so who actually plays out?

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big rigs: home or gig?

  • Yep, I take her out

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  • Nah, I keep her just for me

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no soul

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2005
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SF - East Bay, California
Ive noticed that its a really common trend on this board for people
to have high wattage amps and/or large speaker cabs, just to play at home!

I cant say I dont understand, Ive had half stacks just sitting in my bed room for more than a few months.

I actually currently have my F-100 stack in my studio,
and for now Ive got my Recto half stack sitting at home.

However, despite having done it before, I really just cant see why I should play that thing at home???

I have a Roland Microcube for that.

Ive been lazy lately, and I think I really need to get my recto to my studio, otherwise Im probably just going to end up selling her, which I know Id probably end up regretting.

So howbout the rest of you guys?
I play out with my Road big speaker cabs, just the combo, which is heavy enough. Because I don't keep my rig in the band trailer, I need something I can move in my car....along with the keyboardist's gear (he's blind and natch, doesn't drive). As much as I'd like a 4x12 or even a closed back 2x12, I need to be concious of space.

Before hurricane Katrina, we were playing out a lot...couple of gigs a week...since the storm, most of the big clubs have been destroyed, so for a while, things were lean...but now they are picking up again....

So, I am one of the forum members who play out frequently with my high-wattage monster.

I play out on an irregualar basis. I haven't had the time to work in a band lately (as in, last two years), but I do still get out and do live jams ans **** with friends, or just play solo at backyard/basement parties and whatnot.

At home I mix it up between the high wattage heads and a MicroAmp.....largely depending on what time of day it is. Recently I also picked up a Rivera Pubster (25w 1x10 combo) for playing small **** where I don't feel like draging a cab along.....though after plugging it into my 4x12 the single 10in speaker seems a little inadiquate. Maybe I'll try to shove a 12 into the f*cker. :lol:
I play in a new cover band and we have just started booking gigs. Keep my Mesa 4x10 at home and use a beat up Marshall 4x10 for gigs/rehearsal. Hoping to add a Stiletto Ace to the mix shortly.
Only playing at home for the time being, but I have a 1x12 LSS set at 5 watts. :wink:

I can't imagine toting around a 100-watt head and a big cab even if I was playing arenas - that's what PA's are for.
I've actually not had my Mesa out yet. I still rely heavily on an effects processor (POD XT) for my main band so that goes right into a poweramp and voila. However, I will be brining out the the Mesa for our next gig!
I play a couple of casual gigs, but we're usually playing in a garage studio. I also have a Roland Cube, but somehow it hasn't been as satisfying to play as a tube amp. The Hot Plate has been great for lower volume playing.

I have 2x12 cab along with my amp, which is probably more than I'll ever need, and is as much as I'm willing to tote around.

BTW- Red Barchetta- I'm really glad to hear that the music scene is coming back together for you in your area.
I gig out but to tell ya the truth my 4X12 cab usually stays at home unless I play a large venue. Most of the time i take my 2X12 Recto cab!
The sole reaeson I bought a roadking was because I play in a covers band and needed more than a Rectoverb + pedals to give me what i need.

When the amp arrives....the pedals will follow.

tiger roach said:
I can't imagine toting around a 100-watt head and a big cab even if I was playing arenas - that's what PA's are for.

I play small clubs and everytime I try to "get away with" bringing a small amp, I miss the thunder going on behind me, so it's Dual Rec and 4x12 for me!
We play out 2-3 times a month and more frequently during the summer with all the festivals. I have an LSC 2x12 it works great with our setup. I don't need a larger cab because we mic everything through the pa as well.
at the moment no band, but i'm using my mark 4 to record now, but i hope to have a band soon, and take her out. 8)
Yep, I take 'er out! I even fall more in love with her each time I do.....Heck, sometimes I'll even feed her :wink: .

Man, that sounds like a woman..... It's my 120 pound black beauty with great knobs!!

Back to the subject, I actually play out with my rock cover band 1-3 times a week, with a weekend off once a month - We do stuff like Bon Jovi, Creed, Incubus, Maroon 5, Foringer, Bad Company, AC/DC, Poison, Warrent and a little Keith Urban. I also play in a mostly original band, 50% acoustic 50% full band.. In the original band we do music more along the lines of Keith Urban, Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley and then trun around and do acoustic versions of Creed, Bon Jovi, Puddle of Mudd type of songs. They're both pretty fun and well recieved around this part of the country.
I was playing out regularly before I moved to NY. Now I have to put a new band together. I never really played my DC-10 at home. Way to loud.
Live though, it was perfect! Great tone. and my master never went over 2.5 - 3. It is just LOUD!!!
Oh and great tone too!
At home I just use my POD XT! Can get great tones out of it for recording, and more than enough for home practicing.
Boogies are live amplifiers. That's the enviornment in which they thrive!
No tube amp is going to sound as good at bedroom levels, as it does live.
Reherasals man, I use the stiletto duece and always keep it on the 50 watt setting there is something magical about 50 watts clipping the power tubes. I find most club gigs ask you to turn down because of the P.A and the small area space.

Gibson Sg Standard, Stiletto Duece, recto traditional, crybaby wah, EH small clone - soon to come Gibson Firebird
I use a Single Rectifier half stack for both practice and gigs. We have a loud drummer and I can just get the volume up enough to sound good over the drums without an attenuator. We have a rehearsal studio so no problems with levels.