Too many "haters"

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There is and always will be people who have low self esteem and have to belittle other because they think their gear is "better". Most of those people are compensating for something like playing ability or anything you can think of that someone would be self conscious about.
I can't say that I get offended when people hate on Mesa, or any other amplifier company for that matter. A good friend of mine is a big Marshall/Peavey fan and refers to my Nomad 100 head & Recto 4x12 as "The Crapstack". It used to make me mad, but then it occurred to that I was getting calls to play guitar and he wasn't! I think that amplifiers are tools, each one serving it's own function, and anyone can favor one or more tools over others and not be wrong.
:lol: I bet that Crapstack can kill his Marshall!

People can say what they want.
All I can say is listen to Europa and tell me that Mesa does what?????
In the right hands, the right tools just make magic!
Problem is that too many people buy stuff with little to no knowledge about WHAT they are buying. They rely on the hype or a 5 minutes test in a crowded store, then they invest a substantial amount of money just to find out that what they brought home it's not their cup of tea. Then they get upset. Then "Mesa is sh!t".

Mesas are not for everybody, just like a Tele is not for everybody. It has to suit your musical tastes and playing style.

There's a great many revered amps out there which I don't go crazy for (the SLO100, the Bogner Ecstacy, almost each and every Engl, just to name a few), but I wouldn't say that they suck. It's just not my stuff.
To be fair, the only reason that I bought Mesa when I was starting to get serious about guitar (ie, moving up from a 20 watt Fender combo) was because I really liked Metallica, and they use Mesa (among others). I'm definitely guilty of buying into the whole "so-and-so uses them, so they MUST be good" ideology, but thankfully I matured enough to develop my own tastes.

Monsta is right, the right tools in the right hands ARE magic. However, until my amps find the right hands, they're stuck in mine :?
MrBear said:
To be fair, the only reason that I bought Mesa when I was starting to get serious about guitar (ie, moving up from a 20 watt Fender combo) was because I really liked Metallica, and they use Mesa (among others). I'm definitely guilty of buying into the whole "so-and-so uses them, so they MUST be good" ideology, but thankfully I matured enough to develop my own tastes.

Monsta is right, the right tools in the right hands ARE magic. However, until my amps find the right hands, they're stuck in mine :?

I'm right with you man... when i wanted to upgrade from a Marshall Valvestate, I basically looked up what James was using and ended up with a 2 Channel Triple Rectifier... the funny thing is I had no clue about Mesa other than one of my buddies was drooling for a Nomad for a while and that the Metallica boys were sporting Rectos. I also had no clue that the main part of their tone was derived from the Mark series and not the Recto... but thats what i saw on stage and in videos so thats what i went for... i didnt even get it totally right because they were using Dual Rectos. Anyway after a few days of trying to figure out how to use a real tube amp (and even then i was clueless)... once i found THE mesa tone i was hooked... and have been addicted for the better part of this decade :D
i was about to say i'm glad i'm not a hater but then someone mentioned peavey and have to admit i'm a peavey hater!! Though i have heard a people make a 5150 sound good and i wont make someone feel bad for having a peavey.
My buggies pignose and old pos laney sound great! I really like the pignose.

On builder forums mesa gets a lot of crap because a lot of there patented circuits they didn't actually come up with. It was prior art they just managed to get a patented on it before someone caught it.
nomad100hd said:
i was about to say i'm glad i'm not a hater but then someone mentioned peavey and have to admit i'm a peavey hater!! Though i have heard a people make a 5150 sound good and i wont make someone feel bad for having a peavey.
My buggies pignose and old pos laney sound great! I really like the pignose.

On builder forums mesa gets a lot of crap because a lot of there patented circuits they didn't actually come up with. It was prior art they just managed to get a patented on it before someone caught it.

Umm i've heard plenty of people make a 5150 sound insanely good. I've considered getting one, they go for a fairly cheap price (compared to boogies).

They're a one trick pony but the pure raw metal tone is ballz to the wall man.
Just wanted to add something else here that occured to my while at a GC in Cali. I travel a lot for work so i usually visit whatever music stores are around when i'm bored. Anyway... i was at the GC in Rancho Cucamonga last night in their Mesa room which was quite nice and I'm basically going down the line of boogies killing time before dinner. Played an Ace, a Lonestar Classic, Triple Recto and then finally a Roadster.

What i found astonishing is how bad this Roadster sounded. Now I know mine has way different tubes than this one in the store has, especially with my preamp tubes being a whole big combo of NOS tubes, but i was blown away by how week it sounded. Long story short the manager came in to talk with me because i was more or less one of the only people in the store and i was telling him how this Roadster just sounded like crap. So I asked if i could grab the power amp tubes from the Dual sitting next to it (which he claimed were new tubes) and sure enough when we fired her up she was breathing fire again.

Point being a lot of these guys that "try" a Boogie in a GC type store is probably going to get an amp that is not well maintained and will carry with it a very weak, sterile sound. So not only are they trying to dial in an amp thats hard to dial in from the start, but also one they will never sound good because it hasnt been maintained.
I wouldn't worry about it to much, as long as your happy with what you own, who cares if some dude in Holland chooses his Diezel over a reasonably priced Mesa. Personally, I would rather have my Dual and some cash left over than an amp that has to be shipped to Germany for repair.
Well, none of us want to sound like everybody else, right? So we chose our amps and related gear to get as close as possible to the sound we want. Somebody else might want a totally different sound than we do. Let them go find it. Example. I could get next to nothing out of a Mark III. Then I found a mint Nomad that did it for me. Bought the Nomad and sold the Mark III. I'm happy as can be -- playin' my song and singin' along. And somewhere there is a guy who bought a mint Mark III who feels the same way.