The Mark IV thread....!!

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Stands up
'Hi my name is Euan I have been clear of the Boogieboard for 7 hours,but unfortunatly......I have returned........again(bursts out in tears)'

Sits back down to be comforted by the other recovering boogieholics
WillPlayForFood said:
Nice guys...I am just beginning to peak with my addiction, what do I do now?? :shock:

Run the board!!

Have a post on every column on this board at one time...this is usually fun ohhh but to do it properly you have to become a donating member first so you have ALL the columns filled in :)

I'll be donating when I get paid Friday.

BTW, I have a White JP, not a White Sparkle. I WISH it was a White Sparkle! I love the JPs with the Mark IV! It is a very cool tone to my ears...
glad to hear it,
basically the more donations there is the better this forum will be as there will be more money to put into the site,higher bandwidth oe something ned was on about
What does "onset clip" mean or just "clip" in general. It has been mentioned in the manual a few times.
ESPEcho602 said:
What does "onset clip" mean or just "clip" in general. It has been mentioned in the manual a few times.

Clipping is when your clean signal is driven into distortion.

It's easier to see it in a picture, when your typical sine wave's peaks square out.

I believe it is referring to the point at which the speaker starts to induce its own distortion from it being pushed too hard by the amplifier.

Can anyone elaborate on this idea or correct me if I am wrong?

EDIT: I see Platypus chimed in seconds before I posted..... What he said. :)
MusicManJP6 said:
I believe it is referring to the point at which the speaker starts to induce its own distortion from it being pushed too hard by the amplifier.
Sorry MusicMan. Although there is this thing called "speaker breakup", clipping happens within the signal amplification section of the amp, which can be the pre-amp or the power amp, or both (ie. tubes in this case).

Well, I've been reading this 19 PAGE :D thread in preparation for tomorrow's delivery of my new Mk IV. Thanks for the delicious info everyone! I previously owned a used '96 Mk IV Widebody Combo sold it for $$$ reasons and can't wait to get back into the Mark sound!!!

Couple questions:

Have the combos always had C90s? Or did they use EVs at one point and then switched to C90s? I remember my widebody combo being pretty heavy and the shipping bill I'm looking at online states 65lbs. I swear my '96 was heavier than that (unless I'm a girly-man!!!) so that's why I'm questioning this speaker thing.

For variation I want to use my 2x12 recto cab. and I assume I'll be using the 8 Ohm output jack?

Last one!! I know the Mk IV goes from 30W to 85W; as far as the wattage settings what would be the different 'steps' with 26l6s vs 4 vs Tweed Power vs Full vs simul-class vs Class A vs Pentode vs Triode? Bluntly, what settings make up 30W and so on..?

well. Aclass is a lower wattage than simlu and triode is a lower wattage to pentode.. the tweed switch just makes thing's less tight... which is good for really low volume's..

the lowest wattage is more around the 15watt with tweed then 20watts full power triode a class..
As for the 2x12 recto cab. with the Mk IV, I'll be using the 8ohm jack out the back of the combo correct?

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