob make it sound better? Most would probably say why do people say that half drive makes it sound better because the volume is lower?

to my ears it doesn't just lowers the volume,it takes out some mid bass frequencies and raises presence.
Tone becomes thin.I don't like it.
When recording tubes nothing is better than volume so using half mode when recording to me it's a nonsense.
Using a tube rig to play at low volumes is dumb,that's why people have practicing gears.
visualrocker69 said:
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Do you like deep/modern modes?

I feel the modes degrade the sound quality when activated. If you are unsure of the tone on the TA i wouldn't recommend activating the 290 modes until you've found what you're looking for on the TA.

all personal tastes.
Heavy sound = deep & modern
clean sound = deep.
My personal tastes.
Visualrocker, why are you so reluctant to turn the master volume on the triaxis up. I always look at my gear kind of like a faucet. If you turn the knob just a little only a little water makes it out. If I have a garden hose attached to the faucet, I only get a depressing dribble of water out the nozzle. If I want the nozzle to really shoot water out the hose, I have to go to the faucet and crank it.

I would advise having the levels coming out of the triaxis as hot as possible while keeping your cleans clean. Then adjust the volume of the 2:90 to your playing levels. If the 2:90's knob is a little too touchy, then start pulling back on the triaxis's volume.

But on the other hand of your looking for kind of a Marshall type sound, the triaxis is going to fight you the whole way. You might think about getting another pre and plug that into channel b, then use an a/b pedal to switch between the two if the triaxis just isn't providing you the sound you want.

As for the vetta comment, the vetta is a really cool and versatile amp. It'll give you nearly any tone you could want. In the hands of someone who's willing to tackle it's options and tone sculpting abilities it's versatility is unmatchable. But given the fact that 18&life only needs two sounds out of his triaxis he probably wasn't able to make it through the vetta's manual.
18&Life said:
A little sample to help people about triaxis gain.
Pro tools eq just to take out some bass frequencies.Nothing more.
Last Triaxis test

hey 18&Life, are these your clips? Nice playing if so.
I wouldn't expect someone from a third world country to understand.
18&Life said:
Line 6 is crap.

Either you've never used one of their products, or you didn't take any time with it. Line 6 makes some great equipment in my book, and the pod line is amazing tool in the studio. Anyone that insults line 6 like that as a whole has a preconceived notion of anything that isn't tube.
msi said:
I wouldn't expect someone from a third world country to understand.

Well at least here we know what is good= mesa boogie and what is crap = line 6.

Third world but we are not in wars ,we don't have enemies,eartquakes,typhons whatever and everybody want to live here because people and nature are really the best.
What about your country,what people around the world think about it ? :wink: