Too many "haters"

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

'When Joey B. plays, people listen!'
Or they move to the next state!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Years ago, I saw a rocking jazz/swing band play at an awards banquet.
The guitar player couldn't have been more than 20.
Big Carrot Top afro and a pink suit!
Played a hollow body of some kind, I couldn't get close enough to see what it was though.
What was behind him?????
A 3 channel Dual Rectifier and a 4x12 cab!
He got the most incredible tones out of that amp and guitar. The amp was totally out of it's element and still sounded phenomenal!
Monsta-Tone said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

'When Joey B. plays, people listen!'
Or they move to the next state!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't take the credit for it, as it was someone else doing the playing. It should probably be more like: "When the 180 watt Boogie talks, people listen". 8)
primal said:
Riff Blister said:
Yeah, I see that a lot when I read the Gear Page forum too. If you want to stir something up, just start a thread asking what people think about Mesa amps.
Then sit back and watch the fireworks fly. I don't think I've seen that kind of controversy with any other amp.

Gear page is probably the most over the top Mesa hating group I have come across.

It's like they have a competition going on who can hate Mesa more.

I think a lot of it's jealousy (It really flames them when you say that :lol: )

I wouldn't get mad about it.

Mesa's very acurately amplify what you play, so for the hack job guitarist, it can be quite frustrating to hear how bad they suck at guitar :lol: :lol:

In all seriousness, if it aint for them, then that means more for me :D

TPG is full of Mesa haters.
I'm a bass player too and there's a solid contingent of Mesa haters on
Then I'm a long time poster on the BossGTCentral board too (I've got some old mates there) and you get these MFX fan boys tell you they've got their GT-8 and SS amp to sound better than a Roadster. It's just hilarious. Then they'll post an mp3 showing off their new "Recto patch" saying how they nailed it and people chime in saying how its better than the real thing. I take a listen and it's "oh dear - sounds pretty crap to me & any similarity to a real Mesa is purely accidental". I've also had several guys there tell me they thought the Lonestar cleans were poor.

I think a lot of it is that Mesa's are expensive & many guys can't afford them so they work hard at convincing themselves that their $500 rig sounds just as good if not better. That makes them feel better and more secure on forums. Basically many are just mean spirited and insecure types IMO. Then there's plenty of others who seem to really beleive their cheap rig sounds better. If you want something enuf you can convince yourself of anything I suppose.

I'm the opposite when someone has a pricy rig. No matter what it is I think - well good luck to em, shows their commitment to great tone. I'm sure it'll sound great etc etc.
I've never heard a tube amp that sounded crap. They're all good - some are just slightly better than others is all.
This board has not been without their haters. Some changed names and crept back in but us longer time members usually spotted them. Haven't seen many in a while though.

As a former Marshall "hater" (never really bashed them though) and now Marshall owner it really changed the way I thought about amps/gear. I'm much more likely to try stuff out that I normally wouldn't in the past. I never really got into HC or any other forum. I belong to this Board and the Marshal Amp Forum.

On HC I just saw too many unintelligent threads where teens (I hope their teens!) fail to articulate what it is they like or don't like about equipment.

A board or forum is only as good as it's administrators and moderators. This and MAP to me are the best.
180 watts! That's freaking insane! I have a Fender 75 that seems louder than my Heartbreaker! There's no place in my whole county that I could unleash that thing.
I'd have to throw the generator in the truck and head to the hills to play it! :lol:

I think you're right Clutch71, HC has way too many teens on it with cheap equipment.
Just read some of Boogie reviews on HC,
"It sounded like crap when I plugged my Warlock NJ into my Triple Rec and had my golden tone Zoom pedal in the loop!"
"If I can't use my $2 pedal with it, then it must be crap!"
This is a thread I started at TGP .....

At this time there are 13,668 views and 279 reply's. Not to many haters have showed up on it.

There are plenty of Mesa lovers over there.
I posted about a $25 set of Dragonfire pickups I bought a while ago. NOBODY replied to the thread. You can bet your *** if it was a $300 set of WCRs or Lollars going in a $6000 Strat copy through a Dumble clone, there would be 30 pages of replies.

There was a thread about "hi-fi" fuses when I first joined TGP. People were dropping $50 on this fuse. :roll:

I hear ya - I bought a Dragonfire Tele Rails bridge humbucker for a tele clone and couldn't be happier. Blew away the Duncans and diMarzios for less than half the cash. It seems that some folks have to listen with their wallets...

A lot of folks blow off my Heartbreaker (since I play in Nashville a lot) because it isn't a Twin Reverb. After the first set, though, they want to know how I get the tone...This also happened the other day at a smaller gig when I used my Pignose G60VR.

I just smile...

