Single Rect. Solo 50 w/ G Major

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Northern, New Jersey
I've just traded in my PodXtlive for a G Major. I wanna keep my great tone and just run some Modulation effects once in a while. I'm running it through the Loop, but read in the manual that G-M works best with a Serial Loop. I know my SR has a Parallel and have the schematics to Mod it to a Serial.

Should I try to mod it or leave it as a serial? What would be the benefit of making this Mod and if it is a benefit, why wouldn't MESA ship it that way?

Anyone ever use one of these units? Any other all in one recommendations? I've got a month to check it out and decide.

Thanks for your input.

Modulation fx don't sound too good thorugh a parallel loop.... It's not that they don't sound good, but rather than they really dont work too well. With a serial fx loop it takes the whole signal and runs it through the effect and then sends it to the power amp section.... with a parallel loop it splits the signal and sends a dry mix to the power amp and a wet mix to the power amp and most of the time the modulation fx get covered up by the dry mix or just makes the amp sound out of phase instead of what you're really wanting (phase, flange, chorus, ect...). If changing it to a serial loop wont mess your tone up any, I'd do that in a heart beat or run the fx processor in front to the amp. Thats my $.02 woth.