The Mark IV thread....!!

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. might be funny, but its ******* expensive thats for sure, and i cant hide the budget from my wife anymore :lol: :shock:
anyhow important is that i got the mark IV (A version) and it worthed any penny spend, sounds simply beatifull i can't wait to tweak it to death :twisted:
I hear Ya! I have also A-model. Really, really nice sounds...And I don't have wife, so I can buy all the gear I can get BUHAHAHAA!!!
My wife likes the way a hardwood and wicker boogie looks so much that she actually wanted me to get one. She wants me to get a PRS for the same reason! Randall and Paul Reed! Those Smiths are geniuses. They make gear that my wife wants me to have!
Xqzdust said:
My wife likes the way a hardwood and wicker boogie looks so much that she actually wanted me to get one. She wants me to get a PRS for the same reason! Randall and Paul Reed! Those Smiths are geniuses. They make gear that my wife wants me to have!

That's why I always go for the not normal colored equipment...I have an all Rosewood Axis, and it looks awesome in the living room. :D
WOW I am so glad I found this forum, truly one of the best finds since my Mark IV that is on it's way :eek:) I owned a Mark IV in the past and didn't give it enough time and came to the conclusion it "sucked" and sold it...BIG MISTAKE. Anyway, long story short I realized the errors of my ways after spending quite a bit of time with a friends Mark IV and I purchased another.

Here is my question, and I apologize in advance if it is rediculous: I know nothing about ohm ratings, I simply know that my Mesa Standard Cab has an 8 ohm setting and my Bogner Uberschall can be switched to 8 ohms. Presently I have the Uberschall plugged into the 8ohm jack on my cab as I just stated, is it possible to have 2 heads plugged into 1 cab at the same time? And if so, if I am already using the 8ohm slot for my Uberschall, what would I plug my Mark IV into when it gets here? Or is this even possible, again I apologize if this is in incredibly simple, or stupid question, but nonetheless it is a dilemma I am faced with, and after reading through this entire Mark IV section there is definately no other place I would like to get info from, everyone on here is so informative! Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated....THANKS!

Let me clarify that question real fast....I am not interest in running both heads at the same time or anything like that. I simply want to be able to plug my guitar into my Uber and play, turn it off, then plug into the Mark IV and play without having to switch speaker cables. Sorry for any confusion and thanks in advance for any advice!!!
Mizati20 said:
WOW I am so glad I found this forum, truly one of the best finds since my Mark IV that is on it's way :eek:) I owned a Mark IV in the past and didn't give it enough time and came to the conclusion it "sucked" and sold it...BIG MISTAKE. Anyway, long story short I realized the errors of my ways after spending quite a bit of time with a friends Mark IV and I purchased another.

Here is my question, and I apologize in advance if it is rediculous: I know nothing about ohm ratings, I simply know that my Mesa Standard Cab has an 8 ohm setting and my Bogner Uberschall can be switched to 8 ohms. Presently I have the Uberschall plugged into the 8ohm jack on my cab as I just stated, is it possible to have 2 heads plugged into 1 cab at the same time? And if so, if I am already using the 8ohm slot for my Uberschall, what would I plug my Mark IV into when it gets here? Or is this even possible, again I apologize if this is in incredibly simple, or stupid question, but nonetheless it is a dilemma I am faced with, and after reading through this entire Mark IV section there is definately no other place I would like to get info from, everyone on here is so informative! Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated....THANKS!


Well, I don't see how you could do it unless you plugged both amps speaker outs into an A/B box, and used that switch. The problem is that then the amp being turned "off" would be without a load on the power amp, and I don't know the specifics of that, but it's really bad.

But if you plan on turning off one amp, switching, then turning on the other, it should work fine.
Interesting, I'm not familiar with an "A/B" box, from they way you described it, Im guessing it is some type of input that both heads would go into with a singular output that allows you to switch which head would come out of the output..(did that make sense?) I am planning to only run one head at a time, so I wouldn't be running a head into an empty load. I really appreciate the reply. I'll do some research, anyone else out there have any experience or knowledge on this subject? THANKS!
So I finally joined the club....I finish setting up the Mark IV on top of my Uberschall, my G/F comes in the room quietly without me hearing her, and stands there watching me stare at my setup for a good solid 60 seconds. She finally asks what I'm doing, I explain to her that I got a Mark IV...her response "You got ANOTHER amp?", "Well yea honey, but look, its a MARK IV!!!" This goes on for a minute and I give up. People just don't understand, seeing as how I can't share my excitement with anyone else since my only buddy I had to jam with is on a personal path of destruction, I figured I would just make a small post here where people WILL understand! I am beside myself with this Mark IV, I had one in the past but didn't even give it a chance, regretted it, and took the plunge for another, cost me a pretty penny, but it is a late 2007 model with 4 years left on the warranty! It is beautiful and it has done something that I thought no other amplifier could is making me consider selling my Uberschall. Anyway, I could continue on with mindless nothingness, instead I'll just post a pic of my setup, LP Studio is getting an 18volt mod done on the EMG's but the pic isn't about the guitars!! Nothing completely outrageous, but I sure am happier than a pig in **** :p

