Swapped out the 6L6 tubes for EL34's here is my review...

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skunizzi said:
rabies said:
why can't Mesa or another brand manufacture/design a tube amp that has 2xEL34 (for dirty) and 2x6L6 (for clean) and footswitchable b/n these two channels? Isn't that what 90%+ of all guitar players really need?

Actually Egnater amps have this feature. Its really cool and best of all the amps sound great and don't cost an arm and a leg. Check out the video clip of the Egnater Renegade...

Here is the link!

yes, but is it footswitchable? there's a mix control knob for the power tubes IIRC.
Yes it is footswitchable because you have the option on two channels. So channel one could be EL34 tone, and channel two could be 6L6 tone.

Pretty nifty eh?
rabies said:
why can't Mesa or another brand manufacture/design a tube amp that has 2xEL34 (for dirty) and 2x6L6 (for clean) and footswitchable b/n these two channels? Isn't that what 90%+ of all guitar players really need?

Road King will do that
Interesting, that blending of 6L6 and EL34 tones. First time I've seen that. I wonder how much engineering goes into that?

rabies said:
it's the hands man. JH would sound pretty **** good with a Line6, believe it or not.
I second that!

rabies said:
also depends how loud you crank the master/outputs. get it up to noon and you'll hear the grind/mids roar.
That's true- I wasn't able to play very loud which of course, changes everything. I'll certainly try it again in the future. Different rooms change everything too....
As a follow up to my original post, I decided to swap back to the 6L6's now that I've had some time to play with the EL34's. After trying both, I've decided to stick with the 6L6's.

The reason is because I like the little extra grit you can get with the EL34's but the cleans of the 6L6's give you more depth and punch especially if you are using overdrive pedals to get your gain to where you like it to be. So if you are playing straight into the ED and you want to have that grit, go for the EL34's. But if your using pedals and like to have that extra clean tone to be the foundation of whatever your gonna put on top of it, then 6L6's may be best for you.

Just my 2 cents!