So my DR can't swim...

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
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London, UK
Err so.. if were out gigging with your TR and came home to find your (now ex) girlfriend had left your backup DR to soak in the bath for the evening what would you do? I let it dry out for a few days and attached it to a dummy load, turned it on and heard some loud banging sounds from inside the amp then the mains tripped. Is there any hope for my amp?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Also does anyone know how I can get hold of the front logo and the small grill that it screws onto for a Triple/Dual Recto in the UK? (Not the diamond plate part unless it has to be bought as one piece)
I would take her *** to court, she ruined a very valuable peice of equiptment and I know here in the states she could be forced to pay.
wow man i couldn't even believe what would i do if my girl did that to my amp. Thats why i have to really trust her to have access to all my equipment because i know women will do some crazy things when they're mad. Like the others said "Take her *** to court!" :x
jakeleigh said:
Err so.. if were out gigging with your TR and came home to find your (now ex) girlfriend had left your backup DR to soak in the bath for the evening what would you do? I let it dry out for a few days and attached it to a dummy load, turned it on and heard some loud banging sounds from inside the amp then the mains tripped. Is there any hope for my amp?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Also does anyone know how I can get hold of the front logo and the small grill that it screws onto for a Triple/Dual Recto in the UK? (Not the diamond plate part unless it has to be bought as one piece)

there's hope i think, but let a professional handle it. (tech for the amp, lawyer for the ex)

good luck
Man I am sorry to hear that ...condolensces bro! But on the up side, you are rid of one apparently psycho chick THAT's a big plus there. Now go to a tech and get it made right. :)


Why do Mesa's have to continually pay for the mistakes of the male race?
Remember that combo that was stabbed?

Anyhow guys a bit of Advice, if you LIVE with a woman and you PISS her off....chances are she will go after your stuff. If we were Race Car drivers our race cars would be wrecked but we are MEN and GUITARISTS/BASSISTS...our gear is a soft spot.

Protect your mesa and use good common sense!

that is all
My guess is she was attracted to you in the first place partially because you were a musician. I actually shot a guitar once because of a girlfriend, I still have the guitar. They just won't understand...we can't give this up........How bout unloading the whole storie. Stuff like this resolves you to keep on keeping on. Even in the best of relationships...I think they always resent what you wont give up..... Be hip and stay cool.....CGM
I hate to say it, but the amp is toast.

Most amps can take having some water spilled on it (hopefully, while it is off), but to have it submerged in water for a few hours is another story.

Sorry to have to tell you this, but it is the truth.

Good luck.

get a bugera, a new girlfriend , rinse, repeat. :lol:
WHAT?? A BUGERA???? that's like saying date a stripper.... fun while it lasts but your true love still waits for you.. worst piece of advice ever! replace a DR with a chinese p.o.s. are you serious?
Wash it out with De ox it, send it to Boogie and say it just stopped working. I bet they could have it fixed with just a reasonable bench charge. Don't throw in the towel just yet.(Amp, not girl-fiend)
colemaneuclid said:
WHAT?? A BUGERA???? that's like saying date a stripper.... fun while it lasts but your true love still waits for you.. worst piece of advice ever! replace a DR with a chinese p.o.s. are you serious?

Why, that would be like, er, cheating, wouldn't it? :D
jakeleigh said:
Err so.. if were out gigging with your TR and came home to find your (now ex) girlfriend had left your backup DR to soak in the bath for the evening what would you do? I let it dry out for a few days and attached it to a dummy load, turned it on and heard some loud banging sounds from inside the amp then the mains tripped. Is there any hope for my amp?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Also does anyone know how I can get hold of the front logo and the small grill that it screws onto for a Triple/Dual Recto in the UK? (Not the diamond plate part unless it has to be bought as one piece)

What does the law say there in the UK? i know here in the states anthing over $250 in damage to personal property is a felony and the offender could spend up to 1 yr in jail.
fishyfishfish said:
Wash it out with De ox it, send it to Boogie and say it just stopped working.

Ahh... Yes, the guys at Mesa Boogie are complete morons and they will never be able to tell that the amp was damaged by water. :roll:

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