Well-known member
I second that and will jump on the Laskyman must get a Axe-FX bandwagon
you guys are freaking killing me...
Still, it's certainly easier to carry an AxeFX and monitor than it is to carry multiple heads & cabs
Yeah- have at least 1/2 hour prep to get rolling when I play out- the worst part is the trek up the stairs from the Dadcave with amp, pedalboard, guitars....A nice 2-4space rack would be easy....add in a QSC k12 or k10- still easier than my current haul. Sound better? Jury is out...again- I dont think one can really qualify as being "better" than the other...different, yes, better- no....
For myself, I don't really need that many sounds, so a good channel switching head is all I really require.
Wish I felt the same..but the way I look at it is this: I am alive *today*..there are options for the things that I am passionate about and truly enjoy with guitar gear...why wouldnt I want to explore them? If they didnt appeal to me AFTER I had the opportunity fully evaluate them, them thats OK too- it isnt like I cant replace gear....and then I will know absolutely why it does or wont work for me....
sometimes it is better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you havent....