Someone should make a webpage for Pre1000 Recto owners!!

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Serial: R-0929
Model: Dual Recto head
Revision: RF-1F
PT: 561136/EIA606-237
OT: 562100/EIA606-033
Choke: 550381/EI606-237
Loop: Serial
Dates: 10/27/92
Wired by: Kaydee
Other: Chrome chassis, Black diamondplate
Gear-Monkey said:
Serial: R-0929
Model: Dual Recto head
Revision: RF-1F
PT: 561136/EIA606-237
OT: 562100/EIA606-033
Choke: 550381/EI606-237
Loop: Serial
Dates: 10/27/92
Wired by: Kaydee
Other: Chrome chassis, Black diamondplate

You assume I am a Recto hater, but I own R0232 and have had 6 two channels, 1 three channel and three Road Kings. At this time I have R0232 and a 2007 RK II version 2. To put it into perspective, Mesa changed the board revision to F to suit the emerging grunge genre. The RF-1C and RF-1D could actually produce a super lead tone and that was not needed in grunge so it was revisioned out.
Boogiebabies said:
Gear-Monkey said:
Serial: R-0929
Model: Dual Recto head
Revision: RF-1F
PT: 561136/EIA606-237
OT: 562100/EIA606-033
Choke: 550381/EI606-237
Loop: Serial
Dates: 10/27/92
Wired by: Kaydee
Other: Chrome chassis, Black diamondplate

You assume I am a Recto hater, but I own R0232 and have had 6 two channels, 1 three channel and three Road Kings. At this time I have R0232 and a 2007 RK II version 2. To put it into perspective, Mesa changed the board revision to F to suit the emerging grunge genre. The RF-1C and RF-1D could actually produce a super lead tone and that was not needed in grunge so it was revisioned out.

Sorry man, I'm just a bit defensive as I'm getting attacked from every angle for owning a pre1000.

what's funny as I had civil and mature conversations with many of you.. and since i had ned change my username, I've been getting flamed. i think maybe because I have a new name, ya'll think I'm a new member who somehow tricked PHPbb to get me 200+ posts.

I don't get it.. I've bought and sold many things here.
chill dude... :D
i lol' are being too aggressive....
what the OP on other topic trying to say is we dont need another hype.
Like you,im a Mesa fanatic too..
chill dude... :D
i lol' are being too aggressive....
what the OP on other topic trying to say is we dont need another hype.
Like you,im a Mesa fanatic too..

yeah, I get this way.

My point is let us pre1000 owners enjoy our amps... let us talk about it amongst one another. When some dude says we don't have the right to make our thread on the subject, that's just insane. Who died and made that dude god?

Consider us the pre1000 mob. If that bothers some, don't read it. It's that simple really.

I won't go flame anyone if they wanted to make their own Peavey RAGE 158 mob or a first act guitar mob. LOL!

good thing is, only less than 1000 is allowed in our mob. (depends how many pre1000 still exist in teh world)
siggy14 said:
Out of all the recto's I have owned, the sweetest two in my opion are my two latest rackmount Rev G recto's. One I just sold to Silverwolf, the second I am keeping and might be hard to have me part with it.

Just finished playing it some tonight, definitely sounds good! I've always enjoyed Revision G too. I absolutely loved my old '94 Recto too.

For the whole "Pre-500" and "Pre-1000" hype...I think that's just what it is..."hype". Yeah, there's light differences, but again, tone is subjective and it's ridiculous IMO to call one "better" than another.

For the whole Pre-500 thing, it's been stated before that there's a lot more than 500 that use the same trannies. For all we know, there could be 2000+ out there that have similar trannnies and could all be made identical to the Pre-500 models with a couple part swaps.
The George Lynch tranny theory was debunked months ago leaving the board revisions as the topic of discussion. Read Smith's articles on circuit boards at the mesa website. He defines making traces that are in proximity that actually alter/interfere with the signal in a pleasing, or good way. To me, after owning 9 Recto's I always wondered why it was called a Solo Head.
I could not get a fluid solo tone without a boost pedal. With the R0232, I got sweep arpeggio gain right out of the box. I also found the red mode has the most definition and attack of any two channel or RK I had. I have also noted that it had an innate ability to emphasize the type of power tube I was using. You could actually reference the tonal variation between KT-66's, EL-34's, 6CA7's and different makes of 6L6. Anyone who has had a two channel should be able to attest to the fact that in their never ending quest to get the mush out tried every tube under the sun. I was happy that a previously deemed muddy quad of JJ 6L6's now reside in the amp idling at 20ma and there is no mud anywhere. What differentiates the amp for me is that all I need to do is plug straight in. It still sounds like a Rectifier, but I don't have to chase the tones I always wanted from a Rectifier. It's got usable gain out the *** and is not harsh and buzzy, even running the tubes cold. Hype or not, it's still a rectifier but it is different. Whether it is better than or different enough from any other DR, or commands twice the selling price is really up to whoever wants to spend their money and give it a ride. I think this whole debate really boils down to how much these amps are selling for. In the end, you have to ask yourself if you are really in a position to tell someone else how they can spend their money. We are guitar players, not financial advisors. The hype factor is inevitable. There are simply not 20,000 copies of these amps in circulation. To paraphrase Randall Smith and Doug West,
" The easiest way to make an amp desirable is to stop making it".

