Roadster FX Loop Bypass

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Well-known member
May 31, 2005
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I spent some time with my new Roadster last night and after an hour of knob turning I reached around the back of the amp and engaged the FX Hard Bypass. Holy *&^%$!!! That REALLY opens the amp up a lot. For studio use I will always use this feature. I thought that it would be subtle but the difference is night and day. The amp sounds a bit compressed and congested normally until you get the volume WAY up. The switch bypasses the loop, master volume and solo features. The channel masters become the final output. Without all the extras in the signal path the amp just comes alive. It's like taking a blanket off the speakers. It improved the tone so much that I may have to just put my FX in the closet and run it this way all the time. Give it a shot, it will make you :D !
I just noticed that you are in Emination. I think I saw you guys last year over in Oneonta at The Bullet. I am I correct? I'm good friends with some of the guys in One Will Fall and if I'm right you guys were on the bill with them and a few other bands. The other guitarist in my band was doing sound for that show.
OK, I had the time to give this a shot over the weekend, and WOW!!!

What a huge difference (and improvement to my ears). The amp seems to "open up" and esp in CH 4, was a bit heavier and chunky.

CH 2 Brit mode opened up as well.

So, can someone explain to a tube amp Newb what this 'really does" in the amp?

And does it place more strain on the amp/tubes to run it in this fashion?

Not looking to hijack the thread, but I would like to learn more.

Thanks much, Lithium Zero, for the suggestion!!!
All it does is remove a bunch of extra circuitry from the signal path so you get the pure sound of the amp without any of the tone sucking features.
LithiumZero said:
I just noticed that you are in Emination. I think I saw you guys last year over in Oneonta at The Bullet. I am I correct? I'm good friends with some of the guys in One Will Fall and if I'm right you guys were on the bill with them and a few other bands. The other guitarist in my band was doing sound for that show.

Hey! Yeah that was one of our first shows.
I remember bypassing did wonders compared to the alternative, but when I tried an EQ in my loop I was so blown away I did not try to put in in front of the amp with the loop bypass.

Will try and report.
I've had my roadster for almost a year, and I too have noticed how the loop bypass brings out the balls of the amp. I want to run it that way all the time, but I kinda have to use a chorus, delay and whammy pedals. Is there any routing way I can keep it in bypass and still use my effects?

Would that be the fx button on the footswitch?
Hmmmm i wonder if it would do anything for a triple recto? I have never bypassed the loop on my triple before.
R_ADKINS80 said:
Hmmmm i wonder if it would do anything for a triple recto? I have never bypassed the loop on my triple before.
oh man you gotta do it. loop engaged castraits the amp.
you know i have thought about taking the loop out as well and have not done it yet. it makes that much of a difference, i have to try this... what would i do with my other effects though??
OK I tried this and WOW!! the Roadster totally opens up... only pedal I use in my loop was a delay b/c it sounds so much better now I have an issue with that b/c I have to run the amp like this - it sounds even better than it did before!
So with the loop bypassed, do your power tubes still play a role in your tone or is the tone purely from the preamp tubes? I personally prefer to crank the power tubes over the preamps.
It does not change anything other than removing the FX loop and solo circuits from the signal path.
^^^^ exactly. It removes a bunch of components from the signal path and lets a more raw, in-you- face tone come through so to speak. It seems as those few extra pots and solo boost cicuitry mush the tone up quite a bit. I now have no need for my fx loop at all and I never plan on turning the loop back on.
Wondering if parrallel fx circuit would allow the rawness to come thru, so you could still enjoy your other effects. I belive they come standard with series loop?
uvwx097 said:
Well, instead of what would likely be a mass of several threads from each person when they hit 80. Here's a single post to share your leveling experience.

As for me, I blitzed through with Ioa. I acknowledge that I missed a lot, but I don't regret it (I have 3 other 70s I can take my time on anyway :p).

For gear, starting at Kara/T5/Badge level (roughly even mix of them) managed to keep most of my stuff until 80. Trinkets and rings were pretty common. Weapons were pretty common as well, though didn't get an upgrade until 78 or so (though, there is a Ring of Blood type quest that would have upgraded my badge axe at 75ish).

Ran a few instances, all are very well designed with some really interesting fights. Gold came in hot and heavy as well, even while disenchanting all my quest rewards that I didn't use and all the greens I picked up.

No realm firsts tho, I think I was the 4th Horde warrior to 80 and alliance really took the class firsts from our hands (they got 7/10.. we got Druid, Lock, and Shaman).

Well, that's about it, share your stories as well :).

:?: :?: :?:
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