Speaker for Stiletto Duece

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
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OK, I'm getting ready to order my Stiletto. I have a 1x12 cab that I want to use with it for smaller gigs and practice. We tend to play pretty loud music (rock/metal). What speaker could be recommended for a 1x12 that will be powered by a 100 watt amp? FYI: I tested the 300w Zakk Wylde speaker in this cab. It sounded REAL clear and nice, but had no edge to it whatsoever since it was being pushed by a 50w amp (my rectoverb). It's just too much speaker for what I need it for. Thanks all.
Recently I was shopping for a cab and speakers to use with both a Stiletto and DC-10. I ended up with a Mesa 2x12 3/4 simply because it was made available to me. My plan was to get a Eminence Red White and Blue for it's power handling, 120 watts, and warm tone. I'm not a fan of V30s. Eminence makes some nice speakers and their web site has decent sound clips of each speaker. I may still put the RW&Bs in my cabinet.
34 views and only one reply? Someone has to have another opinion on this. I really need something to reflect a 1x12. Thanks.
I'm using Celestion G-75s. They are speakers made for high gain amps. They have a nice mid range and tight low end. Not a fan of V-30s either. The bottom end on V-30s are flabby, and muddy. Those speakers are copies of speakers that were made for amps in the early 70s that had no distortion. So the speaker distorts. G-75s give a nice tight sound with the Stiletto. I laugh when I hear guys bag on the G-75 speakers.

BMarchant said:
I'm using Celestion G-75s. They are speakers made for high gain amps. They have a nice mid range and tight low end. Not a fan of V-30s either. The bottom end on V-30s are flabby, and muddy. Those speakers are copies of speakers that were made for amps in the early 70s that had no distortion. So the speaker distorts. G-75s give a nice tight sound with the Stiletto. I laugh when I hear guys bag on the G-75 speakers.


Yeah, I've always liked the 75's too, especially in a 4x12. Different strokes...
How mental does this sound, to shift a little. I also have a 2x12. Obviously, the 1x12 would be for smaller gigs, but I would also like to add my 2x12 to the mix for bigger venues. I was thinking an EV 12L in the closed bottom of the 2x12 and a celestion V30 on the on open back top. You think that a 200W EV 12L coupled with the celestion would run me into the same trouble as the 300w speaker I tried? I mean, how much speaker wattage is too much for a 50-100W amp?
WOW! I'm suprised nobody here can jump into this speaker wattage discussion. There's gotta be someone knowledgeable out there. Oh well.....
No problem with the power rating of the EV...as long as it's more than you're giving it, it shouldn't blow up...simple. You will probably never be able to drive it to breakup, but that's kinda the point anyway with an EV.

V-30 in an open back sucks IMO. Try a C-90 open with the EV closed.
I'm not worried about blowing up the speaker, I'm just worried that there won't be enough power to push the speaker(s), especially with 3 speakers setup (two seperate 8 ohm cabs, 1 Thiele, 1 2x12). So an open back V-30 is no good? I was thinking of throwing the EV in the bottom closed section for the low end and the V-30 up top to balance things out and cut through. I was pondering putting the C-90 in the Thiele since it's got decent power handling and would be good for smaller gigs. It's the larger gigs where I'd pair up the 2 cabs. We're talking a total of 250W of speaker power if I'm correct. Thanks.
Jak0lantern01 said:
I'm not worried about blowing up the speaker, I'm just worried that there won't be enough power to push the speaker(s), ......

We're talking a total of 250W of speaker power if I'm correct. Thanks.

Based on your posts it sounds like you're looking for a pushed speaker sound and maybe some break up from the speaker. The EV 12L and Black Label speakers are great for what they are, but they're a very poor choice if that's the effect you're going for. They're tight and clean, and aren't going to give you the pushed "edge" like some celestions. Just different designs.

If it doesn't sound good to you, it might not be a function of the wattage and could rather be simply that it's not the right speaker for your taste/gear/etc. I would suggest trying different speakers.

Wattage ratings for a speaker let you know how to safely use it without the risk of damaging it. You don't HAVE to run it at or even near its wattage rating. So there's no problem with running a 5 watt amp into a 200 watt speaker. As long as you're not exceeding that rating, that's sorta what they're trying to get across.

I see this all the time on craigslist: "This speaker cab puts out 200 watts of power! It's loud, dude!" There's not really "speaker power" and speakers/cabs only put out what you put in to them.
So perhaps this COULD be a good combo then. Through a nice and clean EV in with the V-30 for breakup. Maybe I'm onto something here.
Just know that the max power handling of any 2x12 with mixed speakers is is only equal to twice the wattage of the lower power speaker :shock: . Say you pair a greenback with an EVM-12L, the max power handling for that 2x12 cab will be 50 watts. And then there's the SPL thing where one speaker may be louder than the other at any given volume.