Scored TWO Mark IV A's from Steve Miller today!

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Jaredface said:
You looking to sell one of those footswitches with the cords?????

Yes, I was going to list it on eBay in the next couple days. I think I have 6 of them now, and only 3 Mark IV's. One of the footswitches going up for sale was custom made with an extra long cable. It must be 50'. Of the ones I am selling, I have the one without the cable attached, a normal footswitch and the extra long cabled footswitch.
They have the nicest gibson gcc 700 not good looking but the sound/action are nice and buttery for $599

they sold Steve Miller's Valley Arts guitar and I saw the Jimi Hendrix stack there for 5500?
huh, my post disappeared! yeah, I was there at the showcase the other day and saw the stack you're talking about. However, I did not see the price. But some guy was getting very good tones at low volumes.