Tremoverb ? On getting it to sound tight and right.

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May 15, 2007
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Well here is my problem. I have a 1994 Trem O verb. I play in Drop C with Gibson Les pauls with emgs and some strats with emgs.

For some reason the amp always sounds muddy to me compared to my VHT amps. Now i just had it in the shop tech could not find anything wrong we replaced the tubes and all. Most new Mesa amps have a better more in your face sound them the trem.

Here are my thoughts that the amp has a ton of mids built in and you have to kinda scoop the mids to get a good tone. Also i think the vintage hi gain has a tighter tone to it. So anybody got any settings to help me with? If not iam going to be selling her.
I always cranked the mids on my TOV, literally had them dimed the majority of the time, I think it added the aggressive punch to it.

I liked the modern mode and could get a tight tone out of it, but I also didn't play drop C, but I do use 7 strings tuned to drop A.
Battery anygood w/the EMG's? Sure you tried it but it's worth a shot.

Also as you bring the volume up dial the gain and bass back a little. This could tighten it up. Remember, Rectifiers are only going to get so "tight."
Yea everything is fine with the emgs and amp. I just think its not the amp for me. Iam to used to my VHT amps.
Check what everyone has stated before..

but take note: VHT's are ridiculously tight amplifiers.. Chances are, you are playing an Ultra-lead, which is equipped with KT-88 power tubes, which are possibly the tightest, least saturated power tubes available, and if you are playing with a VHT cabinet, then you are playing through custom voiced Eminence speakers, that are designed to be really really tight specifically for VHT...

Then you go to your TOV which is derived from the Recto line, which is a generally loose amplifier, and is probably the combo, which comes with C90's, which aren't the tightest speakers around. Also, if its the head, then chances are you are running V30's, which again, aren't as tight as VHT's Eminence P-90's..

Just a bit of info I suppose.
Well yes i have a Ultra Lead and a CLX ( has el34s). I have a oversized rect cab V30s a VHT cab v30s CL80 mix and a Old Peavey cab with Classic lead 80s in it. THe VHT amps sound good threw all of the cabs but for some reason the TOV just doesnt do it for me. Its just to Lose sounding and Not as raw in your face as iam used to.
Yah... I'm thinking there isn't anything wrong with the amp, rather, you just aren't a TOV kind of person.

Congrats on havin' really bitchin' amps on the whole though. I really dig the CL-X's.

Maybe check out a Mark series... Possibly the III or the IV.

Oor, if you really want to have an aggressive Recto-tone, check the Single Recto (IMO it is the tightest standard recto) or the Road-King.
Well i hooked that thing up to the old peavey cab with the Celestion Classic Lead 80s. Well ill tell you what that thing roars the it was tight as hell and it was raw in your face tone. I dont think the amp shines threw V30s they sound kinda compressed in tone to the cl80s. So i might just have to keep her but ill be selling the 4x12 rect cab. Its oversized.
A lot of guys I know who complain about Recto sag, try the Stiletto Traditional cab.. and praise it.

So, it might not be the V-30's, rather, the oversized design.
My VHT cab has v30s and Cl80s in a x pattern and the Mesa sounds kinda thin with it to. I think the v30s dont really go with this amp. Thats my 2 cents.

Either way, have fun with your amp now that you got what you wanted out of it!
The other thing i find to is for drop tuning i dont think V30s can handle the low tuning. So that might be the other problem. What do you guys think about that?
I think thats a bit bogus.

Possibly, in your case, but there have been countless bands who tune low who use V-30 loaded cabinets.

Nile and Morbid Angel both pop into my head. (Of course, their Marshall cabinets could hold any speaker inside of them really.)
Yea mybe it is the marshall cab design then. Cause when i have used V30s in my VHT cabs and the Mesa and the peavey they seem to never be as tight as the Classic Lead 80s. The v30s always seem to break up and have a flabby low end. But it might be me to i use 13 gauge strings with emgs i have massive bass in my sound.
Awright...the TOV's are a "LITTLE" saggy. I found LOWER output pickups work better in those tunnings then, say, EMG 81's... although I love those as well.

I use Duncan '59s in my PRS and its tunned to "B" ...nice and tight

here is my demo....(its old) 1st song is all the PRS with the TOV except the end chugg...thats my friends Les Paul through a 5150...don't ask, it just worked for that part. Everything else was different gear that I owned or borrowed.

Cab is a trad mesa 4X12.
For REALLY tight stuff nothing I have tried beats my Carvin Vai....its tighter then Austin Powers....toit...toit like a TIGERRRRRRR!

(sorry, nothing recorded with the Vai yet)
Yea thanks for the help guys. But i broke down and sold the whole halfstack. Iam in the process of buying a Krank head. I tried for 6 hours at the recording studio and the Mesa just didint work.

Have you ever played a Krank head?
They are horribly sterile and lifeless.
If you want to sound like you are running a Solid State amp, don't waste your money on a Krank, buy a Solid State amp.
Matterra said:

Have you ever played a Krank head?
They are horribly sterile and lifeless.
If you want to sound like you are running a Solid State amp, don't waste your money on a Krank, buy a Solid State amp.

Yes i have and have been down to Krank great company and no the amps arent lifeless and sterile to me any way. People say the same thing about my VHT that they are dry and dull sounding but when people hear me play they want to know what iam useing.
To me Mesa has never been anything but Buzzy and Muddy and the Lowend on all the Amps are no where as Close to being Tight as my VHT.

Now i have Owned a bunch of Mesa
Mark IV
Mesa Dc 5 which i still own
Dual Rect
Trem O verb
Triple Rect

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