I have a Twin, and just sold it because my HB kicks it's *** all over the place! :lol:
I modded the Reverb to sound really close to the Twin's and it was all over from there.

I used to play an Ampeg VL502 (Lee Jackson head) many years ago and everybody scoffed at it. 'Look, he's playing through a bass amp.....'
After the 1st set, every guitar player in the crowd was bum rushing me to see how I got that tone! :lol:

I saw a video of Satch playing a crappy 15 watt solid state practice amp and a Johnson (not Eric Johnson, the $100 Johnson!). He still ripped up Surfing with the Alien! The tone was pretty freaking close too! Just goes to show that a lot of it is in the hands of the player and the gear just augments that!

:lol: Now...Back to hating haters!!!!!!! :lol:
I get it on several levels.

First, Boogies are mid priced, high quality amps. If I spent 3K on a head, I'd be a little defensive when guys talk about a 1.5K Mark IV or LSS.

Secondly, If I was a blues based bedroom player and all I knew about boogie was overly pre amp buzz of a poorly dialed in Mark or a Recto, I'd be surprised when people say they actually LIKE that tone.

Thirdly, it's a big world with many tastes. Boogie players are pretty fanatical and most (like me) say Mesa makes a lot of different amps that suit just about everyone. Many people don't feel that way and are over the top refuting it.

It's cool.
stephen sawall said:
There are a lot of good people on those forum.

I would recommend ignoring or having fun with the HATERS.
I myself like almost all the tube amps for what they are.
It is only a matter of taste. :mrgreen:

I see the HATERS as silly funny people.
I almost feel sorry for them.
What a pathetic way to live.

Over the years I've learned that the degree of hating and bashing is inversely proportional to the person's sense of self-confidence and emotional security. If you wait long enough, you will always find that the most insecure person is the one who pounds his chest the most.

Hey, I've been guilty to some extent myself. I have publicly dragged down some types of gear that gave me serious problems, but I like to think it was always something I had experienced in person myself, at my own hands and with my own gear, especially when the seller or the maker tended to ignore the problem. But just hating a name or bashing something I've never used for the sake of anonymous internet bravado is a different problem totally..... I agree, it's best to feel sorry for them, and maybe do some tactful pot stirring once in a while. I've noticed the haughty snotty at TGP also. At least the HC people are more up front and honest about their 'tudes....
It would be lie if I did not say that I have also caught myself doing this silly behavior. I wonder what drives us to act this way from time to time. From my own life .... I would guess the problem goes well beyond the forums and amps. ever have a bad day ? People who hate all the time ... do just that. I am glad I did not end up being one of them.
Monsta-Tone said:
1. Guys that dont care what they play through just as long as it has a decent sound. These are the beer and chick type players who care more about the scene than their tone or music.

Then again, I've seen guys using a Peavey Backstage Plus and an old PRS and they sound incredible. I saw David Bowie on TV a few years ago. It was just him and Reeves Gabrels, who was using a Parker and a cheap Peavey and he was doing some amazing things.

very true... i believe any good player can make just about any guitra/amp sound good. what i meant was the guys who could care less about what they play or their music sounds like, just as long as their ina band, in a scene, getting chicks and drinking beer. Many of my friends fit into that category and i love them for it... but they're the last person i would go to for gear advice or would trust their opinion on gear.
I think my favorite arguement the snobs make is when they question why buy a multi channel amp with all these features instead of a 1 channel, simple amp and a few pedals. Its like they think the extra features degrate the tone. I'm sorry but that may be the dumbest way of saying "i'd rather play a simple, single channel amp and a couple of pedals". Both methods can yield some icredible tone, but that arguement is just smoke and mirrors to me... a way of them feeling better about being intimidated by the plethora of switches and knobs which actually make my world a hell of a lot easier than having multiple amps and pedals and all that fun stuff.
jdurso said:
I think my favorite arguement the snobs make is when they question why buy a multi channel amp with all these features instead of a 1 channel, simple amp and a few pedals. Its like they think the extra features degrate the tone. I'm sorry but that may be the dumbest way of saying "i'd rather play a simple, single channel amp and a couple of pedals". Both methods can yield some icredible tone, but that arguement is just smoke and mirrors to me... a way of them feeling better about being intimidated by the plethora of switches and knobs which actually make my world a hell of a lot easier than having multiple amps and pedals and all that fun stuff.

I've always found it harder to dial in pedals than multi channel amps.

I mean, a 2 channel amp is essentially two single channels in a box. You dial in each channel separately, then you A/B them to get the volume balance right.

Pedals I've always found harder as they stack their own tone stack on top of the amp's tone stack, so boosting for leads is like trying to have a rhythm and lead channel with a shared EQ. Further, you're also stacking gain on top of gain, so unless you're using pedals into a clean amp you're pretty much limited to using your pedals to add compression. Nothing wrong with this method if it's your thing, I just think there's better ways of doing it.