Not my business but maybe that girl just isn't right for you! :lol:
See my post above and enjoy your new amp!
Hey guys, me again, thanks for all the great responses and kind words! I am kinda looking to get rid of my standard Mesa 4x12 cabinet to make a little room. I was thinking of getting a Mesa 2x12 Vertical cab, but was curious, which Mark IV head is designed to fit perfectly on the vertical cab? the medium head or the short head? Also, any other Mark IV owners out there running their head into a cab that they really like and would recommend? I want something that is still going to give a decent bottom end. Are there other 4x12's out there that are perfect with the Mark IV? (I may consider even though I'm trying to make room) and suggestions would as always be greatly appreciated, thanks guys!
Can someone help me...

Just got a Mark IV off Ebay. The thing looks in mint condition but it's giving me insane amounts of hiss on the lead channel and even picks up radio station frequencies.

Could this be the tubes? Someone said something about a plate leak or some crap like that?

The thing looks in mint condition but it's giving me insane amounts of hiss on the lead channel and even picks up radio station frequencies.

i am courios too about that one cause mine act the same... :?: :idea: :!: [/quote]
pixy said:
The thing looks in mint condition but it's giving me insane amounts of hiss on the lead channel and even picks up radio station frequencies.

i am courios too about that one cause mine act the same... :?: :idea: :!:

I've been told it could be the preamps, most likely that is what it is. But since i just got the amp it's better off to just get the whole thing serviced and ran diagnostics on.

So, that is what i am doing today. Dropping it off and then waiting to hear back by tomorrow.

Hopefully it's just a preamp issue and nothing more.

I had same problem with other amps. Mostly the reason is bad shielding of the cables you are using, or a bad grounded amplifier. Allways make sure that the amp is thoroughly grounded.

I know there are amp manifacturers who are putting an RF filter just after the guitar input. It's a combination of a resistance and a capacity, a little circuit which is shortcircuiting the higher frequencies (Radio signals) to the ground so they are eliminated. This circuit should have no influence on the tone of your setup, because it's acting on frequencies above the guitar frequency spectrum. I'm not sure the Mark IV has such standard installed :?:
Normally also without that little circuit help, you should not have RF problems, so, my advice: check shielding and grounding.

All the best.
Dropped off my amp to the tech today. We had some discussion on tubes and such and he swore that unless you're cranking the amp at 10 you wont really notice much difference between using diff tube set ups.

Is this true? I mean, he does seem more tech head than an actual musician. I was thinking of going straight 6L6's in mine rather than the 6l6 E34 combo
Elixir said:
Dropped off my amp to the tech today. We had some discussion on tubes and such and he swore that unless you're cranking the amp at 10 you wont really notice much difference between using diff tube set ups.

Is this true? I mean, he does seem more tech head than an actual musician. I was thinking of going straight 6L6's in mine rather than the 6l6 E34 combo
you should definitely notice a difference between tube setups.
bryan_kilco said:
Elixir said:
Dropped off my amp to the tech today. We had some discussion on tubes and such and he swore that unless you're cranking the amp at 10 you wont really notice much difference between using diff tube set ups.

Is this true? I mean, he does seem more tech head than an actual musician. I was thinking of going straight 6L6's in mine rather than the 6l6 E34 combo
you should definitely notice a difference between tube setups.

Yeah? Well according to him (pretty damn knowledgeable but very techy) you wont feel or hear the difference until your fully loading the tubes which I usually don't.

Anyways, the amp got serviced and it's in great condition. Apparently the guy that owned it before, when he recently changed the tubes to JJ E34's and 6L6's he didn't match them correctly. They were running extremely cold.

Don't know where he got the tubes from, gonna ask him today. The radio signal i got every once in a while ended up being my guitar chord.

I put in standard Boogie tubes, 4 set of 6L6's and i'm pretty happy right now
You can definitely hear the difference in tube types and quality at low levels. At insane volume is obviously best. But you don't need to go there. For instance, I immediately noticed a severe cut in highs the day I put in some 5881's, and I was at bedroom volume. Those suckers never went back in.
I'd like to know why some notes pierce my ears. They sound very twangy at times and it hurts my ears even on volume 2!!