In regards to any object of interest, once your mind gets involved in the " Have to Have it" state, human nature drives from there. For sellers, it the marketing. We have been bombarded by marketing since we came screaming into the world. A very simple example is someone on E-Bay trying to sell a grilled cheese sandwich what had the image of Christ on it. It leads to the question of who is driving this market. It's to the point of mass hysteria where it should simply be a matter of free will. If you want it, buy it, if you don't move on. It's your money and no one is holding an AK-47 to your head demanding you buy a Pre-500 for $ 2500 or you will die. If it's not in the cars, don't hate. The world is an ugly place already. We don't need another issue to fight over.
siggy14 said:
By the way, I had one of the very first 3 channel dual rec's ever made, and that thing sounded killer too, not like a pre-1000, but it was a little different then what i hear today.

siggy, what was the s/n on that? i'm trying to figure out where mine stands in relation to the other 3 channels. i think mine is pretty early, but i'm not sure. do you know what number they switched to 3 channels at?
For what it's worth, I also had one of the first 3 channels made I bought new when they were released (Triple Recto) and it sounded killer too, nothing like the ones I've played since then. I still regret selling that amp. Live and learn I guess... 8) I have no idea where the serial numbers started or what mine was. Not trying to start any myths or the like, but I've owned a few 3 channels since then and played countless...never found another one that sounded quite that good. It wasn't like a 2 channel, but it was a good and different tone in it's own right.
jtb226 said:
siggy14 said:
By the way, I had one of the very first 3 channel dual rec's ever made, and that thing sounded killer too, not like a pre-1000, but it was a little different then what i hear today.

siggy, what was the s/n on that? i'm trying to figure out where mine stands in relation to the other 3 channels. i think mine is pretty early, but i'm not sure. do you know what number they switched to 3 channels at?

My 2001 three channel was in the 21,000 range.
LnTh said:
Where the # of the recto, user, location can be documented.

Wouldn't that be cool? There could also be a message board to get in contact or something.

Just an idea :p

Hey LnTh, miss you over at HC!!!

Anyhow, per request, I'm trying to get this going. I'm curious to learn with unbiased information how the development really works. I'm doing some rework over at (Installing a myspace type system and will Host MP3s uploads for my members) Here is what I come up with thus far.

Anyone with pre1000 or any 1992 to early 1993, I encourage everyone to post their recto over there so we can put and end to this debate.

Great Idea bro!

Hey man,
Well at least we can talk here :)

That's my point. Getting unbiased info. Imagine you meet someone with a low # recto who lives close to you. Wouldn't it be cool to go check it out? That sort of deal. I'll check out the link!

FWIW, I'm not trying to create any hype here folks. I'm just a curious recto fan. I mean worst case, we can exchange settings eh?
Boogiebabies said:
My 2001 three channel was in the 21,000 range.

Thanks BB. Mine is 231xx

So mine is fairly early too I'm guessing. I know it really doesn't mean anything, but it is cool to me to know that. I always thought mine was a little different because I don't seem to have as much fizziness as the current 3 channel's that I've played at GC and such.
I am not sure, it was so long ago and i never realized how good it sounded compared to the others till after i sold it. Of course i didnt keep the S/N.

Boogiebabies said:
jtb226 said:
siggy14 said:
By the way, I had one of the very first 3 channel dual rec's ever made, and that thing sounded killer too, not like a pre-1000, but it was a little different then what i hear today.

siggy, what was the s/n on that? i'm trying to figure out where mine stands in relation to the other 3 channels. i think mine is pretty early, but i'm not sure. do you know what number they switched to 3 channels at?

My 2001 three channel was in the 21,000 range.

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