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I think one thing Boogie definitely has going for it is the active community here. I have been to other amp forums to do research on their products and find that many of the newest posts can be weeks or months old. In other words, there's nothing going on there. Here, you can get all of the info you want from the community, and it's very helpful. Of course, we're all biased here. I have a rectoverb, but plan on adding a Stiletto Duece as my main amp. My bass player keeps telling me to try other amps, and I have and will, but I like Boogies. Not only is their tone very "real", but I'm also a fan of fixed bias which makes my life a lot easier, especially in an emergency.
I tried all kinds of tubes but that's not it. I think boogies have a lot of bass in the signal, which puts me off a little. Still I love them. I really liked my Express 5:50, which I traded to buy a stiletto(big mistake, for me) lost my shirt on that one too. looking to get another express but I don't see many used for sale or in a head format either.
Yep, i fell for the hype 11 times! Now i am down to 1 mesa and would sell it in a heartbeat if i didnt loss too much $ on it..They do look sexy, and the catalogs are gorgeous, but they just dont deliver the goods musically for me. I am MUCH more satisfied with my recent equipment..I dont even look for new amps anymore unless they are a great deal.
i'm flying out to another country to test my first boogie (we don't have them in israel) and hopefully get the RKII

dedication anyone ?
My favorite sounding amp that I've owned is my newest one, a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue.

But my F30 is without a doubt the coolest, best built, and most professional amp that I've played, let alone owned.

If my Fender is a top of the line Honda, the Mesa is a bottom of the line Mercedes. I feel kind of sold on the quality, if not the sound. I definitely plan on owning other Mesas, even though my Fender is the current go-to amp for tone.
playdosboogies said:
Yep, i fell for the hype 11 times! Now i am down to 1 mesa and would sell it in a heartbeat if i didnt loss too much $ on it..They do look sexy, and the catalogs are gorgeous, but they just dont deliver the goods musically for me. I am MUCH more satisfied with my recent equipment..I dont even look for new amps anymore unless they are a great deal.

+1 DSL's are Killer tone machines and get no respect IMHO.
playdosboogies said:
Yep, i fell for the hype 11 times! Now i am down to 1 mesa and would sell it in a heartbeat if i didnt loss too much $ on it..They do look sexy, and the catalogs are gorgeous, but they just dont deliver the goods musically for me. I am MUCH more satisfied with my recent equipment..I dont even look for new amps anymore unless they are a great deal.

Thats why they make different gear... different strokes for different folks.

I myself like the sounds of many different amps... even the DSL's have a good sound... I just dont like the build quality on the newer Marshall stuff myself. I had the TSL 100 head and It was constantly trying to eat itself... and we got a DSL 100 head in the studio right now and have to constantly check the bias on it cause it likes to roam.

And I dug my Splawn to for a while...Splawn builds GREAT amps across the board...the best amp Marshall never built!*L*

Its all in what YOU personally dig... I Personally am digging my Roadster & my Triple channel dual rec at the moment.
I sold my Fender '65 re-issue Twin Reverb to get my LSC. I loved the Fender but was searching for something more. I FOUND IT!
I LOVE My LSC... I played my 3rd gig with it last Saturday and the Tones I was getting were OUT OF THIS WORLD.


They ARE finicky...but so is a Lamborghini!
For now I am EXTREMELY satisfied...well worth every one of those $1900 dollars I shelled out :wink:
Since getting my Mesa, I no longer need a gym membership!

...and can no longer afford it...
Monsta-Tone said:
:lol: Or a Swedish Massage Therapist! :lol:

And they lived happily ever after until he made her carry the amp! :lol:

ah, but then you could get a swedish massage therapist FOR your other swedish massage therapist. i believe the french have a term for that......

...menage a trois?
Have not yet read anything in this thread to help jamme61 with regard to speakers. Could have overlooked something, though. Weber beam blocker(s) can help the high volume ice pick thang hugely. Might want to start doing some speaker/cab rolling or cab modding as well.

Sometimes it's fun to mess with an inexpensively obtained speaker to see what can happen. More than once I've gotten a '60's Magnavox P232 (better built Jensen P15N at a fourth-fifth of the Jensen's going price I might add) ...that was too bright and ice picky on the dirty tones at high volumes and so used a couple coats of black Liquid Electrical Tape to dope the surround and into the cone about an inch from the outside... I tested the stuff on a sheet of typewriter paper, when I tore the paper through the area with one coat of the stuff, it stretched about two-three inches across the tear before letting go, and was very stretchy and snapped back well instead of staying all stretched out. It darkened the speaker tone nicely, and as a side benefit I know that I'll never tear the now well reinforced surround. I have also used Liquid Electrical Tape with great success as an ugly looking but extremely effective cone repair adhesive. I once recieved a pair of 15 inch CTS square magnet guitar/bass speakers from an idiot ebay seller who shipped them improperly packed and the speakers cut into each other with each cone recieving multiple dents and tears mainly in the surround while in the mail. I salvaged one that had easily six inches worth of various tears and it works perfectly with awesome blues tone. Actually I have salvaged three otherwise ruined speaker cones this way. If your speakers are inexpensive and just too bright, try doping them a bit at a time. You will lose some overall volume, but most Mesa amps have massive power sections so no biggie in most cases. The tone will be much fatter and smoother. And if the idea of what I used on the cone turns you off, then search out real speaker dope from some HIFI weenie shop or speaker rebuilding tech. Working on the speakers in either or both ways WILL remove the ice pick from the high volume tones. Best of luck.