Triaxis Continuous Control with Behringer FCB1010

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Ayin 0

Active member
Dec 14, 2007
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I've been trying to get it to work, but no result.
I've got the right expression pedal of the fcb on midi ch 2, which is the channel my Triaxis is on and in the Triaxis patch I've assigned everything correctly.
The only thing I can think of is the controller nr might be wrong. Which one do I need to choose?


I did when I first started programming it. But the Triaxis doesn't respond at all.
I'm using expression pedal two; does this mean I need to choose controller 8 on the Triaxis?

You’re TA and the FCB are set to channel 2 great, done.
Does the TA respond to program changes? If not go to TA instructions and make sure it is set to accept program changes. OK got this going if not already.
On the FCB as far as the expression pedal pick a cc# if you have been using 8 that is fine you can stick with that.
TA pick one patch to play with till you get everything up and running also make sure it is a user patch and not a preset! Within the user patch make sure the TA is set to respond to cc8 if this is the cc# you chose on the FCB.
Next you have to tell the TA how to respond to the cc so set your thresholds just for the sake of getting it up and running just stick with one thing like the gain and set the threshold from low side of pedal 1 and high side 8 and store
This is just basically a check list hope it helps, when you do get it going don’t forget you can target several things in the same patch all with the same cc#. So when on the low side to high side of the pedal you can have stuff going on like tre 6-9 gain 8-3 bass3-5 and so on, don’t forget the thresholds can work in reverse (gain 8-3) while. With this same patch on the FCB, processor of your choice can also be responding to cc8 as well and say low side the target can be the output of a delay from 0-25% output of a flange from 40%-0 and so on, with most processors you can target anything.

Keep in mind once the midi channels are set on, they remain constant. CC#s are different it is per patch on the TA and usually any type of processor. So if you are having a problem with a patch check to make sure that the cc# is the same as the pedal board in our case 8.
The TA and most processors can respond to many cc#’s within a single so if you have 2 expression pedals one 8 and the other 10, maybe with patch whatever on the TA the gain and treble with respond to the first pedal and the second would handle maybe presence you know whatever.
Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it.

**** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound.
You have to tweak it carefully though, otherwise the transitions aren't always smooth.


Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it.

**** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound.
You have to tweak it carefully though, otherwise the transitions aren't always smooth.


Turns out the fault was in the fcb programming. I assumed the expression pedal had the control nr that is marked on the pedal, but you have to assign it.

**** handy feature, this TCC! I use it to back of some gain, or turn a clean twinnish sound into the exploding Neil Young sound.
You have to tweak it carefully though, otherwise the transitions aren't always smooth.


Glad to hear you got it!

I use to have a TA so I know what you mean. But wait till you start to incorporate it into what you do morphing it into a sound as opposed to changing a patch.
One of my favorite things to so was use it on fills lean on the pedal and boost the gain a bit push the mids up and bring up a delay.
Careful how you target effects (as far as texture and sounding fluent) take the above example I would target the delays input not output. Reason being if I target the output when I back off the pedal the delays will disappear pretty fast . if I target the delays input what is being regenerated in the day will disappear a little more natural. Kind of like the way preset spillover works.
there are some FCB1010 EPROM upgrades. if i recall right.. they called "Uno" something, the eprom upgrades solves all problems/bugs that FCB1010 have.. try google that might helps.

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