Don't get me wrong however... I have a single channel amp and I love it. Using it and having to control your gain through your guitar is a totally different vibe than using a channel switcher, I'm just not stuck up on a high horse about either method.

Ironically, I also find it's those really simple amps that make me really like all the switches and gizmos on a Boogie that drive purists up a wall. Stuff like reverb that can be set at different levels for different channels, effects loops that can be set up so that your delay comes on when you step on the lead channel, and a solo boost function that actually boosts your volume instead of your gain are all features I value highly in a gigging amp, and I really feel the lack of them when I don't have them in other amps. You may swear by your PTP Uber-Mojo amp and Klon, but I'll stack it against my 6db volume boost any day. We'll A/B side by side, and see which way really sounds more impressive. :eek:
As for pedals single channel amp or multi channel amp.I have seen that before and they say all the extra stuff takes away from the tone. Well yes more of a load well change the tone / etc. Pedals also put a load on the sounds that come from the guitar. Both can get good and bad results. .... The rest is just a matter of taste.
Mungo Zen said:
Best advice I ever got on choosing an amp was to listen to musicians I liked, then research what they used. A lot of artists I like that had a really distinctive tone were using Mesa's. If it had been Marshall's or Fender's or something else, I would have been spending more time looking at them. I think the only amp manufacturer I didn't check out which seemed interesting was H&K.

Anyway, a lot of people don't think with their ears when it comes to music, which is a shame. Every album is a piece of reference material for you to decide on how to build your own tone. When "haters" get their rant on about something, they will typically cite facts, but when it comes to tone, there are no facts. Either you like it or you don't (or are just ambivalent to the tone).

That's exactly what i did
My top 5 bands:
  • 1. 90s - Mark I

    • 00s - Rectifiers
      Last 18 months - Orange AD30
    2. Rectifiers
    3. Rectifiers (and one former guitarist used a H&K)
    4. Gibson GA30-RVH
    5. MarshalL JCM 800s
screamingdaisy said:
I've always found it harder to dial in pedals than multi channel amps.

I mean, a 2 channel amp is essentially two single channels in a box. You dial in each channel separately, then you A/B them to get the volume balance right.

Pedals I've always found harder as they stack their own tone stack on top of the amp's tone stack, so boosting for leads is like trying to have a rhythm and lead channel with a shared EQ. Further, you're also stacking gain on top of gain, so unless you're using pedals into a clean amp you're pretty much limited to using your pedals to add compression. Nothing wrong with this method if it's your thing, I just think there's better ways of doing it.

Don't get me wrong however... I have a single channel amp and I love it. Using it and having to control your gain through your guitar is a totally different vibe than using a channel switcher, I'm just not stuck up on a high horse about either method.
I agree 100%

I can never figure out how to work it. I set the amp's tone and then when I press the pedal, the tones there are all fucked up, so i adjust my amp (with the pedal on) to sound good, and then the amp sounds like **** without the pedal on.
YOu guys are all off on the "haters"

the new crop of haters have emerged and they are by far the best ones. Which am i talking about?

THE AXE-FX guys.

ooooh boy. these doods are a trip. it's all like this "yeah, i went and sold my mark IV and my dual rectifier and all my pedals. Axe-FX is all i needz! It sounds better than the real thing! "
Elixir said:
YOu guys are all off on the "haters"

the new crop of haters have emerged and they are by far the best ones. Which am i talking about?

THE AXE-FX guys.

ooooh boy. these doods are a trip. it's all like this "yeah, i went and sold my mark IV and my dual rectifier and all my pedals. Axe-FX is all i needz! It sounds better than the real thing! "

They're just converts from the institute of noise with the Vetta... i remember when i had my Vetta they would talk about all this crazy stuff they would do with cutoms cabs and IRs... and how they liked to fool tube snobs by putting the vetta in say a Marshall head case. They're just completely off the deep end and are always into stuck in the mind set that A is better than B... even when you can't compare A and B.

With that said I am an Axe-FX user and IMO it sounds incredible if you have the right equipment to go along with it (poweramp/cab or powered speakers). There is definitely a right way to get those most out of that unit... and in the right setup it has every characteristic of a great tube amp. From my perspective, i could care less how I get a good tone... i'm not an ALL tube guy or an ALL modelling guy, if the tone is good, the tone is good. But those guys at the fractal forum are completely off the deep end in terms of being objective. On top of it all, I've heard them argue that the Recto patches are spot on and you wouldnt know the difference... except for the fact, that its one of the only models that does a piss poor job of capturing the sound of the amp its trying to model. The Recto models are basically the worst characteristics of the Recto amp all there for the taking.... i will say however the Mark IV and Triaxis patches are pretty spot on.

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