Stiletto vs. Stiletto Series II

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2007
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Would anyone please be so kind as to tell me the tonal diff's of these two amps !
The DEUCE, that is !

The Mesa mag-add in UK guitar mag's just say, "with tighter, improved gain"

What is improved gain ?
How do you make something "better" if there was nothing wrong with it ?
...or was there ?

Thanx to all !
Use the forum's search feature and you'll find that this topic has been covered many, many times.

Charlie said:
Use the forum's search feature and you'll find that this topic has been covered many, many times.


I am do a search right now, but have not yet come across a clear cut deff !
Still reading though !

Charlie said:
Use the forum's search feature and you'll find that this topic has been covered many, many times.


Just fin with ALL the DEUCE threads - found nothing telling me how they differ - AT ALL !

Where are those mythical threads ??? :roll:
"i have a stage one stiletto and was considering trading for a stage two....but after borrowing a II for a couple of shows i came to the conclusion i really preferred the stage one.

1. the crunch channel on the stage one is infinatley better than the stage 2.
2. i had to go onto the tite gain channel to get the sound i usually use. the Stage II had a lot more gain though
3. i never use the fluid drive, so i cant say anything about it....

its a personal thing...i dont think one is better than the other"

Taken from this thread:

I hope I don't appear to be coming off like an *** or anything - but the topic has been covered here many, many times and if you do a proper search you will find plenty of threads about stage I vs stage II. If you aren't finding the threads you aren't doing a proper search.

Everybody seems to have their own opinions though and nobody seems to be able to come to an agreement on which one sounds 'better'.

I have a stage I but have never played a stage II so I can't offer you any more insight other than the fact that I really love the sound of my stage I.

Charlie said:
"i have a stage one stiletto and was considering trading for a stage two....but after borrowing a II for a couple of shows i came to the conclusion i really preferred the stage one.

1. the crunch channel on the stage one is infinatley better than the stage 2.
2. i had to go onto the tite gain channel to get the sound i usually use. the Stage II had a lot more gain though
3. i never use the fluid drive, so i cant say anything about it....

its a personal thing...i dont think one is better than the other"

Taken from this thread:

I hope I don't appear to be coming off like an *** or anything - but the topic has been covered here many, many times and if you do a proper search you will find plenty of threads about stage I vs stage II. If you aren't finding the threads you aren't doing a proper search.

Everybody seems to have their own opinions though and nobody seems to be able to come to an agreement on which one sounds 'better'.

I have a stage I but have never played a stage II so I can't offer you any more insight other than the fact that I really love the sound of my stage I.


Thanx for the link mate :wink:

It does look like their is no clear agreement on what the big/main diff's is between the two stages :roll:
I thought it would be big diff's so that it would be very obvious to everyone - looks like it is not the case !

One thing i learned is that the bass response seems to be tighter w. more gain on tap !
The stage I had enought gain for me, and i do NOT want tight bass what so ever !!! I love loose bass response (Fu Manchu/Electric Wizard), and can not stand the newer/modern tight arsed snappy bass from amps like 5150's/VHT/Trip Rec's/Diezel).
I can just hope that the Stage I has some kind of loose-fuzzy quality to its bass, ala JCM800 !

Again, thanx for your help !
A lot of people have commented that the Stage I is more 'Marshally' out of the two. Again.. haven't heard a Stage II so I can't comment but I can definitely get tones that are VERY similar to my JCM800 out of my Stage I.

I'd assume you would be very happy with either amp.

Good luck!
