TOV Tremolo Kicks in When Warming Up

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Don't know if other people experience this or not, but my TOV sounds like the tremolo is engaged when it's warming up even though it's turned off. After about 2 minutes, it stops.

I had the amp completely serviced and nothing seemed out of whack but this still happens. Don't know if there is some setting that would eliminate this so please post your suggestions.

Mine does not do what you are describing. Besides having the toggle switches set to the off position, I also keep the depth and speed knobs on 0. I don't know if this will make difference with yours. Also, maybe one of the LDRs that controls the tremolo is somehow getting voltage while the amp is warming up. On my Nomad, one of the components in the switching system was getting the wrong voltage, so the distortion channel would bleed into the clean channel. Just a suggestion.
Mine doesn't do it either. I don't know what the cause could be, but if it stops that quickly, does it matter? You shouldn't be playing your amp within a couple of minutes of turning it on anyway, let the tubes warm up properly before you play through it and they will live longer...
Well it's not really a big problem it's just a little annoying when I arrive at rehersal late and want to join in quickly.

I was more interested if others had the same problem and some setting could change the behavior.

But thanks for the responses.