ok smile, ultra guy your on candid camera. No seriously, I started playing 20x years ago with a really cheap guitar and equally cheap amp. I put it down after a year or so and didn't pick it back up for many years later. It was the quality of my gear always going out of tune, the cheap 8' or 10' speaker, along with my lack of knowledge combined that stopped me from getting better. I was uninspired by the cheap gear I had and it showed by the amount of hours I was willing to put in to get better. If I went back now to the cheap gear I would sound alot better on it but it would still not inspiring me because I still wouldn't find my sound and therefore wouldn't want to play often. I think it is a big viscious circle, get the best gear you can afford an practice as much as you possiby can. I look at good gear as a life time investment if you are serious about playing, good gear can last many, many years, I like to grow into my gear instead of buying and having to upgrade several times along the way. If I wasn't serious about getting better and wanting to play every day, I would just buy and entry level setup and leave it at that. But that is just me.